Without hindrance, Lin Ming's journey naturally went smoothly.

Although we met a lot of strong people on the way, it seems that the strength of many strong people is equal to the three most powerful people, namely, the leader of Shengtian gate, the leader of Galaxy alliance, and granny time,

Even, also met the strength, compared with these three strong up, but also a bit of the existence of the strong.

However, when all these strong men's eyes fell on Lin Ming, not to say they wanted to stop him, even if they just wanted to test his mind, they were immediately dismissed.

Indeed, when all these strong men look at Lin Ming, they will not be surprised. At the same time, they will see the purple and gold flames burning on the broken sword in Lin Ming's hand.

"Divine fire."

It's true that every strong man blurts out such two words when he sees such a purple and golden flame.

Although, in their eyes, the fire that came out of a broken sword in Lin Ming's hand was not divine fire at all.

But the breath of such a fire really gives them such a feeling, such a breath, so powerful that they can only identify it as divine fire for a moment.

Of course, the most important thing is that these strong people seem to take it for granted that the concentration of blood in Lin Ming's body is as high as 80%.

As the strong among the strong, they naturally know one thing very well, that is, the concentration of blood in a strong person's body is more than 80%, which is almost equivalent to the existence of half a God.

Naturally, they did not dare to stop.

And quite a few of them, not only didn't dare to stop, but also kept up with Lin Ming.

Therefore, at this moment, the number of strong people following Lin Ming has reached thousands.

Moreover, the strength of such a strong man is not weak compared with several strong men, such as the leader of Shengtian gate.

What will happen in a short time can be imagined.

Under the leadership of Lin Ming, the team is moving towards the direction of the distant God site at a slow speed.

The team led by Lin Ming, although the closer he gets to the God site, the stronger he meets, but who dares to challenge the team led by Lin Ming.

No, in the face of such a team, naturally there has not been any strong existence for a long time. If you dare to block and challenge, it is natural to say that you have to do something.

After about ten minutes, Lin Ming's steps finally stopped.

It is true that he has reached beyond the site of the gods.

A big entrance has directly appeared in his sight.

Such an entrance is tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters high.

But it was such a huge hole, but it was dark, and there was nothing inside.

Such a huge looking hole looks like the big mouth of an ancient beast. As long as there is any existence and dares to enter, there is no way out.

Indeed, vaguely, from such a hole, there is also a breath that makes everyone feel palpitating.

Naturally, Lin Ming is no exception.

As soon as he came to the site of the God, his eyes seemed to be subconsciously fixed at the entrance.

For the first time, he also released a strong soul force to test what kind of existence such an entrance is.

But at that moment, Lin Ming's face looked like a sudden change.

The power of soul is attacked by a breath as soon as it approaches the entrance.

The power of this breath, so strong.

At that moment, in Lin Ming's feeling, it was like a direct attack into his Shenju cave.

Let his body can't help a shock, legs are almost soft, almost can't stand.

For a moment, the appearance of such a situation, how not to let Lin Ming face changed.

You know, his strength is almost invincible. I'm afraid he can be defeated, except for the cosmic messengers that have appeared before.

But he is such a strength, in that kind of breath attack, he is the slightest resistance.

Fortunately, it seems that this kind of breath is just for defense, and it doesn't mean to hurt anyone.

Otherwise, Lin Ming can know that at that moment, his Shenju acupoint has been seriously injured.

Of course, for a moment and a half, Lin Ming didn't seem to know how much shock he caused when he led more than 1000 people to the entrance of the God site.

As soon as you brush it, naturally, there are hundreds of millions of strong people waiting outside the site of the gods, and their eyes are all on Lin Ming.

A loud voice, which seemed Subconscious for a moment, rang directly in the crowd.

"God, what's the status of this man? He led such a huge team and directly broke into here..."

"Look at the strong men behind him. Compared with each other, their status is not simple..."

"One of the most ancient schools, the leader of Shengtian gate..."

"The most mysterious time mother, and the leader of Galaxy Alliance..."

"Even the great elders of the descendants of the Phoenix Protoss are in the crowd."

"Indeed, I didn't expect that even the great elder of the descendant of the Phoenix Protoss followed him. You know, the Phoenix master has already entered the God ruins..."

"It seems that the boy is just like the Phoenix master..."

"Hum, even if he is the Phoenix Lord, what's the matter? If he wants to enter the God ruins, he can't have the strength of the Phoenix Lord, and can directly open the defensive God array at the entrance..."

"Indeed, the existence of the Phoenix master is the most favorable competitor to become the supreme existence of the universe like the master of the universe..."

The eyes of these hundred million strong men are all on Lin Ming, and there are many discussions in his mouth.

As for Lin Ming's words, he was attracted by the entrance of the God site for the first time.

Of course, he has never been a reckless and arrogant person. For the comments of many powerful people around him, he still gives a little attention.

Naturally, when the Phoenix Lord directly opened the defensive divine array at the entrance, such a sentence was introduced into Lin Ming's ear, naturally, it immediately shocked Lin Ming's heart.

Like a subconscious, Lin Ming said in his heart:

"It seems that it is not these strong men who do not want to enter the site of the gods immediately

But at this entrance, there is a defensive divine array... "

Sure enough, at this time, the leader of Galaxy Alliance on one side reminded him:

"Since it exists as a site of gods, it must be extraordinary. It used to be the residence of gods, so naturally there will be a variety of self defensive divine formations

Since it's also the most important place like the entrance, it's even more impossible not to produce an array... "

At the moment when she came to the entrance of the God site, the eyes of Granny time seemed to grow directly in the huge dark hole.

"Amazing. It's amazing." Naturally, her eyes had been shining for a long time. She was looking at what she was doing and studying what she was doing. At the same time, she murmured to herself:

"It's a divine array created by heaven and earth, not by any gods

It's not the first time that I've seen the divine array of heaven and earth, but it's the first time that I've seen the divine array of heaven and earth as powerful as the present breath. "

"The breath of such a divine array is really strong and extraordinary, but I just want to see it..."

"Yes, my strength is not much worse than that of the Phoenix master. Since the Phoenix master can break the divine array, I can't do it..."

At that time, many strong people seem to be eager to try, but also a confident look.

"We can come here just for the relics of gods, just for the traces of gods, just for the breath of gods..."

"Indeed, what are we waiting for? It's just a defensive divine array. If the Phoenix master can open it, why can't we open it..."

There are hundreds of strong people at the same time.

With a loud bang, we can see that every strong man seems to be directly exerting his greatest strength.

One by one, they fly away, sending out all kinds of powerful breath, momentum and light.

But for a moment, even the light that looked like a small sun failed to shine a ray of light towards the entrance.

Seeing that hundreds of strong men were working at the same time, other beings who had been here for a long time and didn't know how long they had been waiting all gave out a cold laugh.

At that moment, when each of them looked at the hundreds of people, it seemed as if they were looking at a dead man.

"I'm looking for death."

"No, we've been waiting here for nearly a hundred years. We just can't open the entrance..."

"I've been waiting for hundreds of years. I don't know how many strong people have died, directly in the self-defense attack of the defensive divine array at the entrance..."

"Now there will be no exception to the actions of hundreds of strong men..."

"Wait for the entrance to defend the divine array. When is the right way to open it?"


Sure enough, in the sound of discussion, all of a sudden, there were bursts of screams.

When Lin Ming looked at it, it seemed that he could not help taking a breath.

Indeed, these hundreds of strong men all made a move and launched an attack directly towards the entrance.

At the same time, hundreds of extremely strong attacks fell at this entrance.

However, such an attack failed to shake the entrance for half a minute.

Then it seems that it is just a very weak breath, coming from such an entrance, attacking the hundreds of strong people.

At that time, even if the strength of hundreds of strong people like this, how strong they are, they all have to be on top of the strong people like the leader of the galaxy alliance. In the face of such a breath, they all seem to have no resistance, and they all fly upside down in the sky.

Bang Bang

A scream, from each of their mouth, after a burst of explosion, also followed.

Indeed, it is also very clear that these strong people flying upside down in the high air suddenly explode like balloons out of control.

After the body explosion, there is no immortal breath, the supreme power of the universe, or even the breath of the universe.

Under that kind of explosion, all of these hundreds of strong men disappeared directly and out of thin air, as if they had never appeared.

What a scene this is. Naturally, even Lin Ming can't help but take a breath.

It seems that the leaders of the galaxy alliance and other powerful people are scared.

He looks pale.

Brush, one by one on the forehead seems to be an instant burst of beans big cold sweat.

Pedal pedal stare, which is almost most of the strong, the body seems to be out of control, the pace of continuous retreat, it seems that almost did not directly sit on the ground.

"Ha ha..." the appearance of such a scene, a burst of sneer sound, but also can't help immediately ring out, naturally from all already here don't know how long to wait for the strong mouth.

"We don't know how long we've been waiting here. If the God site could be forced to enter, we would have entered long ago."

"It's true that we have hundreds of millions of strong people here, whose strength is no worse than you. We are still waiting. What does that mean..."

"This naturally means that the entrance to the site of gods is not simple..."

"It's not only not simple, it's simply frightening. In addition to the Phoenix Lord and some other strong people who seem to be born in the sky can enter, but anyone who wants to open this entrance can only have one and be destroyed by this entrance."

"It's more than being destroyed. It looks like it's never happened before..."

"You are the same as us. Just wait. Maybe in another 100 years, or if you are lucky, the defensive array at the entrance of the God site will open itself in a few decades or even years..."

"At that time, we can go in naturally."

At this time, Lin Ming's face, of course, has already involuntarily revealed a dignified color.

Let alone a hundred years, decades, or even a few years, at this moment, even an hour, he will not be equal.

In Lin Ming's opinion, today, at this moment, no matter what the cost, since he has come outside the entrance of the site, he must enter the site.

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