The eyes of the master of Shengtian gate suddenly brightened. Naturally, such a question came out of Lin Ming's mouth. In his opinion, it was no doubt that Lin Ming gave him a little hope of survival.

Naturally, he can understand that this is indeed a glimmer of his hope for survival, and I'm afraid it is absolutely the only glimmer of his hope for survival.

In his opinion, in any case, he must seize this glimmer of hope, this opportunity.

Immediately without hesitation, he said: "the existence of Shengtian gate has been more than 10 billion years in this world

It can be said that with the sudden disappearance of the gods, the gate of ascension appeared

As the 139th generation of the Lord of Shengtian gate, I can tell you that the appearance of Shengtian gate is closely related to the gods

There are many ancient books left in the gate of heaven rising, which I have read. They record the existence of numerous god sites, and even introduce various powerful gods in detail

Of course, in the whole gate, only the head of the gate is qualified and capable to know all this

But these are secondary. The most important thing is that I know something about the site of gods, and I know some of the layout and structure inside the site of gods.... "

After a pause, he took a serious look at Lin Ming. When he saw that Lin Ming was really interested, he was more happy.

He continued:

"Since the site of gods was once the residence of gods, even if the gods are no longer there, they have indeed left, but after a long period of evolution, all kinds of breath can also give birth to wisdom

These spirits, called spirit bodies, are erratic. Although they can't leave the site of gods, once outsiders break in

It's easy for these spirits to be startled and then launch a swift attack on outsiders

The strength of such spirit bodies in the God ruins is not below me, so we can imagine how dangerous they will be in the God ruins

Moreover, the existence of spirit body is secondary

Among the relics of gods, the most powerful is naturally the array in them

Because every kind of array was set up by the gods in those days, specially for dealing with the evil spirits and demons in ancient times and all powerful beings... "

Speaking of this, the head of the ascending heaven gate looked at the great elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss and many other evil spirits.

Of course, he had seen it for a long time. Although these evil spirits were powerful, they were trapped for too long in the thirty-six days of the heavenly palace.

Compared with the evil spirits in ancient times, the strength of these evil spirits is more than ten million times weaker.

If not, these evil spirits will definitely not be attached to many powerful people, such as the great elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

"Since you are going to break into the God site, time must be very urgent and precious for you..."

At this time, the murderous spirit of Lin Ming, the master of Shengtian gate, weakened quickly with his mouth. He even restrained his murderous spirit directly.

He was already overjoyed.

He knew that all of a sudden, his life could be saved.

"So, with me, I can definitely help you greatly shorten the time." The head of the ascending gate continued and said, "in this way, the elders will have more time to find the traces of the gods, and finally find the relics of the gods

Moreover, in fact, once our predecessors become the masters of the universe, it will be a good thing not only for us, but also for the whole universe... "

"Your little life can be saved." Seeing that the Lord of Shengtian gate came slowly, Lin Ming naturally felt that what he was saying was quite reasonable and left the Lord of Shengtian gate for the time being.

As soon as the words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, the leader of the gate was excited. His body couldn't help shaking subconsciously.

Indeed, in his opinion, it is easy for Lin Ming to kill him.

He is really desperate. He thinks that it is his destiny to die in the hands of Lin Ming, but who would have thought that with his words, he successfully saved his life.

He seemed to be subconsciously excited and said to Lin Ming:

"Thank you for not killing me. I can rest assured that as long as I accompany you to the God site, I can definitely save you a lot of time..."

"What can you two do for me..."

After he decided to leave the leader of Shengtian gate for a while, Lin Ming's eyes naturally turned to the leader of Galaxy alliance and granny time.

In fact, when Lin Ming said that he would spare the life of the heavenly gate leader, the leader of the galaxy alliance and granny time were already very happy.

Seeing Lin Ming's eyes at this moment, the leader of the galaxy alliance immediately took the lead and said:

"Compared with shengtianmen, the age of Galaxy alliance is even longer. As early as the existence of gods, Galaxy alliance already existed

Moreover, the leader of the galaxy alliance at that time was a great God

And the main task of the galaxy alliance is to supervise the whole universe. In every corner of the world, there are strong members of the galaxy Alliance

All kinds of powers in the galaxy alliance have their own most powerful means. At that time, there were millions of gods in the galaxy Alliance

Although later, almost overnight, the gods disappeared

But there are a lot of traces of gods left in the galaxy alliance. So, it can be said that there is no one who is more familiar with the traces of gods and more sensitive than I am when I get up

Elder, I can assure you that as long as there are traces of gods in the relics of gods in the stars, I will be the first one to find them. "

With these words, the leader of Galaxy alliance naturally looks confident. With his ability to quickly find the trace of gods, Lin Ming could not have saved his life.

Sure enough, Lin Ming nodded slightly: "your life is saved."

Brush, nature is in an instant, a touch of ecstasy and excitement, is directly in the face of the alliance leader.

Naturally, at this time, without waiting for Lin Ming's eyes to look at it, Granny time had already said:

"Master, if anyone in the world is the most accomplished in the way of array, then if I am the second, there is no one who dares to say that I am the first

I can't understand the various arrays that the gods are familiar with and control any more. For the gods array, I spent billions of years studying it... "

"Then I'll keep your life for a while."

Immediately, Lin Ming seems to have no hesitation to say so.

In fact, in his heart, Lin Ming is naturally overjoyed.

One knows the existence of the gods and the place where they once lived.

One is very familiar with the trace of gods.

One has the deepest study and understanding of the array arranged by various gods in the God ruins.

There is no doubt that with the help of these three strong men, Lin Ming naturally can greatly shorten the time to find the traces of gods and the sites of gods.

Now for Lin Ming, time is the most important thing.

Lin Ming can also know that in a short period of 30 years or so, I'm afraid that once I enter the God site, I just encounter an array, and then I'm trapped in it, and I can use it up.

What will happen at that time, naturally, Lin Ming has been very clear.

"As for you..."

For the time being, Lin Ming's eyes naturally turned to the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

In an instant, Lin Ming's eyes also swept away all other evil spirits.

Lin Ming opened his mouth word by word and said, "now, I'll give you a chance to leave the body of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss and the body of other strong people, otherwise..."

Brush, a very strong cold light, immediately also in Lin Ming's eyes.

The fire in Lin Ming's hands is purified by a burst of purple and golden light, which is burning and powerful.

"What, this..."

"It seems that the power of the flame is even stronger..."

Seeing the flame of a broken sword in Lin Ming's hand, the elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, seems to be in a trance subconsciously. In the middle of his eyes, he seems to be in a trance of surprise subconsciously.

Later, however, the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss looked as usual with a smile on his face. Then he spoke to Lin Ming and said slowly:

"Compared with these three strong men, as the existence of evil spirits, their strength will naturally be stronger

They can help you. How can we not help you... "

"Oh? What can you do for me? " In a word, Lin Ming's breath, momentum and murderous spirit did not weaken.

At present, it seems that as long as there is something wrong with the evil spirit, Lin Ming will do it immediately. Even if he can't take the evil spirit's life in an instant, Lin Ming is confident that he can let the evil spirit leave the body of the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss.

Indeed, the spirit in the purification of fire seems to have a little desire for the existence of evil spirits.

In fact, because of this, Lin Ming was full of confidence that he could kill the evil spirit.

The elder of the descendant of Phoenix said slowly:

"Compared with the three of them, the existence of evil spirits is also a big help

You must have known for a long time that there are hundreds of millions of strong people waiting outside the ruins of the gods, and their strength is extraordinary

Naturally, we can imagine how many strong people will be able to enter the sites of gods, and how strong they will be

Let's not talk about the other strong ones. Just take the Phoenix master as an example. It can be said that even if the evil spirit exists like this, the Phoenix master will have some fear and fear

Of course, the purpose of all these strong men is to go for the trace of gods, for the breath of gods

Then, there is no doubt that once you enter the relics of gods, you will have conflicts with these strong ones

Once the trace of gods is found by you first, and the breath of gods is also found by you first, or even in your hands, you can imagine what will happen at that time

Fengzhu and other hundreds of millions of strong men will attack and block you immediately. At that time, facing many powerful men, it's hard for you to get away

However, with my help, there will be no such troubles. The strong can be dealt with by our evil spirits

To tell you the truth, the evil spirit has been immortal for a long time. Except that the end of the universe can destroy the evil spirit, no other existence, no other strong one, can completely destroy the evil spirit... "

"Is it?" The last word came from the evil spirit. Immediately, Lin Ming looked like he was ready to move. It seemed that he was going to fight against the evil spirit.

"Of course," said the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss. His eyes seemed to be subconsciously afraid. He glanced at the burning flame on the broken sword in Lin Ming's hand

"There is another kind of existence, which can also kill evil spirits. Naturally, it is divine fire."

"If only you knew." Lin Ming still looks like a murderous man

"I can not kill you now, or I can take you to the God site, but once I find out that any of your evil spirits have any plot, I will kill you for the first time."

The elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss said, "to tell you the truth, although we exist as evil spirits, we actually want the Lord of the universe to be born

After all, we are also the creatures in this part of the world. When the universe ends, we will naturally disappear. "

Lin Ming didn't speak any more and said nothing more. He stepped forward and went in the direction of the God site in the distance.

Naturally, Lin Ming's speed can't help speeding up.

Seeing Lin Ming walking towards the God ruins in the distance, the three strong men, such as the head of the ascending Heaven Gate, and the elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, all of these evil spirits, naturally, quickly followed.

The elder, the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss, and other evil spirits followed behind. For a moment, the black light flashed in their eyes. It was hard to see whether the evil spirits really had no plot in their hearts.

What's happening here, in fact, has been noticed and made clear by the strong far and near.

In the hearts of all the strong, naturally, a storm has been set off for a long time.

They can't believe it. Lin Ming is only one person. He actually takes the three most powerful men, namely, the leader of Shengtian gate, the leader of Galaxy alliance, and time TongLao, and asks them to help him find the traces of gods and the sites of gods.

For a moment, these strong people, naturally, dare to stop Lin Ming.

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