"Don't..." as soon as these words came out, the three Temple masters seemed to have a sudden, and their faces turned pale.

As soon as they look at all the other strong people, they can see clearly that their eyes have changed.

All of them become black as ink, like two black holes, shining out a black light that catches people's mind.

"It can't be evil spirit..."

Because the South Temple master was completely unable to move, the other three Temple masters seemed to be greatly frightened, and immediately felt that such a thing could not happen.

Indeed, in their view, let alone so many evil spirits, even one evil spirit can not easily appear in the world and enter the stars.

"There is no being more aware of the evil spirit than we get up."

"Because of the disappearance of the gods, the evil spirits have already shrunk on the edge of the universe, which is more than hundreds of millions of light years away..."

"Other evil spirits are also trapped in the thirty-six heavens of the heavenly palace..."

"The thirty-six heavens in the heavenly palace were built by gods in those days, let alone evil spirits. Even the Lord of the universe can be trapped..."

"In addition, the gods left the five heavenly books in it..."

"There are five heavenly books sitting in it. How can evil spirits escape from it..."

The three Temple owners all looked like they were unbelievable. They said.

Indeed, in their view, the appearance of evil spirits is just like the birth of the Lord of the universe.

The appearance of evil spirits means that the great turbulence of the universe officially appears and begins.

There is no doubt that in the 1000 years from the end of the universe, the whole world will be a bloodbath.

At this time, from those black hole eyes, the three Temple owners can see something first.

Yes, it's desire, it's a strong desire for them.

Evil spirit means emerge in endlessly, and most importantly, every means is extremely cruel, cruel and inhuman.

For example, the simplest nature is that some evil spirits like to imprison some strong people so that they can't move and eat their flesh and blood raw.

This is one of the most important reasons why the gods banished evil spirits and imprisoned them at all costs in ancient times.

Naturally, it is precisely because of the understanding of this species that we can see that the body of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss has been possessed by the evil spirit.

At that moment, the three Temple masters all changed their faces for the first time.

As for seeing these thousands of strong people, they have been possessed by evil spirits. It's not just that their faces have changed greatly.

The three Temple masters felt a chill coming out of their feet and running up to the top of their heads.

"I don't believe it, do I?"

Seeing that all the three Temple masters didn't believe that they were evil spirits, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss began to speak, and all of them looked very strange

"It's simple. I can prove it to you right away."

He reached out to the South Temple master who was standing still and grabbed one of the South Temple master's arms.

It seems that in the hands of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, he just made a little effort.

Then I saw the eyes of the three Temple owners. At this moment, they all seemed to be staring at each other involuntarily. They were filled with rage and murderous spirit.

It's broken.

Indeed, in the hands of the great elder of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss, a whole right arm of the master of the South Temple was torn off.

Poof, the place of the wound, immediately is the blood gushing.

Of course, in fact, with the supreme existence of the temple owners, let alone a whole arm is broken, even if the head is broken, it can grow up again immediately.

But at the moment, what also made the three Temple owners feel extremely appalled was that the South Temple owner, let alone a new arm, could not stop bleeding for a moment.

"Stop it."

"You, you..."

And the next moment of a scene, also let the three Temple main eyes stare to crack up.

It's true that at this moment, smash it, smash it, the evil spirit directly ate the whole arm as food.

At this time, the evil spirit looked as if it was still in the air. His eyes deliberately swept the whole left arm of the master of the South Temple.

"Suffer death."

Rage, at this moment, the three Temple owners said not to rage on the spot, it is absolutely false.

The murderous spirit on the body soars to the sky. Whew, the three Temple masters flash over at the same time and clap their hands at the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

But the next moment, a very strong black fog like breath poured out from the evil spirit, which directly blocked the attack of the three Temple masters.


There was a roar like thunder, which immediately came from the mouth of the three Temple masters.

Bursts of powerful breath, also are crazy general, do not want to die, directly from the three Temple Lord's body gush out, continue to attack this Phoenix Protoss descendant elder.

But for a moment, it didn't seem to have any effect on the black fog outside the evil spirit.

At this time, the evil spirit also spoke in a faint voice: "now, you should believe that we exist as evil spirits

Actually... "

At this point, the voice of the evil spirit stopped and looked at Lin Ming in the distance.

For a moment, inexplicably, the evil spirit seemed to have a kind smile and said: "in fact, after all, I should thank you..."

"Thank me?" As soon as Lin Ming's brows wrinkled, he seemed to think of something immediately.

Sure enough, the evil spirit then said, "you must have thought of it. Yes, we are the evil spirits trapped in the 19th heaven of the heavenly palace

The reason why we are able to get out of trouble is entirely due to you

Hey, hey... "

Speaking of this, the evil spirit seemed to have a sinister smile

"In fact, I can understand and see that you are deliberately releasing us

In fact, in essence, you are the same as us. Hehe... "

Speaking of this, the evil spirit also looked very mysterious, and a sound came out of his mouth.

Seeing that the evil spirit was so insidious and despicable, Lin Ming's heart thumped, and he had a bad feeling.

"Evil spirit!"

"It turns out that some evil spirits have intruded into the stars, and they are not far away from the relics of gods..."

Sure enough, the next moment, with the sound of bursts of cold drink, you can see a road figure, out of thin air.

When Lin Ming looked at the past, it seemed that he was subconscious, and his heart thumped.

Suddenly, there were hundreds of people.

Among them, there are three figures. From the breath of their bodies, they are not weak compared with the four Temple masters.

Of course, the most important thing is that after hundreds of people appeared, they brushed and looked at him, full of murderous and hostile.

Obviously, what the evil spirit said just now was heard by more than a hundred strong people.

"The leader of shengtianmen, the leader of Galaxy alliance, and the time mother..."

At the moment of the appearance of these hundreds of strong men, the faces of the three Temple owners immediately showed great joy. When they saw the three figures, they could not help but scream out.

The master of the East Temple said, "you've come just in time. The elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss has been possessed by evil spirits, and there are thousands of other strong people. They have been possessed by evil spirits..."

"Boy, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you kneel down and lead to death?"

At the moment, all these strong people seem to have turned a blind eye to what the East Temple Master said, and their eyes are on Lin Ming.

Among them, the three strong ones, namely, the leader of the ascension gate, the leader of the galaxy alliance, and time granny, are particularly murderous.

As for everyone else's words, his breath, momentum and murderous spirit are also extremely strong.

Although he was a little afraid of the strength of the other three strong men, now that the other side was so aggressive, Lin Ming's murderous spirit was rising

"I kneel down to die? All over the world, I'm afraid those who can kill me are not born yet. You, or what are you, ha ha... "

Lin Ming naturally looks like a tit for tat, and his eyes stay on one of them. He is the leader of the ascending gate.

Just now that kind of words, just say from the mouth of this ascend the sky door Lord.

"It's bold."

"I don't know what you mean. You want to die. You dare to insult the leader of Shengtian gate and many of our strong men..."

"Suffer death."


At present, we can imagine how much anger such a sentence will cause from Lin Ming's mouth.

With a cold drink, the murderous spirit of more than a dozen of them seems to have reached the limit.

A cold hum came out from their mouths. They were all very straightforward and ruthless. They made it clear that they wanted to take Lin Ming's life directly.

"You are the enemy of all the strong in the whole world."

"You dare to release the evil spirit. It's not pity that you die ten thousand times."

A total of 13 strong men flashed over to Lin Ming, and a strong cosmic power rose from each of them, like a huge wave, and surged down to Lin Ming.

Facing the other side's 13 strong men, he really wanted to take his life directly. Immediately, Lin Ming decided to be rude. A strong cold light flashed through his eyes.

"Suffer death."

The sound of a big drink also came from Lin Ming's mouth.

After a while, a powerful breath, the breath of the universe, and the three most powerful forces of the universe rose up in Lin Ming's body.

At the same time, a broken sword in Lin Ming's hand was also waved, and a purple and golden flame appeared on the sword.

This kind of flame, as soon as it appeared on the broken sword, the space around Lin Ming was directly distorted, and even time stopped under the burning of this kind of flame.

"Don't do anything. It's a misunderstanding."

Seeing the hands of both sides, it seems that they are really going to work hard. The three Temple masters are all speechless and helpless, and they shout out.

But the other side's 13 strong men didn't seem to stop at all.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Ming to stop.

The soul in a broken sword is also full of desire for the cosmic breath and the supreme power of the universe.

At present, Lin Ming even has a feeling that even if he wants to stop, he will not agree to break the sword.

"It's just a broken sword, a little bit of fire. I dare to use it against our 13 strong men..."

"If we can't get rid of you, we will be a strong man and a overlord in vain."

As he spoke, the murderous spirit of the thirteen strong men became stronger.

At this time, Lin Ming had another plan in his mind.

Indeed, the appearance of the former four Temple masters wanted to take him to the God site. He naturally thought that as the temple masters, he should be able to take him to the entrance of the God site very smoothly.

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

The stronger the power is, the less it seems to give the four Temple masters a thin face. The existence of the four Temple masters seems to be transparent.

Therefore, Lin Ming already knows that it is impossible for him to go to the God site quickly and smoothly.

Especially now the evil spirit said that he was the same as the evil spirit. Although the four Temple owners believed that he was not, other strong people did not think so.

It is quite conceivable that as long as he continues to go to the site of the gods, he does not know how many strong he will fight along the way.

It's better to go all out now, kill all these strong men, and spread their names and fame.

So naturally, when other strong people meet him, if they really want to do it, they will certainly weigh it up.

With such a decision, Lin Ming naturally wants to kill.

"To die."

Facing the 13 strong men who attacked, Lin Ming suddenly waved out his broken sword.

Whew, whew, whew time, a total of 13 flames, but also in a lightning attack out of the potential.

Seeing this, all the 13 strong men showed disdain, and did not pay attention to the purple and golden flame.

"Not good."

But in the next moment, the faces of the 13 strong men all changed suddenly.

Indeed, this kind of fire completely ignores the extremely powerful cosmic atmosphere and the supreme power of the universe outside of them, and immediately breaks through them.

A bang rang out, it is to see such a flame, directly fell on their body, burning.

"It's just a little fire, ah." although the flames have already fallen on the body, the 13 strong men still look very disdainful, but they follow closely. Instead, a scream came from their mouth.


Immediately after that, the 13 strong men all looked very impolite and were shouting.

And they all look very miserable.

"Lord of Shengtian gate, help me. What kind of flame is this? There is no way to extinguish it."

"Alliance leader, help me. This strange flame is really going to burn me to death."

"Granny time, hurry up and save me. The power of this kind of fire is too strong."

It seems that the facial muscles of the thirteen strong men are twisted and their eyes are wide open under the burning of such flames. They are really full of a color of extreme pain.

"Well, it's no use."

Seeing this, a cold hum first came out from the head of Shengtian gate. He said coldly, "it's just a little bit of flame. It makes you lose your manners and yell..."

Although he said so, the head of the heaven rising sect still seems to be fighting. He won't be helpless.


With a low drink, the master of Shengtian gate clapped his palm at one of the strong men. Whew, a blue light shot out of his palm.

Such a brilliant blue light looks like a stream of water. Poof, in a flash, it directly hits the flame on the strong man.

The head of the gate of ascending heaven looked proud and elated, and said: "this is the water of the heavenly spirit floating in the space of the universe. No matter how powerful the fire is, it can't be extinguished in the world

What... "

However, the head of the gate opened his mouth in such a way that he was extremely confident, as if it were the truth, but it seemed that he had just finished his sentence.

For a moment, his eyes seemed to be suddenly widened involuntarily, which was also filled with a color of extreme disbelief.

Indeed, the water of the spirit shot out of the palm of his hand was burned.

At that moment, the flame burning on the strong man directly burned the fire of Tianlong and turned it into a little bit of water vapor. At that moment, it also disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, it seemed as if the leader of the heaven rising gate had never played.

"No way."

Seeing such a scene, not only the leader of Shengtian gate, but also all the powerful people, including the leader of Galaxy alliance and time TongLao, let out a cry of surprise.

As for the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, he looks like a good play, watching all this quietly.

"Well, I don't believe it."

"What kind of flame is this? We can't put it out yet..."

"Even if it's a magic fire, I'll put it out."

Then, naturally, the leader of the ascension gate also made a move. For a moment, the leader of the galaxy alliance and time TongLao also made the same move.

A burst of light, all from the three people, shot at the 13 strong people, to put out the flames burning on the 13 strong people.

But they were disappointed.

The realm and strength of the three of them are already extremely strong, even above the four Temple masters.

But now it's something.

In their eyes, let alone a flame shot out from a broken sword, even if it is a magic fire, even if it will not be completely extinguished under their hands.

At least it can extinguish most of it.

But they all saw very clearly that the flame burning on the thirteen strong men had no sign of extinction.

Even a little bit of fire has not been put out.

Now I don't know if it's my own illusion. In the eyes of the three strong men, the fire on the thirteen strong men seems to be burning more violently.

"This, what kind of flame is this?"

"Isn't it, isn't it true that the divine fire doesn't work..."

Silly eyes, such a guess from the three strong men's mind, the three of them immediately seem to have some kind of silly eyes.

Indeed, they are very clear about their own strength, and I'm afraid that only Shenhuo can compete with them.

"No way."

But the next moment, the three of them seemed to be involuntarily denying such a guess.

The gods of ancient times have long disappeared in this part of the world.

In their opinion, if this kind of fire is really divine fire, only the God of fire can show it.

Naturally, in the eyes of all people, how could Lin Ming be such a god of fire.

"Ah, it's killing me. Help, help."

Under the burning of the flame, the thirteen strong men still howled in pain.

BAM BAM, at this moment, the 13 strong men all seemed to be unbearable. They all fell to the ground, and all of a sudden they all rolled on the ground.

Indeed, they do this with one in ten million hopes, hoping to wipe out the burning flame.

However, even the three most powerful men, the leader of Shengtian gate, can't do what they can't do. Naturally, it's impossible for them to put out the flame.

Seeing that the faces of the thirteen strong men had been burned, they could not see their facial features at this moment. It was hard to see the faces of all the three most powerful men, the leader of the ascending gate.

The head of Shengtian gate also had a haze on his face. He stared at Lin Ming and said:

"Boy, I'll give you another chance at the end, and take back the flame on their 13 people immediately..."

The leader of Galaxy alliance also looked like a murderous man. He said to Lin Ming: "I'll count dozens of them. If you don't take back the flames of their thirteen strong men, then..."

"So what?" Hearing these two strong men's words, Lin Ming immediately sneered and said, "you're the head of the heaven rising gate. Why, you forgot what you just said, and let me kneel down and die as soon as you spoke

Why, do you really think I'm a soft persimmon? If you want to kill me, you can kill me. If you want me to kneel down, I'll kneel down... "

For a moment, Lin Ming's murderous spirit became more intense, and he said:

"I can tell you all very clearly now that today, at this moment, all of you are going to die..."

"Hum, everyone will be punished for evil spirits. If you want to kill all of us, we have the same idea as you. You must die."

Word for word came out of the mouth of the Galactic Alliance leader.

Teng, a burst of dazzling green light, is directly from his body out.

"The light of the ring."

A thunderous roar came out of the mouth of the alliance leader.

With a loud bang, I saw such a burst of green light, which was like the collision of stars, attacking Lin Ming in the distance.

At the same time, time is also a hand.

Naturally, all the other strong people have not been able to wait and see.

Indeed, from the flame of the 13 strong men, they can know that Lin Ming's strength is not small.

I'm afraid that only with the joint efforts of all their strong men can Lin Ming be killed.

At this moment, the momentum, like waves, spread all over the world, like a big explosion of stars, bombarded Lin Ming in the distance.


But all of a sudden, many of these strong men screamed.

"Evil spirit."

Indeed, these strong people have been attacked by the great elders of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss, as well as other evil spirits.

They just attack Lin Ming. The whole person is attacked by evil spirits, and his body is blown to flesh and blood. Then he is swallowed up by these evil spirits.

The elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, still looks like he has a lot to say. He licks his lips and looks like he has a great aftertaste

"Well, it's good. The taste of these strong people is really memorable

I've been trapped in the 19th heaven of Tiangong for many years, but I've never tried such delicious flesh and blood

Hey, hey... "

Speaking of the end, a burst of sound is also extremely gloomy laughter, is from the mouth of the great elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

For a moment, even if this kind of laughter fell into the ears of the three strong men, they all seemed to have goose bumps.

At this time, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss still looks very insidious and despicable. He smiles at Lin Ming in the distance and says, "you don't have to thank me. Who let us be the same kind? Naturally, we should help you..."

A gnashing voice immediately came from the leader of Galaxy alliance

"As the leader of Galaxy alliance, I will never allow evil spirits to exist and devour our companions by cruel and inhuman means

All evil spirits must die. "

At the last roar, the leader of the galaxy alliance not only attacked Lin Ming in the distance, but also sent out a strong breath from his body, which was also a direct attack on the evil spirit in the distance.

But for a moment, these evil spirits seemed to escape with great ease.

At the same time, almost in the blink of an eye, all these attacks are coming to Lin Ming.

In an instant, he saw that a broken sword in Lin Ming's hand was to wave it.

But at this time, the spirit of the instrument suddenly came out a sense of inexplicable consciousness into Lin Ming's mind.

In an instant, Lin Ming seems to be in a daze. It seems that his face is just a touch of joy.

It's true that the spirit of the instrument is to let Lin Ming start breathing and instill a force of suction into a broken sword.

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