My wife is 30

Chapter 118 Mangosteen

Zhang Huaijin ate a few more there, then turned her head and looked over curiously.

"How do you plant these mangosteens, it will be so delicious."

The mangosteens he bought back in the supermarket with a lot of money are almost completely different, like the mangosteens in the supermarket are generally very cold.

The mangosteen also has an ice-sweet texture, and it tastes acceptable.

But under the mangosteen that was just picked out, the difference between them was immediately highlighted.

I just felt that the things I bought for a big price in the past still didn't taste very good. Now that things are like this, Zhang Huaijin turned to look over and said thoughtfully.

"It tastes so delicious, why don't you try to drive out and sell it yourself."

As soon as he said this, he felt stupid, because things are not as simple as they thought. Someone has already said it there just now.

It is said that the road has been completely broken, and they simply cannot send it out unless they use a tricycle or an electric car.

But for such a long distance, it’s a bit difficult for them to get out

Hearing what he said, the young man sighed softly and said, "In fact, when we first started, we thought of a lot of methods, but it didn't work at all."

"I don't think this matter is that simple. Even if we go out, it is very likely that we won't be able to come back, and if we sell it at such a low price, they will think we are selling fakes."

When I said this, I thought it was funny. They are clearly the place of origin, and they are of the best and top quality.

On the contrary, it is considered to be a fake, which makes people feel helpless and don't know what to do?

Zhang Huaijin glanced at him, and suddenly said: "If this is the case, then I have a way. It's better to have me there to build a road for you, and build a road out. I don't believe you can't go out and sell. "

As soon as he said this, the young man in front of him was taken aback for a moment, turned his head and looked at it in disbelief.

"What, you actually want me to build a road for our village, no, no, no, the money wasted to build a road is too much, I am really sorry, you still think about other methods.

He had already heard about Zhang Huaijin, but it took a lot of money to buy the fruits in their village.

A full 100,000 yuan has been given to the village chief, and they must solve this matter properly!

Zhang Huaijin was speechless when he saw him like this, and said softly.

"Okay, since you say this, then I won't talk too much nonsense with you, but one thing I can say is that the road in your village should be repaired sooner or later. If you don't repair it, it will only It will cause even greater setbacks to the economy of your village."

There is a saying that it seems to build roads before getting rich, but looking at the poor people in this village, even if they gather all the money in their village, they will not be able to build the road.

Seeing him say this, the man quickly changed the subject.

"Don't think about building roads, you'd better eat some mangosteen first, if you feel good, you can buy some back.

He listened to Zhang Huaijin with such a big tone, but he didn't expect that Zhang Huaijin would not want to buy a few.

He glanced at them, and took the initiative to look at the things in front of him.

I went forward and ate a few mangosteens in the foam box in front. The taste of these mangosteens was not bad. Could it be that the additives have not been put in?Although the taste is a bit worse than what I just ate.

Zhang Huaijin thought for a moment, then turned to look at it: "Fill me all the foam boxes, I need all of them."

The taste of these mangosteens is pretty good to be honest. It was left for one or two days. It is estimated that if you chartered a helicopter to send it away today, it would take three days at most.

In addition, there are still things inside that can be sold there, and if they are sold, they can be distributed for free.

It can also be sent to nursing homes and other places for free gifts.

Zhang Huaijin had an idea in her heart, and then she pointed there again.

Said: "I think you mangosteens are of good quality, so just send me some of them first, if they sell well in the future."

"Then you will continue to give us gifts, but the prerequisite is that you can't falsify there, otherwise I will never buy it from you."

Zhang Huaijin was going to wander around other places in the village. He came to Zhang Huaijin to take a walk and found that there were all kinds of fruits in the village.

Even fruits such as papaya exist, and Zhang Huaijin has been in the village directly for a long time.

It wasn't until Song Lin came to look for him that he turned his head and said, "Song Lin, I bought a lot of fruit there. You can see how we can send it back."

He definitely wanted to buy a lot of fruits. He didn't believe Song Lin didn't have any ideas. Sure enough, Song Lin directly took out his mobile phone.

This probably means that people have chartered a plane over. Just that, Zhang Huaijin feels even more surprised. It's really interesting, and people don't know what to do.

If they tell this matter, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

After all, I spent money there to buy a whole airplane’s fruit there. Who would believe it if I said it out? Even Zhang Huaijin was a bit surprised, but Zhang Huaijin didn’t say much.

Now that Song Lin came here, it was to be his own hand and to help himself.

Then he has nothing to say, it is better to arrange everything to him.

Zhang Huaijin has been walking for a long time and you feel a little tired. Looking at the big sun above the sky, you feel a little helpless. Now it is the hottest time. He especially wants to find a place to eat some watermelon.

Zhang Huaijin stopped suddenly and turned to look over. Is there anyone in the village selling watermelons there?Does anyone else plant it?I want to go and take a look

Song Lin followed behind him, and the two of them fumbled for a long time before they walked into a watermelon field, which has nearly ten acres of watermelon field.

There are also melon seedlings inside, and there are even a few people who lie down sleeping in a few big sheds there.

It was to prevent someone from stealing melons. As soon as Zhang Huaijin walked over, the group of people next to him instantly became alert.

"What are you two boys doing? Do you want to steal something to eat?"

Zhang Huaijin shook his head and said, "No, we want to buy some watermelons, but we don't know if these watermelons are sweet or not."

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