My wife is 30

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

Zhang Yu watched the two of them stay here for a while, looking up, and said silently.

"Can you two stop showing affection in front of me? I'm still a single dog, can you have some conscience there."

The whole person felt very sad.

Zhang Huaijin looked up, patted his shoulder gently, and said.

"We are not here to show affection with you anymore. By then, you, you will not be in any physical condition now, so go out with us. After all, spending money here is quite expensive."

Zhang Huaijin said this, the whole person was very serious, and the person next to him did not expect him to be so ruthless.

He looked up and said silently: "Do you look at you like this? I am injured there now, so you can't treat me better there."

Talking and bargaining there.

Although he said that, they left here soon, when Zhang Huaijin had left here.

The dean next to him came over unhappily and said softly,

"I'll show you what you are doing? Didn't I tell you? This patient's condition is not very good."

Zhang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and looked up.

"I am the client myself. Why don't I think I have any problems? It's you, what's wrong with me?"

When he said this, he was not at all polite, and it was not at all face.

Zhang Huaijin feels very speechless as well. This person is afraid that it is too much. He has not taken the initiative to take the initiative.

I was about to come over to find out about this person, but I didn't expect that this person turned out to be sent to the door instead of knowing whether he was alive or not.Zhang Huaijin snorted coldly.

"Doctor, I think you have been unfavorable for the past few years, so you should stay at home. I think you will not become a dean sooner or later."

As he talked, he walked toward the door, and he didn't care how the people thought of him.

The expressions are particularly cold, even the monsoon next to him feels a bit speechless.

Stepped forward and patted his shoulder lightly, and said softly.

"Zhang Huaijin, don't be so angry, especially in front of this group of people. If you talk so much to him there, it will only make him vigilant, in case he is there early What do you think should I do after packing things up?"

Zhang Huaijin was shocked instantly, looked up and said, "Is it really possible? My God!"

Zhang Huaijin realized that as soon as he finished speaking, there was a big problem, and it was very likely that he had said something that shouldn't be said there.

For a while, the whole person felt interested, I would want to say something, and felt a little helpless. After all, this matter is very important.

Zhang Huaijin looked up and said softly.

"I think, let's go back quickly. As for the doctor, I will leave it to you next, okay?"

At this moment, he only felt confident. After all, things were not under his control at all, so he had better not say anything.

Ji Yu saw that he was particularly tired in his heart and patted his shoulder lightly.

Implying that he had agreed to this matter, and then turned to sit next to Zhang Huaijin.

The doctor on the other side frowned when he returned to the hospital and walked to an empty corner.

Cai murmured secretly in his heart, mainly because this person really didn't know what was good or bad, and he even dared to look like this.

Zhang Huaijin has been investigating there for a while, and he originally thought he would be afraid of his own rights or something.

In other words, he cared very much about his brother, which he hadn't expected at all.

But it’s not as easy as thinking about it yourself. Why is it so difficult to spend more money there?

The doctor's name is Song Renci, and it doesn't sound good, and his character as a person is not very good.

He returned to the side and looked at the distant place alone, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

This group of people would be so unsure of good or bad, making him feel even more disgusted when doing things.

"Doctor what are you doing here?"Otherwise, let's change the shift first. I have something tonight. Can you change the shift for me?"

Suddenly there was a man's voice.

Song Renci immediately looked up, nodded lightly, and smiled: "Okay, then I'll change your shift."

Song Renci went to work overtime alone, and the sky gradually darkened. When it was five or six o'clock in the evening, something he didn't expect happened because suddenly an old lady appeared in front of him.

This person looked particularly anxious, and said in a hurry in front of him: "My son had a car accident there, can you send someone to rescue my son soon?"

Song Renci nodded and said, "Okay, don't worry there, we will send someone to rescue your son right now."

After speaking, he called his colleague.

As the ambulance hummed past.However, Song Renci was always there to keep thinking, seeing that it was time for him to repay the loan again.

But he didn't make much money at all, which made him feel a little worried.

He frowned and looked at it for a while, not knowing what to say, but felt that the current situation was not as easy as he thought.

Since I got gambling, I don’t have much money anymore, I can only find ways to make money.

Even a lot of money was taken from this group of patients.Those patients really didn't disappoint him.

Some patients have special money in their homes, and they can directly get a large sum of money, and they can make him repay the loan there. He hasn't changed the loan, which makes him very anxious.

Seeing days getting closer, he also had some other thoughts in his heart, and he looked up at the past thoughtfully.

"Your son's current situation doesn't look very good. He must have an operation there as soon as possible, otherwise he is very likely to be life-threatening, and what is life-threatening."

Auntie panicked instantly, looked up and said anxiously.

"What should I do where? Isn't it just an operation? Do it quickly. I'm willing to save my son for as much money as possible."

This is what the doctor wanted to hear at this moment. He looked up while the person next to him was not paying attention, nodded gently and said.

"In this case, you can pay a sum of operation fees first, and give 200,000 yuan. If you give me 200,000 yuan, your son will be able to save his life and his legs."

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