In just a few seconds, it retreated to a range of several kilometers.

For a moment, there was only a broken sword, still very quiet, floating in the air.

At this moment, the four main temples and Lin Ming seem to feel relieved.

Indeed, with the retreat of the Phoenix Fire, there was no Phoenix Fire around them. It can be imagined that the faces of the four Temple masters were all better immediately.

"It worked."

Naturally, the four main temple owners all looked excited and ecstatic, with a cry of surprise.

Brush, it is also like natural, the four Temple master, that looking at a broken sword away eyes are lit up, like two small light bulbs.

Looking at these four Temple masters, it seems that they can't help fighting for such a broken sword.

With the retreat of the Phoenix Fire, they naturally realized that such a broken sword was really the weapon in the hands of the ancient god fire, the purification of fire.

Weapons in the hands of ancient gods, even if they are damaged, their power is extraordinary.

From now on, the Phoenix Fire suddenly retreated to a distance of thousands of meters, you can see this.

"It used to be my weapon. Unfortunately, I missed it."

The South Temple Lord's eyes were staring at this broken sword. For a moment, he looked a little absent-minded.

He murmured. Suddenly, he could not help it. Suddenly, he took out his hand, flew out, stretched out his palm and grasped the broken sword.

"Ha ha..."

Immediately a burst of excited and ecstatic laughter came from his mouth.

Indeed, the moment he grasped it, he did grasp such a broken sword in his hand.

However, he still felt that the broken sword in his hand was no different from that before.

Poof suddenly rang out, followed by a scream, also from the South Temple master's mouth.

He let go of his hand, whew, and suddenly fell back.

When he stopped his body, he looked into the eyes of the broken sword. For a moment, he seemed to be filled with a touch of fear subconsciously.

Indeed, at that moment, a burst of purple and golden light suddenly appeared on the body of the broken sword.

At that moment, even if the South Temple Lord existed like this, he could clearly feel that every ray of purple and gold light was like a steel needle, and it was directly stabbed into his muscle, even into the bone, into the bone marrow.

It brought him a kind of unbearable pain immediately. For a moment, even if he was the existence of the temple master, he could not help crying out.

He didn't know how long he hadn't felt the pain, so long that he forgot what kind of experience it was.

Suddenly let go, when he stepped back, it was natural for him to imagine what a storm had set off in his heart.


See South Temple a scream exit, nature for the first time, the other three Temple owners can suddenly realize this, subconsciously showed a face of panic.

Brush once, immediately also imitate subconscious, forehead place direct infiltration and a burst of bean big sweat.

"Yes, this is the weapon in the hands of the ancient god of fire..."

"If this was not the weapon in the hands of the ancient god of fire, if the purification of fire, there would be no other weapon in the world that could release such a terrible fire..."

Compared with the four Temple owners who were looking at the broken sword with a look of panic, Lin Ming's face was very happy, and his eyes were bright when he looked at the broken sword.

I woke up.

Indeed, at the moment when the Phoenix Fire suddenly retreated, the soul of the instrument woke up.

At this time, Lin Ming can clearly feel the breath in this broken sword.

Perhaps it was just because of the awakening that the spirit of this instrument looked rather weak.

Seeing this, Lin Ming said to himself:

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me, I will definitely make you stronger and stronger."

It's moving.

At the moment when the sound of Lin Ming's words fell, it seemed that it was very quiet all the time. The suspended broken sword quivered slightly, which immediately revealed a sense of joy and passed it to Lin Ming's mind.

"It's moving."

And see such a scene of appearance, these four Temple Lord also seem to show a look of amazement, exclaimed.

In particular, the South Temple master's eyes widened, almost protruding.

"This, this..."

His voice was shaking violently, and he could only say one word. At the moment, it seems that his mood fluctuates greatly. At the moment, he can't even say a complete sentence.

Indeed, this broken sword has been in his hands for hundreds of millions of years.

He has also studied for hundreds of millions of years. Apart from feeling a strong breath, he has never studied anything from this broken sword.

Naturally, let alone such a broken sword, the body of the sword trembled slightly.

But what's going on now.

It just fell into the hands of Lin Ming. It took less than an hour.

Lin Ming first recognized the origin of the sword, and then made it tremble.

What does this mean? As a strong one among the strong, the South Temple Lord has a wide range of experience and vision.

Immediately a exclamation seemed to be subconscious, and it came from his mouth:

"Wake up, the soul in the purification of fire, wake up."

Indeed, in the eyes of the South Temple master, a broken sword suddenly trembles, which naturally means that the spirit in it has come to life.

Brush, followed by, his eyes naturally is to look at Lin Ming, eyes become burning up.

Looking at him like this, he seems to want to know how Lin Ming did it. As soon as the purification of fire fell into Lin Ming's hands, the soul of a broken sword woke up.

At this time, Lin Ming seemed to turn a blind eye to the strong reaction of the four Temple masters.

"Come here." Lin Ming's eyes also seemed to be involuntarily beaming with a gentle call and a brush.

Indeed, the broken sword moved again. It seemed very clever and fell into Lin Ming's hands.



Seeing the appearance of such a scene, I was shocked. The four Temple masters seemed to be shocked again.

It seemed that they could not control it. A sound of cool air came from their four Temple masters.

At this moment, as if subconsciously, they almost regarded Lin Mingzhen as the ancient god of fire.

Indeed, in their eyes, I am afraid that only the master of fire purification, the God of fire, can make this broken sword look so clever.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

At this time, the whole Phoenix field suddenly blew a hurricane whistling sound.

Tengteng, then, the flame of Phoenix became more intense. It ran up to a height of more than 100 meters. The heat wave rolled in, and the space was roasted. Time seemed to stagnate under the heat wave.

That group of Phoenix magic fire, condensed a more huge phoenix image, body length of several kilometers.

A pair of flame wings also stretched out, the body directly as long as tens of thousands of meters.

This kind of Phoenix, in this field of land, at a glance, is also a dense whole, simply can not see its specific number.


The appearance of such a scene, the eyes of the four Temple masters are staring up, looks like a pair of scared silly appearance, for a long time can't speak.

Their brows, even their bodies, are sweating at this moment.

"If we can't put out such a Phoenix Fire, we will really be roasted alive and die, dehydrated and die..."

"I didn't expect that, as the supreme existence of the temple owners, we would one day be roasted to death..."

"If this is spread out, the prestige and face of the temples will be completely lost by us..."

The four Temple masters all seemed to feel extremely frightened, helpless and desperate.

Indeed, this kind of Phoenix Fire is so powerful that it can compete with the gods in ancient times.

How could they think that the Phoenix master, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, had controlled such a Phoenix Fire.

After a brush, the four Temple owners know that if they have any hope of survival, this hope is completely on the purification of fire in Lin Ming's hands, and also on Lin Ming's body.

Their eyes fell on Lin Ming.

At the moment, Lin Ming can really feel that the power of the Phoenix Fire suddenly increased more than 100 times.

This kind of power, for a moment, even he could not help but feel a trace of fear.

It is estimated that the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss noticed the abnormality in this field, which suddenly enhanced the power of the Phoenix Fire.

Sure enough, at this time, a familiar voice sounded in this space

"Why, do you really think I can't see your every move

I didn't expect that. I'm really surprised that you have a weapon of the ancient god of fire in your hand, the purification of fire

Although it's only broken, although it's only one piece, there's no doubt that the weapon in the hands of the gods is the weapon in the hands of the gods

Even if it's seriously damaged, even if it's only one part, its power is extraordinary

But that's why I don't have the patience to trap you for thousands of years

If you want to blame it, you should blame yourself for suddenly having a weapon of Vulcan

To die... "

At the end of the speech, the sound of a big drink echoed in the whole space.

Then, the power of Phoenix Fire became more powerful.

Originally, the power of Phoenix Fire has been enhanced a hundred times.

At this time, the power of Phoenix Fire is directly enhanced to thousands of times.


Sure enough, for the first time, a scream came from the South Temple master.

Although he has a very strong sense of the universe, in protecting him, there are also enough three kinds of the most powerful forces of the universe.

At the same time, there was a strange smell that even Lin Ming felt. It was emitting outside the main body of the South Temple, protecting the main body of the South Temple.

But even so, this kind of powerful breath was directly destroyed by the Phoenix Fire, which was thousands of times more powerful.

In an instant, the wisps of Phoenix fire burned to the main body of the South Temple.

Lin Ming's face suddenly changed when he took a subconscious look.

The wisps of Phoenix Fire burning in the main body of the South Temple, so that the whole face of the South Temple, are becoming distorted, constantly twitching, stretching.

Facial muscles are also contracting rapidly. It seems that as long as there are two or three seconds, the whole person of the South Temple master will become a mummy.

"Help me, master, come on, help me."

And the South Temple Lord looked like he was suffering to the extreme. He looked at Lin Ming with a strong desire to survive. A word came out of his mouth intermittently.

His hand, too, reached out to Lin Ming. It seemed that he wanted to seize this point anyway and hope for survival.

Of course, all this happened in a flash.

As soon as the master of the South Temple opened his mouth, Lin Ming naturally started to clean up the fire in his hand. A sword slashed the master of the South Temple.

With a puff, the Phoenix Fire burning on the main body of the South Temple was extinguished for more than half.

Lin Ming waved his sword again. This time, the sword Qi shot out from the body of the broken sword and enveloped the whole body of the master of the South Temple.

Immediately, the Phoenix Fire burning on the main body of the South Temple was extinguished.

Seeing this, the voice of the great elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss sounded, but he was not nervous and worried. He was still full of murderous air and said coldly:

"If it's the perfect purification of fire, I might be afraid

However, one of the pieces was seriously damaged, and it was only a purification of the fire. I also wanted to fight against the Phoenix Fire. It was a joke

Now, I'll see how many times you can destroy the Phoenix Protoss. Hum... "

The voice of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss rang out and echoed in the whole space with a cold hum.

Sure enough, a hurricane like sound was heard. This is another Phoenix with a body length of 10000 meters. Don't rush to Lin Ming and the four Temple masters.

I'm scared.

At the moment of such a battle, the four Temple masters all showed a look of fright and stupidity.

Especially the master of the South Temple, he didn't want to taste the feeling of the Phoenix Fire burning on his body even if he was dead.

There was a flash of light in his hand, and a cosmic instrument appeared in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, a very powerful cosmic breath came out directly from such a cosmic instrument in his hands.

For the first time, the voice of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss also sounded: "master of the South Temple, don't think I don't know what you are going to do, you want to detonate the weapon of the universe in your hand..."

After a pause, a sneer full of contempt and disdain also sounded directly: "ha ha, South Temple master, even if you detonate yourself, you can't extinguish the Phoenix Fire

What's more, it's just a cosmic instrument in your hand

In the field of Phoenix, the flame of Phoenix is endless, and it is impossible to be extinguished

So, four Temple masters, and your son, you five will die obediently. "

Voice down, this moment, the burning Phoenix Fire, the power is a bit stronger.

"The self explosion of a cosmic instrument may not be able to extinguish the Phoenix Fire, but if it's ten or even twenty."

At this time, the other three Temple owners all looked like they were looking at death as if they were going home. After a word, they could see that in the hands of the four Temple owners, they were all shining.

Sure enough, in the hands of the four Temple owners, there were five cosmic instruments, which were 20 cosmic instruments.

The master of the East Temple said: "in fact, we naturally know that the Phoenix Fire is powerful. Maybe we can't put it out, but if we want to break this Phoenix field, we should still be able to do it

Even if we just open a gap in this field, as long as we can get out of here

Elder, at that time, we'll settle the accounts with you well and slowly. Hum. "


Finally, with a cold hum, it came out from the East Temple master's mouth that the four Temple master's mouths were all drinking together.

In this instant, the four Temple masters threw out the cosmic tools in their hands.

But just then, a cold hum of disdain rang out:

"It turns out that the vision and insight of the temple owners are nothing more than that. I really think that the weapons of the universe in your hands can explode themselves

I don't want to see the power of the Phoenix Fire. How strong it is

The weapon of the universe in your hands has been burned by the Phoenix Fire at the moment when it is thrown out, and then it will be burned out directly. Even a little breath will not be left. "


Then the next moment, the four Temple master's mouth, it is really Qi Qi exclaimed.

Brush, the face is also in the instant become very pale.

It's true that as the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss said, seeing the weapon of the universe thrown out, it will explode, but the Phoenix flame will burn up.

With a click, the 20 most precious weapons of the universe were burned directly. The next moment they disappeared completely. As expected, there was no breath left.

The voice of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss also rings at this time:

"Four Temple masters, you don't have to struggle any more. Your fate is doomed. You will die in the Phoenix Fire of the Phoenix Protoss

Moreover, even if you don't die, you will surely die in the end of the universe. "

"Hum." At this time, the four Temple masters were really desperate, but they seemed to be not afraid of death at all. The East Temple master snorted and said:

"You just lived a thousand more years than we did when we got up

A thousand years of such time, for you and me to exist, is no different from a flick of a finger

So no matter what, you can't live much longer than us... "

"Ha ha," the sneering voice of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss reverberates in this space

"Four Temple masters, now I can tell you the truth that the Phoenix master has already entered the God ruins

It's not that the Phoenix master deliberately broke the rules, but time doesn't wait

Of course, for the Phoenix master, once the clan and rules are compared, the Phoenix master will not hesitate to choose the former

In order to find the trace of gods, get the breath of gods, and pass the test of cosmic messengers

In order to finally become the master of the universe, nature takes the whole Phoenix Protoss to leave this place and go to a new place

Compared with this kind, the so-called rules are not worth mentioning to the strong among the strong. "

"No way." The Lord of the North Temple said, "we clearly feel the breath of the Phoenix Lord..."

"Ha ha, it's naive." The elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss said sarcastically, "what you feel is just the breath of the Phoenix master. If the Phoenix master did not enter the God site, how could you not see the Phoenix master's figure..."

"This..." the four Temple masters looked like they didn't know what to say.

Originally, they believed that the Phoenix master should be the kind of person who abides by the rules and should regard the rules as the same as the death order.

But I never thought that the Phoenix master would break the rules and could not help entering the God site first.

At this time, the voice of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss was still ringing, and the words were firm:

"It's been a long time since the Phoenix Lord entered the God site. With the luck of the Phoenix Lord and the destiny of his birth, he must have found the trace of the gods and got the breath of the gods at this time

As for you four Temple masters and this boy, don't fight any more. Just die. As soon as you are burned by the Phoenix Fire, you will soon die. There won't be much pain


However, just at this time, the words of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, just mentioned here, seemed subconsciously, and a cry of surprise came from his mouth.

It's true that Lin Ming's appearance of being silent all the time is actually urging all kinds of powerful breath in his body, instilling it into a broken sword, so that after the soul absorbs it, he can recover his strength as soon as possible.

Among them, the spirit has revealed a little consciousness to Lin Ming. As long as the spirit can recover to half of its strength, even if it still can't kill all the Phoenix Fire, it can at least kill half of the Phoenix Fire.

It is not difficult for this broken sword to break a gap in this field.

Therefore, when the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss and the four Temple masters spoke, Lin Ming almost tried his best to instill all kinds of powerful breath into a broken sword.

That is to say, he has seven immortal spirits. Otherwise, it would be impossible for any other strong man to recover half of his strength in such a short time.

When the spirit regained at least half of his strength, Lin Ming didn't dare to waste the slightest bit of time and split it with one sword.

Sure enough, at this moment, a sword Qi which was similar to the sword Qi shot out from the body of the sword and swept all directions. However, the Phoenix fire which was hit by such a sword Qi was destroyed in an instant.

Just under this sword, almost half of the Phoenix Fire was extinguished.

At this moment, seeing such a scene, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss didn't panic and let out a cry subconsciously.

"What are you going to do?"

Followed by a voice full of astonishment.

It's true that before the Phoenix Fire attacked again, Lin Ming raised his broken sword high. He could see clearly that there was a flash of light at the tip of the sword.

That's sword Qi.

Whew, you can clearly see that this sword Qi is directly shot to the high altitude in this space.

"Originally, you want to break a gap in the Phoenix field..."

The voice of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss rang out, and it was obvious that Lin Ming's intention could be realized.

However, naturally, he immediately decided that Lin Ming could not break a gap in such a powerful space as the Phoenix field.

But the next moment, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss was stunned, and the exclamation sounded like a subconscious blurt out:

"No, it's impossible."

Indeed, the Phoenix field is his show, and the Phoenix Fire is also his show. For any change of the two, he will naturally know in an instant.

At that moment, he knew very clearly that the sword Qi really broke a small gap in the Phoenix field.

This small gap, also in that instant, rapidly expanded.

"Not good."

Immediately, the great elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss naturally realized something at the first time.

Sure enough, when he turned his attention to the Phoenix area, the four Temple owners and Lin Ming had disappeared.

At the moment when they realized that the four Temple masters and Lin Ming had disappeared, they naturally felt that they had returned to the place they had just been.

Not far away, there are still thousands of figures sitting on their knees, one of which is naturally the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

At this moment, naturally, it's not only the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, but also thousands of other figures, whose eyes are straight round. They all look at the four Temple masters and Lin Ming and go away.

Immediately after that, a sound like a frying pan was heard.

"God, I'm not dazzled. They don't look like they're doing anything."

"They actually came out of the Phoenix field. How could it be, how could it happen..."

"Can we say that the elder of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss secretly weakened the power of the Phoenix realm and deliberately let them leave..."

"How could the elder of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss let them go..."

"Isn't that to say, even the Phoenix Fire can't kill them?"

There was a loud noise, and everyone's eyes were filled with an incredible color when they looked at Lin Ming and the four Temple masters.

It seems that to see the four Temple masters and Lin Ming still alive is a subversion of their three outlooks.

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss," said the head of the South Temple. He was murderous. It seemed that he had a deep blood feud with the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

There was a layer of blood in the eyes that looked at the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

Indeed, the pain of being burned by the Phoenix Fire just now was an unprecedented painful experience for him.

Now, in his opinion, we must kill the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss to eliminate his hatred.

"The elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss is dead."

A big drink came out of the South Temple master's mouth immediately. It seemed that the South Temple master had directly risked his life. It seemed that even if he died together, he would kill the elder of the descendant of Phoenix.

But just at the moment when the master of the South Temple started, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the face of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

Although the moment, also can detect the Phoenix Protoss descendant elder face of such a strange smile, but the South Temple Lord also did not put in mind.

"What." But the next moment, the South Temple Lord looked as if he could not help exclaiming. At this moment, he also looked like he was greatly frightened.

Indeed, the eyes of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss suddenly changed into two black holes. In a short time, a dark light came out of the eyes of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

It was just under the stupor of the South Temple master that the two black lights disappeared directly from the center of the South Temple master's eyebrows.

Then in a flash, the whole body of the South Temple master froze and looked like a statue.

"Evil spirit."

Qi Qi's exclamation came from the mouths of the three Temple masters, the East Temple master, the North Temple master, and the West Temple master.

Brush, immediately a touch of strong cold light, it is also in the eyes of their three Temple master flashing.

With the means and strength to subdue a temple leader in such an instant, and with such a black light, it is full of strong evil spirit. If the elder of the descendant of Phoenix is not evil spirit, it can't be any other existence.

"Lord, help me. I'm the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss."

At this time, suddenly a voice sounded, which was obviously from the body of the elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

"Originally, you are not the real elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, but the existence of evil spirits..."

Until this time, the three Temple masters looked like they had finally come.

Teng for a moment, the breath and momentum rising from the body in an instant, as well as the murderous Qi, then naturally is a bit more rich.

"How are you going to be the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss?"

"Leave the body of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss."

"There are hundreds of millions of strong people here. It's just a piece of cake to kill you just one evil spirit..."

There was a big drink in the mouth of the three Temple masters.

Seeing this, the strange smile on the elder's face of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss instantly widened, and the corner of his mouth slightly tilted

"I'm the only one? Why, do you all think so? "

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