The master of the North Temple frowned slightly at this time, and then said, "master Feng is still a person who adheres to the rules, so we must abide by the rules, no matter which one exists

In fact, that's why, although the Phoenix master appeared earlier, he still couldn't queue up, but he still chose to queue up silently

Otherwise, with the strength of the Phoenix master, if you want to break through, you can't stop like this... "

After listening to the words of the four main temple owners, how could Lin Ming not realize that within the scope of entering the God site, the first truly powerful enemy he met came.

Naturally, this is the Phoenix master.

Lin Ming frowned slightly and said, "in this way, the Phoenix master will definitely stop us. I'm afraid there will be a fight between him and me..."

"In fact, that's not necessarily true." The master of the East Temple said, "it's also because of the Feng master's style and character that he has always been in awe of the existence of all the temples. He will surely give us a little bit of thin face to the four Temple masters..."

For a moment, the other three Temple masters shook their heads slightly and sighed in unison

"It's hard, I'm afraid."

Then, the Lord of the North Temple said to Lin Ming, "master, if the Phoenix Lord can give us some thin noodles, it will be a good thing. But if the Phoenix Lord wants to stop us, don't worry. We won't sit back and ignore it. We will join hands with you to deal with the Phoenix Lord..."

The South Temple master nodded“ Indeed, since we have agreed to take our predecessors to the entrance of the God site, we will certainly abide by our promise... "

For a moment, Lin Ming didn't speak, and his eyes looked thoughtful.

Obviously, just from the four Temple masters, Lin Ming knew some information about the Phoenix master. Naturally, he was the first to know that the Phoenix master was the strong among the strong.

Although Lin Ming is confident that Phoenix master can't kill him, I'm afraid that he will have great difficulty in dealing with Phoenix master.

At the moment, he was really not sure that he could defeat the Phoenix master and continue to go to the distant God ruins.

Seeing that Lin Ming was silent, the four Temple masters looked quite happy.

It seems that Lin Ming still needs their help.

So in their eyes, it seems natural that Lin Ming would owe them.

At that time, once Lin Ming becomes the supreme of the universe, that is, the Lord of the universe, he will inevitably leave one of the four temples.

"Master, time is pressing. Even if there is a phoenix Lord in front of us, we can't slow down."

East Temple Lord's step, accelerated a few minutes to get up.

Five people also continue to walk forward.

Then, after walking more than 1000 meters, Lin Ming could not help but stop even if the four Temple masters did not speak at this time.

It's close.

Indeed, he felt that a strong breath, very close, as if in front of the same.

When Lin Ming looked into the distance, there were thousands of figures in his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Ming's heart was already tight.

Among these thousands of figures, at least most of the strong ones emit three kinds of cosmic power. Among them, many of them emit the most powerful cosmic power, the most powerful cosmic ending power.

These thousands of figures all seem to be meditating with their knees crossed, closing their eyes.

At the moment when Lin Ming and five of the four Temple masters appeared, it seemed that the eyes of the thousands of strong men just opened slowly. After their eyes were swept to the four Temple masters, there was a flash of surprise.

Among them, a strong man, gazing at the four Temple masters, said:

"Four Temple masters, they are also here

It's only a thousand years before the end of the universe

The four of you are not in the temple. How did you get here? You know, you come here in vain

The existence of the God site has nothing to do with the four Temple owners for a long time... "

Seeing the strong man's unkind words, the four Temple masters didn't look angry for a moment.

The master of the East Temple opened his mouth and said slowly: "the existence of the God ruins is related to the birth of the master of the universe, and the birth of the master of the universe is related to the fate of the whole universe, and the fate of all creatures in the whole universe

As the supreme beings in the universe, the temple owners naturally have the responsibility and obligation to pay close attention to the occurrence and change of everything. "

The master of the North Temple added, "well, naturally, this time, the news that there are traces of gods in the God ruins of tianxingxing has been spread, and we must make it clear to all the temples..."

The master of the West Temple nodded: "yes, it is our bounden duty and obligation as the master of the temple..."

"This time, the situation of stars in the sky is just the beginning."

The master of the South Temple said: "because the universe is coming to an end, it is inevitable that in a short time, among all the God sites in the four directions of the universe, there will be news about gods and the disappearance of traces of gods

Whether it's the stars in the sky or any other stars, we won't just sit back and watch them... "


He was silent. After hearing that the four Temple masters all spoke like this, the strong man was silent. Obviously, he also felt that what the four Temple Masters said was reasonable.

But only three seconds later, the strong man spoke again and said:

"As the temple owners, what you said is reasonable, but the rules of Celestial Star's neutrality can't be disobeyed, even the temple owners are no exception

In addition, there is no need for you to enter the God site

After all, as a failed candidate for the Lord of the universe, he has lost the qualification to get the divine breath

At present, hundreds of millions of strong people here will not, let alone any other strong people who dare to break through

If we dare to have a strong one, we, as descendants of the Phoenix Protoss, will never let go of anyone who dares to have a strong one

Therefore, for the current situation of the stars in the sky, the four Temple masters can also put 10000 hearts into it.... "

The strong man looked directly at the four Temple masters, got up and said slowly. It really looked like he was not humble and arrogant. He was very calm.

Seeing that the four Temple masters did not leave immediately for a moment, suddenly another strong man spoke with a trace of impatience

"I dare to ask the four Temple masters what they mean. Our great elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, has made it very clear

If there are descendants of the Phoenix Protoss sitting in the sky, there will be absolutely no problem. Even if the demon king or even the evil spirit exists, we will definitely let it never come back... "

"The rules?" At this time, a cold hum came from the Lord of the West Temple. He looked a little impatient and said in a cold voice

"The rules of the universe are the rules of the temples

What's the rule of the temples? It's respect for the strong and respect for the Lord of the universe

Under the strong, there are mole ants, and under the master of the universe, there are dust... "

The Lord of the North Temple could not help but utter a cold hum: "in the world, there are many temples. Where do we want to go, how long do we stay, and when it's time for the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss to tell us what to do? It's ridiculous..."

"What do you mean?"

At this time, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss brushed, and his eyes really flashed in a flash, and he said coldly:

"I've made it quite clear just now that the presence of you four Temple masters here has no effect at all

Among the hundreds of millions of strong people, there are more powerful than the four of you

Moreover, it is also the most important point.... "

After a pause, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss stressed once again:

"As the failed candidates for the master of the universe, you have lost the qualification to enter the God site, and even more, you have lost the qualification to obtain the God site..."

"You're right, and it's true." The master of the East Temple decided not to waste any more time. He could see that the elder of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss was not polite to their four Temple masters for their existence.

It was a little unexpected.

He went on to say, "we really didn't come here for the relics of gods, and we didn't come here for the breath of gods. The reason why we suddenly appeared

It's all because of him... "

At this time, the Lord of the East Temple motioned for Lin Ming next to him.

Seeing the sign of the master of the East Temple, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss just glanced at Lin Ming. Then he looked very contemptuous and contemptuous.

He said faintly, "the boy you are talking about is really strong, but it depends on who you compare with

With his strength, among the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss, he can only rank in the middle

No matter why you appear, if you are not qualified to enter the God site, please go back now

This is a rule that hundreds of millions of strong people must abide by... "

"Ha ha," the other side's attitude was so contemptuous and impolite again and again. The Lord of the West Temple looked a little unbearable at last. He sneered and let out. After a while, a murderous air rose directly from his body.

The Lord of the West Temple said, "don't you really want to know why he can disturb us and make us suddenly appear

I tell you, even the star God array in the temples and the realm of God can't trap him

All the three strong stars were destroyed by him... "

Brush, such words from the mouth of the Lord of the West Temple, as if finally played a little effect.

Originally, it seemed that only the elder and a few other strong people were paying attention to Lin Ming and the four Temple masters.

All the other strong men just opened their eyes when Lin Ming and others appeared, and then closed their eyes again. At this time, everyone's eyes suddenly opened.

At that time, all the eyes were on Lin Ming.

At this moment, I don't know whether these strong men are intentionally or unintentionally. When they brush, a breath rises from their bodies. Almost at the first time when they open their eyes, they cover Lin Ming's body.

Of course, with the opening of the West Temple, all these strong people's practices naturally subconsciously tested Lin Ming.

However, it seems that this is just a trial, but the breath of more than 1000 people at the same time is very important.

In their view, even the four Temple owners had to fight against this kind of breath.

But the next moment, let all these strong accident is happened.

Lin Ming always seems calm and calm, standing still, with a smile on his face that seems unfathomable. He doesn't mean to do anything. He allows this kind of breath to come to him.

Then in an instant, the breath of the thousands of strong men was like a breeze on Lin Ming's face.

Let alone let Lin Ming body shake, it seems that even if it is blowing the corner of Lin Ming's clothes, it is not done at all.

"No wonder, even you four God Temple masters, who are haunted by ghosts, are shocked. How dare you, this boy has some ability..."

The appearance of such a scene, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss is naturally the first time to see it very clearly.

Obviously, he also learned more, a sudden appearance:

"It seems that this boy must be a candidate for the master of the universe. He shows his great strength and makes you four Temple masters take a fancy to him, so he places his hope on him..."


For a moment, the four Temple masters did not speak, as if they already knew what to say with the great Presbyterian Council of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss.

Sure enough, the elder said, "but you have a bad eye. You are wrong

It seems that since you failed to take part in the test of the messenger of the universe, your existence as the temple master has not only made your state and strength worse, but also your vision worse and worse... "

"Hum." A cold hum came out of the South Temple master's mouth and said directly: "as the temple masters, we have our own considerations and plans. Why do you need a big elder of the descendant of Phoenix to tell us what to do

Now, I don't want to talk to you any more. Get out of the way. We'll take him to the entrance of the God site. No one can stop him... "

Teng of once, such a words directly from the South Temple Lord's mouth, this is not only the elder, now all the other strong, in a moment, the body is also directly gushing a strong breath momentum, and murderous.

This kind of breath, momentum, and murderous, overwhelming general, first of all surged to Lin Ming and the four Temple owners.

Of course, no matter Lin Ming or the four Temple masters, the realm strength is not built.

For this instant surge of breath momentum, as well as murderous, the first time seems to be blind to the same.

Of course, it didn't seem that the other party was about to start at that moment, but just wanted Lin Ming and the four Temple masters to know that it was absolutely impossible for them to get out of the way.

Naturally, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss said coldly at this time: "it's ridiculous. How come the rules that hundreds of millions of strong people must abide by come to you? It's like they don't exist

Hum... "

A cold hum came out of the mouth of the elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss. In a moment, the cold light in his eyes became more intense

"No one wants to break the rules here, even the four Temple masters are no exception

If anyone has the courage to break the rules here, he will be the enemy of me, the Phoenix master and the descendants of the whole Phoenix Protoss

Four Temple masters, now I can tell you the truth, even if you four Temple masters join hands, they are no longer the opponents of Phoenix master

There is already a breath of God in the main body of the Phoenix

Finally, I'll give you four Temple masters another chance. Now leave as soon as possible. We can still regard what just happened as if it had not happened, otherwise... "

A cold hum came out from the mouth of the East Temple master: "otherwise, do you think you will be the opponent of our four Temple masters? Even if you all join hands, you can't be my opponent at all

I think it's better to shout out the Phoenix master. "

Indeed, among the thousands of people, the four Temple masters did not see the existence of the Phoenix master.

This is true of the four Temple masters, and so is Lin Ming.

When the four Temple masters and the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss spoke, Lin Ming's eyes had swept the surrounding space, and he felt a little strange and strange in his heart.

Before, when he saw such thousands of strong men, he really felt a very strong breath.

But just in the moment when thousands of figures came into Lin Ming's sight, the strong breath disappeared and suddenly disappeared.

For a moment, the feeling to Lin Ming was just like what he felt just now. It was just his illusion.

"I've already said that the Phoenix Lord is no longer the existence of the opponent under the joint efforts of the four Temple masters..."

At this time, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss looked proud and proud. "Even if you are the temple master, you are no longer qualified to see the Phoenix master. You can see..."

"Ha ha, in this way, your so-called descendants of the Phoenix Protoss really want to rebel."

Hearing the other party's words, the East Temple Master seemed to be a little impatient at last.

Teng for a moment, the moment that a sentence is finished, a strong breath rises from him immediately.

Lin Ming is familiar with this kind of breath, which is the existence of the cosmic breath.

But for a moment, Lin Ming seemed to feel a little surprised that in such a cosmic atmosphere, there seemed to be an atmosphere that even he felt strange.

If it is not the power of the star core or the supreme power of the universe, it will not be the immortal breath.

The master of the East Temple said coldly: "since the Phoenix master is not here, it's better. If anyone dares to block our way, don't blame us for being rude

Do it... "

A big drink came out of the mouth of the Lord of the East Temple.

The other three Temple masters also acted together, which seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Similarly, a strong breath rises directly from the body.

It seems that the four Temple masters are also very decisive and straightforward.

In the whistling sound, the strong breath rising from the four Temple masters directly attacked the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

At the same time, we also attack all the other strong players.


But the next moment, the faces of the four Temple masters suddenly changed.

Indeed, at the moment when their breath wanted to directly attack all the strong ones, including the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, all these people disappeared out of thin air.

Disappeared without a trace.

It's as if it never happened.

"Not good."

At the next moment, the faces of the four Temple masters were more like subconscious Qi Qi, which became a lot ugly.

A sea of fire.

Indeed, all of a sudden, the four Temple masters just felt the light in front of them suddenly shake.

They all found themselves in a sea of fire.

"Phoenix Fire."

Then, after the four Temple masters saw a scene, Qi Qi's cry of surprise came from their mouths, which was also subconscious.

Indeed, there is a sea of fire around the world, a group of purple and gold flames flying around, rising and surging, all showing the image of a Phoenix.

In this way, every Phoenix's body is hundreds of meters long with its wings spread out and flapping.

This kind of phoenix image, all around in the high altitude, dense, completely incalculable.

"That's right." at this time, a voice sounded out of thin air, full of sarcasm: "it seems that as the existence of the temple master, there is some vision and insight, recognizing that this is the Phoenix Fire

Then you naturally know that the Phoenix Fire is a kind of flame left by the ancient Phoenix

This kind of flame has been hidden in the cores of hundreds of millions of stars in the Phoenix galaxy, which is extremely difficult to obtain

That is to say, among the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss, a strong man came into being. Naturally, he was our Phoenix master, and finally controlled the Phoenix Fire

Otherwise, why do you think the descendants of Phoenix Protoss can quickly take back all the lost stars in a short time

Phoenix Fire is a kind of existence that can be burned even the armor of gods in the temples

Four Temple masters, and you, who don't know where to come from, just enjoy the heat of Phoenix Fire

Of course, your strength is extraordinary. It seems that there is no problem after more than a thousand years of Phoenix Fire. But the key is that by that time, the universe is over

Hum, this is the end of daring to break the rules here, even the temple owners are no exception... "

The voice no longer rings. It is obvious that the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss has determined that Lin Ming and the four Temple owners have been trapped by the Phoenix Fire, and it is impossible to get out of it.

Immediately, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss seems to be too lazy to pay any attention to Lin Ming, just like the four Temple masters.

At this time, the faces of the four Temple masters were extremely dignified.

The master of the East Temple sighed and said, "it's not just the Phoenix Fire. It's also a field. The Phoenix field is more powerful than the field of God

It's almost the same as the star God array... "

"I didn't think of it, but I never thought of it." The master of the North Temple also said, "I've heard about the reputation of the Phoenix master for a long time, but I didn't expect that he was so powerful that he even controlled the Phoenix Fire

In ancient times, even the gods were afraid of the Phoenix Fire. "

The Lord of the West Temple looked at Lin Ming and said, "I'm very sorry

"Master, we are really sorry for you. We didn't expect that the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss had already controlled the Phoenix Fire. No wonder the elder didn't pay attention to us or the temples at all..."

"We can't get out."

The Lord of the West Temple said, it seemed that he could not help showing a look of despair at this time.

After looking around his eyes, Lin Ming's face looked very dignified.

However, he did not seem to despair, nor would he be dispirited.

Seeing this, the master of the East Temple seemed to have a flash of light in his eyes. He looked very eager. He opened his mouth to Lin Ming and said:

"Master, do you have a way to break this Phoenix field, or to deal with this Phoenix Fire..."

Lin Ming seems to have a way.

In fact, at the moment when the Phoenix Fire appeared, the dragon soul in Shenju cave made an abnormal move, which made an excited roar in Shenju cave.

It seems that he is eager for such a phoenix fire.

If it wasn't for the strength of Lin Ming's realm, I'm afraid that at that moment, the dragon soul would have rushed out directly from the Shenju cave.

Naturally, it's impossible for Lin Ming to let the Dragon Spirit come out again. Even if he shows the dragon's real body, it's already an impossible thing.

Because he knew that once the real dragon body was displayed again, it would be the last time.

Once the dragon's real body is displayed, the dragon's soul will explode.

At that time, let alone find the God site, let alone become the supreme of the universe, that is, the Lord of the universe, he will disappear on the spot.

Inevitably, it will also affect Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu.

Lin Ming naturally didn't want to see this happen anyway.

"Keel fragments," natural, also seems to be natural, Lin Ming thought of the existence of keel fragments.

In addition to the dragon's real body, his most powerful move is the keel fragment.

"Ha ha." But at this time, a strange laugh suddenly came into Lin Ming's mind. There is no doubt that it was magic boy's sudden opening.

From the voice of magic boy, it seems that he is very excited.

"Qiao, it's really a coincidence. At present, even if you don't have to show the keel fragments, you can still deal with the Phoenix Fire..."

"Oh? How to deal with the Phoenix Fire? " Lin Ming also looked a little anxious and asked.

Indeed, at this moment, he clearly saw that although it was only a few seconds, the power of the Phoenix Fire around him was obviously more powerful.

Can see clearly, then these four Temple Lord's face all seem to involuntarily more a layer of sweat.

As for the face of the words, but also a lot of pale.

It seems that in the next moment, even as the existence of the temple master, it will fall into the Phoenix Fire.

Indeed, Lin Ming can clearly feel that the immortal breath outside his body is rapidly wearing away.

If it were not for the fact that he had seven immortal spirits, the immortal breath in his body would have been half consumed by this time.

What's more, what makes Lin Ming feel a little shocked is that even the breath of the universe, even the existence of the supreme power of the universe, is unable to deal with the Phoenix Fire.

"Broken sword." For a moment, it was a simple word, which came out of the Devil boy's mouth.

"Broken sword?" It sounds like two strange words. From the mouth of magic boy, Lin Ming seems to be subconsciously stunned for a moment. Then he reflects that what magic boy said should be the broken sword given to him by the South Temple master who wanted to bribe him.

Because this broken sword and that broken gun are similar to a broken knife and a chain, and Lin Ming can't see the clue at all, so he took them into the pieces of the keel and let magic boy study them.

Now, the Devil boy suddenly opened his mouth. It was obvious that he had studied something about the broken sword.

"That's right, it's this broken sword..." in Tong's voice, there was still a touch of excitement. "Do you know, whose weapon is this broken sword?"

"In whose hands."

"If I read it correctly, this broken sword should belong to the weapon of the ancient god of fire. Such a weapon is called the purification of fire..."

The magic boy said slowly: "a weapon belonging to the ancient god of fire, although it has been damaged, there is no doubt that it is also a weapon belonging to the gods

Because it's damaged, it's also in deep sleep. If you can wake up the spirit inside, you should be able to deal with the Phoenix Fire

You know, there was a war between the gods and the orcs. At that time, the purification of the fire seemed to be made to deal with the Phoenix Fire of the Phoenix Protoss... "

Lin Ming was very happy. Although he didn't know why the magic boy knew all these things like the palm of his hand, what he said at this time was undoubtedly a hope, a hope that he could deal with the magic fire of the Phoenix and even break the field of the Phoenix.

With a flash of light, a broken knife in Lin Ming's hand disappeared, and then naturally appeared, which was the one just obtained from the master of the South Temple.

"Er, this..."

I thought that Lin Ming could come up with a good way to deal with it, but I never thought that what appeared in Lin Ming's hand was a broken sword, which was very familiar to the master of the South Temple.

Naturally, he seems to be subconscious, and he is stunned. It seems that he can't help looking at Lin Ming.

It seems that he wants to question Lin Ming when it's time, and take out such a broken sword to study.

In his opinion, even if Lin Ming had been studying for hundreds of millions of years, he could not find anything from such a broken sword.

"Master, you are..."

Naturally, at the same time, the other three Temple owners were also looking at Lin Ming.

"This broken sword can deal with the Phoenix Fire." Lin Ming seems to speak slowly.


"Can this broken sword deal with Phoenix Fire?"

As soon as these words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, it seemed subconsciously that the eyes of the four Temple masters were wide open. If they had not seen Lin Ming's incomparable strength, they would even have been unable to help saying whether Lin Ming was blind.

The South Temple really felt that this broken sword contained a strong breath. If it was brought into play, its power would be amazing.

But the problem is that he can't inspire such a breath in any case. After hundreds of millions of years of research, he has gained nothing else.

Seeing that Lin Ming's face didn't look like a joke, the master of the South Temple couldn't help but move. He immediately tried to ask: "master, have you recognized the origin of this broken sword..."

Lin Ming nodded slightly and said what magic boy had just said to him.

After listening to these words.

Stunned, immediately these four Temple masters all seem to involuntarily show a pair of stunned expression.

Although they are willing to believe what Lin Ming said, it is still too shocking.

South Temple Lord also can't help but subconsciously asked a, "this, this is really the ancient god of fire in the hands of weapons, the purification of fire?"

Lin Ming nodded.


Immediately, at least on the surface, the four Temple masters no longer had the slightest doubt. It seemed that subconsciously, a cold breath came out of their mouth.

The head of the South Temple seems to have lost his mind. He gets up and mumbles to himself:

"I didn't expect that. I never thought that I had a weapon of ancient gods in my hands. Why didn't I see it earlier


Speaking of this, the South Temple Master seemed to be naturally aware of something. He was afraid that Lin Ming would be angry, so he quickly explained it

"Master, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean anything else. I didn't regret that I gave you the purification of fire. I just didn't expect that such an insignificant broken sword would be the purification of fire in the hands of the ancient god of fire..."

At this time, the master of the East Temple seemed to think of something

"In ancient books, there are records about the ancient god of fire. A fire purification weapon was forged to kill the Phoenix Protoss

The Phoenix Protoss who died in the hands of the God of fire under the sword of fire purification can be said to be countless... "

"Ha ha..." immediately, the Lord of the West Temple could not help laughing. He was very excited and ecstatic

"At the moment, it's natural that the purification of fire is the most appropriate way to deal with Phoenix Fire

Now, I'm looking forward to saying that we will be trapped by the Phoenix Fire for more than a thousand years. What kind of expression will the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss look like when he sees us show up

Well, I'll take care of him then. "

At this time, Lin Ming had already carefully checked the broken sword in his hand again, but he still didn't find anything abnormal on the body of the sword, or in the body of the sword.

Nature is not aware of the existence of the soul.

Lin Ming no longer checked, and then almost all the immortal breath, the cosmic breath, and the three most powerful forces of the universe were instilled into this broken sword.

Then Lin Ming threw the broken sword into the air.

At this moment, the flaming Phoenix Fire immediately swept up and wrapped the broken sword heavily.

Time passed quickly.

A minute goes by.

Two minutes passed.

When the full ten minutes passed, for a moment, even the four Temple masters looked suspicious and muttered in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Isn't this the weapon in the hands of the ancient god of fire? Ten minutes later, there's still no reaction..."

"If it is really the purification of fire, the Phoenix Fire, let alone burning up, must be in that moment, that is, how far away it is..."

"However, it seems that I can still feel the existence of that broken sword. That is to say, from this point of view alone, even if this broken sword does not exist like the purification of fire, it must be extraordinary..."


At this moment, Qi Qi's exclamation came from the mouth of the four Temple masters. The eyes of the four Temple masters lit up directly.

It's moving.

It was not the broken sword that moved, but the burning flame that wrapped it.

All of a sudden, he retreated all around.

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