My wife is 30

Chapter 155 Blackmail

200,000, she was going to give 200,000, and the woman was stunned in an instant, but the operation of 200,000 was really a bit unbearable for her, for the life of her son.

He gritted his teeth and nodded.

Doctor Xing, should I give you the money first or what's the matter?You can talk about it there.

The doctor didn't expect that he would compromise so quickly, he looked up and said.

"You can give me the money today. As for other things, you don't have to worry about it. I will send your son to the hospital now, and carry the people to the hospital."

As time passed slowly, the woman didn't even know that she had been deceived for a full 200,000, and his son didn't need to undergo surgery there.

Ordinary people have to undergo surgery in a car accident there, which can be judged by Song Renci.

This is just some trauma, the classic is to slap, because it fell to the ground temporarily unconscious.

There will be absolutely no problems, there is no need for any surgery at all, but he still has the past with his team.

The false operation was completed, but the woman inside didn't know anything about it, and didn't even know what was going on.

Zhang Huaijin was playing the game with his eyes closed, but what he didn't expect was that.Don't suddenly ring the phone.

Cao Ming looked at it thoughtfully, and when it came to what you told me to do?

The woman over there was slightly taken aback, looked up, and said softly: "Oh, by the way, don't you want us to investigate this woman? We have already investigated this person there.

"Don't even say that this man is really very scheming. He has already paid a big price for his assistant there."

Zhang Huaijin looked up while listening, and said indifferently, "Are there any clues? If there is no clue, then I'll hang up first."

The woman over there saw him really want to hang up, and quickly looked up and said.

"Oh, he was really there. He did a lot of things, or like last night when all of you were sleeping. He took over a patient there.

"Through our investigation of this disease, there is no disease at all. However, the patient's family members were defrauded of 200,000 yuan. Through our investigation, this matter is true."

Why someone was deceived Zhang Huaijin instantly looked up at Iran and was deceived, then this matter can be interesting.

Zhang Huaijin put down her mobile phone and looked up.

If he said thoughtfully, "He was deceived if he was deceived, so do you have any relevant evidence? If there is no relevant evidence, even I can't do anything."

Sure enough, the woman really understood what he was saying, she immediately looked up and nodded.

"It's true that we have found evidence there. I have to say that this person is really a very disgusting person. Actually, he really bought a lot of people there. We have sent them all to your mailbox. You can take a look."

Zhang Huaijin obediently opened her mobile phone mailbox, and sure enough there were many things in it.

The whole person was dumbfounded, and this group of people dared to do whatever they really were.

Under the nose of the hospital, he was arrogant and almost ruined many families.

Even because their selfish desires ruined a person's best time to rescue, it must be full of evil.

Even Zhang Huaijin felt very disgusted as a whole. She frowned and looked at it for a long time before saying softly, if that's the case, what should I do if you think about it?

When Zhang Huaijin said this, she had already noticed in her heart, this kind of thing has nothing to do with her.

But he wanted antigens for something that was not human. He felt that he would never let this person be deceived.

Zhang Huaijin was not a fool, and it was a scourge for this group of people to stay. He felt that he couldn't let this group of people lie there.

Seeing that he was no longer playing games, Zhang Yu looked up curiously. He happened to see him saying something like this there. He was taken aback for a moment and said with a smile.

"Cousin, according to my opinion, otherwise leave it to me. They are all frenzied people and leave it to me. I think this thing will be easier."

Especially this thing is like this. He still wants to teach the group of people a lesson. He even dared to try to shoot himself there. He was really wishful thinking. He didn’t know what it meant without giving them a lesson. Scared.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Huaijin nodded softly, and then reluctantly stepped forward to pat his shoulder and said softly.

"Okay, okay, I know what you mean. As for you, don't worry about it there. Anyway, what is the relationship between the current situation and you, it's best to watch it there."

Zhang Yu was a little dissatisfied and said: "You see that he wants to cheat us there. It's not easy for us to do nothing. The best way is to get back there and get them back. Knowing that our group is nothing to provoke!"

He was really naive when he spoke, even Zhang Huaijin felt helpless, and patted his shoulder lightly.

Silently said: "Well, don't quarrel with me there. If you want to do this thing, then leave it to you, but I have a little request that you can never set off a fire there. "

Zhang Yuxing nodded rushingly, even if this matter was given, then he got up and took the pile of evidence and started to act in a bad mood.

When Song Renci went to work again a few days later, he didn't expect to pick up the strange look of the colleague next to him.

He looked up for a moment and asked softly: "Why are you looking at me with such gaze there? Did I do something wrong?"

The dean next to him came over and said softly.

"You'd better not come to work recently, because now everyone knows that you work with us and that you have embezzled a lot of money. We can't protect you there. You can do it yourself. "

Song Renci instantly looked up in disbelief and said.

"What's the joke? I'm the director of our hospital. If there is no reason, you just open me up. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Although he said so, he was particularly flustered.

Why was I suddenly discovered by others, and what was it for?

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