It can be said that the death of hundreds of strong people is quite simply tragic. The leader of the ascending gate and other strong people almost look like they are about to die of fright.

It seems that all the strong people's steps are unconsciously retreating away from the entrance of the God site.

On the spot, Lin Ming naturally appears to be particularly prominent and eye-catching.

Indeed, at the entrance of the God site in nuota, all the strong people are at a distance from the God site. Only Lin Ming is the closest to the God site, and seems to be alone.

Facing the entrance of the God site, which is tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters high and looks like a giant beast, Lin Ming naturally appears to be particularly small, fragile and vulnerable.

With a look of nervous fear on his face, the head of the gate said to Lin Ming in the distance:

"Master, don't be impulsive. This God site is too difficult to enter

The joint attack of hundreds of strong men just now was completely destroyed by the faint breath of the defensive divine array

I'm afraid that no strong one can enter the site of gods any more... "

Granny Tien followed closely and said, "the leader of Shengtian gate is right. The power of this defensive divine array is really powerful. It's the only one I've ever seen in my life. Even if I'm allowed to study it, it will take me at least a hundred years to find out a little bit of flaws..."

"Master, we really don't have to worry. We may have to wait for more than 100 years, but within a few decades, the defensive divine array will open itself."

The leader of Galaxy alliance also said, looking at the entrance of the huge God ruins, his eyes looked hopeful.

"Not to mention within a few decades, let alone more than a hundred years, now, at this moment, I can't wait even for a few hours..."

But for a moment, Lin Ming spoke slowly and firmly. It seemed that no matter what anyone said or tried to persuade him, he would not listen to any more words.

"Well." And see this, ascend to heaven the door Lord and so on all these strong persons naturally also seem to be involuntarily together a Zheng.

"Ah..." followed closely, everyone seemed to be extremely helpless, shaking his head and sighing.

Naturally, in everyone's heart, it is a pity.

They have seen the strength of Lin Ming. A broken sword in his hand can release the magic fire.

In their view, Lin Ming's strength and destiny are definitely one of the most powerful competitors to become the supreme existence of the universe.

But at the same time, in their view, Lin Ming may be proud, conceited and arrogant just because of this.

Everyone can see that scene clearly, and Lin Ming is no exception.

And even if that happens, Lin Ming still looks the same.

At present, he is even more arrogant. He has to enter the site of the gods. He can't wait even for a few hours.

In the eyes of all these strong men, such as the leader of the ascending gate, how Lin Ming is not like seeking his own death.


It seems that the leader of Galaxy alliance still can't help it. Even if he has a hard time, he wants to persuade him again.

But it was just a word coming out of his mouth. His voice suddenly stopped.

At the same time, a burst of exclamation and exclamation also followed.

"The words of the elder have come out, and they really intend not to do it."

"Although the elder's strength is really strong, how can he enter the God site? It's impossible..."

"But for a moment, it seems that the elder is determined to enter the God site..."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. I thought I could enter the site of the gods, and then under the leadership of my predecessors, I found the trace of the gods and the existence of the breath of the gods..."

"Of course, what's more important is that nature still wants to witness whether our predecessors can become the Supreme Master of the universe, just like the master of the universe..."

It's true that at this moment, instead of staying away from the entrance of the God site, Lin Ming suddenly stepped forward and walked towards the entrance of the God site like a giant beast.

"The boy is out of his mind."

"Indeed, is he blind, too? What happened just now? Can't he see it?"

"If he's the only one who can open the defensive divine array, my head will be cut off on the spot..."

"That's right. If he can open the defensive array by himself, I don't want my head."

"Count me in."

"Anyway, waiting is waiting. It's boring. The appearance of this boy just allows us to have some fun, including me."

As for the other strong ones, naturally, they are even less likely to believe that Lin Ming can open the defensive divine array, and they all start to bet.

But of course, bets belong to bets. In fact, everyone has subconsciously decided that Lin Ming can't open the defensive divine array. As long as Lin Ming is close to the entrance, he will touch the existence of the defensive divine array.

At that time, Lin Ming will die.

"Do you really despise me so much?"

Lin Ming kept walking towards the entrance. At this time, he turned back a little, looked at all the strong men, and said in a cold voice.

"What, ha ha..."

However, Lin Ming's sudden question made all the strong people a little surprised at first, and then a burst of laughter came out of his mouth. It seemed that they all started talking like having fun.

"Boy, you look too high on yourself. We don't look down on you at all..."

"Ha ha, that's right. In our opinion, you are just a fool who wants to die."

"Yes, fool, you are just a fool in our eyes."

"If you go further more than ten meters, you will touch the defensive divine array, and you will surely die..."

"Is it?" For a moment, Lin Ming's face was calm in the face of people's sarcasm. Then he gave a sneer and said:

"Very good. Please remember what you said. Don't wait for me to break the defensive divine array. You are faster than anyone to get up and enter the God ruins..."

"Ha ha..."

Naturally, we can imagine what a burst of laughter would be caused when such a remark came out of Lin Ming's mouth.

Many of them spoke sarcastically.

"OK, we believe you can open the defensive God array, but I can tell you clearly that we will not rush into the God ruins..."

"If you open the defensive divine array of the God ruins and we really rush in, I will kneel down to you on the spot and call you three times, ha ha..."

"Ha ha..."

Finally, it is also a burst of laughter in the continuous sound.

At this time, as for Lin Ming's words, it was just a calm look. He stepped forward, still calm and calm.

Every step forward, are very firm and straightforward, it seems that there is no trace of timidity and fear.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of those strong men who are the masters of the ascending gate. It seems that they can't help but brighten their eyes.

At this moment, it was inexplicable that they had a little confidence in Lin Mingsheng.

Of course, a little bit of confidence seems to be just a little bit of confidence.

It was the scene that hundreds of strong men were killed in an instant just now, which brought them too much panic and shock. For the power of the defensive divine array, it seemed that a sense of fear rose from the bottom of my heart.

Even in the face of the defensive divine array, Lin Ming can have a little resistance. Naturally, in the eyes of all the strong, Lin Ming still has no strength to open the defensive divine array.

It's close.

It's closer.

As for the other strong people around, their eyes naturally stay on Lin Ming, and they follow Lin Ming's steps to the entrance of the God site without blinking.

At this time, everyone can finally see clearly that Lin Ming is about to touch the defensive divine array.

"I have touched the defensive divine array."

"He went into the range of the defensive divine array."

At this time, as Lin Ming finally moved forward a few meters, suddenly a cry of surprise sounded like involuntarily.

It's true that Lin Ming always seems to be extremely calm, and finally enters the scope of the defensive divine array.

Naturally, that is to say, Lin Ming has already touched the existence of the defensive divine array.

"Ha ha, if you don't die, I, er..."

It seems that naturally, at this moment, everyone is sure that Lin Ming will die.

But also in this instant, someone has not finished a word, the voice suddenly stopped, instant time eyes are staring up, mouth is also open, almost can put in a goose egg.

It's true that at this moment, everyone can see clearly. Lin Ming is completely intact.

After a burst of purple and golden flames, Lin Ming didn't stop. He stepped forward and continued to go deep into the defensive array. Naturally, he wanted to go into the God ruins.

"What's the matter?"

"Does the defensive divine array suddenly cease to exist?"

"It's true that he has already touched the defensive divine array, and has directly entered the scope of the defensive divine array. There's no reason why the defensive divine array doesn't attack him..."

"Is there such a coincidence?"

"Is it..."

It's true that after Lin Ming entered the defensive divine array, he turned out to be nothing. Many strong people were shocked and thought of a possibility at the same time.

That is to say, the defensive divine array suddenly broke out on its own.

"Yes, it must be."

"If the defensive divine array had not been opened by itself, how could he have not died?"

"Ha ha..."

After affirming this conjecture, a burst of ecstatic and excited laughter came out from these strong people.

"How long have I been waiting, more than 100 years, until this day finally."

"Fortunately, I didn't give up and kept waiting."

"What are you waiting for, but I don't know when the defensive divine array will be closed."

Whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whew, whe.

Bang Bang

But then, there was a scene that made everyone gape.

It blew up.

It's true that the figures of thousands of ways, at the moment they touch the defensive divine array, and at the moment they enter the defensive divine array, all seem to have no sign at all, and their bodies explode.

At that moment, it didn't even turn into immortal breath or universe breath. As soon as the whole body exploded, it directly turned into wisps of smoke and disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, it looks like these thousands of strong men have never existed.

be dumbfounded.

The appearance of such a scene, this moment let all the strong, how not all are showing a pair of silly eyes.

In particular, the tens of thousands of strong people who followed the thousands of strong people, brush, at this moment, one by one is scared pale, instant cold sweat on the forehead is directly like rain.

Half a second.

The time between them and the thousands of strong men is only half a second.

In other words, as long as half a second, they will also enter the range of the defensive divine array.

Each of them knows the consequences very well.

Like the thousands of strong men, their death is so terrible that they can't leave any breath. It seems that they have never appeared in this world.

Brush, naturally followed, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Ming again.


This moment, like subconscious, together with a breath of cool sound, is directly from the mouth of each strong.

At the same time, nature is the eyes of every strong man, also like subconscious reveal a very strong color of unknown.

One by one, they all seemed to shout in surprise.

"How could he be ok? How could this boy be OK."

"Why is he not attacked by the defensive divine array?"

"He is about to walk half the way, and another half of the way, he will be able to enter the site of the gods."

"What's the matter, how could it be?"

For a moment, all eyes naturally focused on Lin Ming. They seemed to want to see Lin Ming from the inside out and find out the answers one by one.

"I see."

Sure enough, then, it seems that there is really something strong to see, a exclamation export.

Brush, the eyes of all the other strong, naturally also fell on the strong, asked in unison.

"What do you know?"

But for a moment, it seemed that the strong man didn't speak immediately.

He acted directly. He first came to the position where Lin Ming was just now.

Then his eyes became firm and his face became bold, and he stepped forward.

"What is he doing?"

However, for a moment, all the other strong men seemed to have no idea what they were doing and what they knew.

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