My wife is 30

Chapter 119 Watermelon

When several elderly people heard that he was going to buy watermelons here, they quickly turned their heads and looked over.

Particularly earnestly said: "These melons of ours are all grown by ourselves. They must be very good, 8424 and even some small hanging melons. Those melons are good, but our melons are big."

"It's also very sweet. If you don't believe it, you can come and have a look. They are all naturally cooked, without any cyclamate."

Zhang Huaijin walked forward, wanting to pick a watermelon casually, and the old man on the side stretched out his hand to hold him.

To him, he shook his head gently, and said, "Hey, boy, don’t pick it here, I tell you, you can easily mistake the watermelon like this, and it’s easy to pick out the unsweetened watermelon. You should choose carefully."

Seeing things like this, Zhang Huaijin turned her head and looked over curiously, and said seriously.

"Uncle, why are these things so difficult to choose?" I always feel that something is not quite right.

Looking at the past, he thinks that all people who pick watermelons are the same?It all depends on your luck.

Either it was good or the bad one was picked. It was all based on my fate. Then the coconut shook his head, and directly took out a watermelon and placed it in front of him.

This watermelon is round and round, and if you tap it with your hand, there will be an echo. The inside of this watermelon is sandy.

Zhang Huaijin opened the watermelon curiously, and it turned out that the watermelon is actually sandy, and it tastes like sand.

But after a bite, the taste was particularly sweet, which made people even more surprised. Zhang Huaijin ate the watermelon.

Then he turned his head and glanced, and the person next to him thoughtfully said: The quality of the watermelon is also good. I want to pull a cart back. You can see if you can buy it. If the response is good and sweet, I can sell it. ."

The old man couldn't wait to find a few officials from the melon field and put them in front of him.

He vowed to say: "I picked a few melons casually. I tell you that each watermelon is very sweet. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Zhang Huaijin pretended all the watermelons, put a small portion on it, and tasted it. It is indeed sweet, but it is inevitable that people do not know what to do with such a sweet watermelon.

It seemed to be a little bit different from the watermelons he had eaten before. He noticed some problems after one bite.

In the end, it was something that made him even better. Now this watermelon tastes good.

Zhang Huaijin Tibetans packed a whole car of melons there, and they heard the roar of airplanes in the sky until the next morning.

Zhang Huaijin watched people park the plane on top of a school.

I feel a little speechless in my heart, these people are just a bunch of talents!

Watching this group of people take the watermelon on the plane, many people took pictures with their mobile phones.

The students around are also seen from here, and the feeling that looks particularly fresh makes people feel even more helpless.

Seeing that the fruits were almost delivered, Zhang Huaijin took Song Lin and others to settle the account, and then went to settle the account.

Zhang Huaijin turned and glanced at Song Lin: "Go back and clean up this shop first. When the decoration is completed, I will fly over to pick me up on the day I opened in advance. I will come over and see how you feel when it opens that day. "

Song Lin said in surprise, "Boss, what do you mean? Could it be that you are going to live in this village for a while!"

Zhang Huaijin silently nodded and looked at the dilapidated village behind him. There was something unspeakable sadness in his heart. The people in the village were really nice.

But the economy in this village is too backward. He wandered around in this village yesterday.

I found that there was not even a small supermarket. I don't know how these people got out.

I don't know what is going on in the daily life of this group of people, things are like this now.

He watched Song Lin and his group leave with fruits, while they left two huge suitcases in their hands.

All in one suitcase is for food, while in the other are stacks of money.

When Zhang Huaijin saw this box of money, the whole person felt a little bit dumbfounded. It seemed that Song Lin should have guessed what he would do here.

After watching the plane leave far away, Zhang Huaijin went off the top floor of the school in a sensual way, just in time to see the school principal dragging his exhausted body over and greeted him with a warm handshake.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, the fruit in our village would probably be unsalable. Last year, the fruit in our village would not have been sold."

"We threw all the fruit away, and we didn't sell it to those unscrupulous merchants."

The principal seems to be about 50 or 60 years old, and looks particularly tired, which makes Zhang Huaijin feel that he does not know what to do

Zhang Huaijin thought for a while, but the escort strolled around the school, and the more I watched, the more I felt that I didn't know what it was like.

Because the desks are still very old and very old red wood, they are not even as big as their own.

Then it became the students' desk, and Zhang Huaijin looked at the particularly dilapidated scene.

Turning to look at the contents of his hand, he said thoughtfully: "Principal, I feel a little tired. Can you help me bring these two suitcases to where I live?"

The school principal went up to help him carry things without saying a word, although the box was particularly heavy.

But the principal did not scream bitter or tired when dragging the suitcase, which moved Zhang Huaijin even more.

Zhang Huaijin saw that he had already returned to the village chief to help him find a small house, but didn't know what was going on inside.

There is also a very small electric fan. The outside looks very clean. It seems that someone has used a steel ball to wash it carefully.

The principal next to him was very enthusiastic, and he put two large suitcases under the bed.

Helped him clean up the house again, seeming to treat him as a particularly warm guest.

Seeing that things were already like this, Zhang Huaijin smiled lightly, pulled the principal who was about to go out, and pulled him back to his side.

Suddenly smiled and said: "Principal, I brought you some small gifts in my suitcase, that is, the red suitcase. After you open it, pick some and take it away.

The principal was a little flattered, and cautiously stepped forward to take a look, but he was taken aback as soon as he opened the zipper.

What I didn't expect was a wad of red banknotes inside.

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