My wife is 30

Chapter 156 Occupation

Song Renci never thought that his career would be ruined so quickly.

I looked up with some trepidation and said, "The Dean is a fake thing. We have all worked together. Can you not know who I am for so many years?"

He looked at the dean in front of him in a particularly anxious manner, hoping that the dean could help himself there. What he didn't expect was that the dean looked up at him.

The voice said indifferently.

"What the hell is this? I can't tell you anymore, but the only thing I can be sure of is that you have provoke a lot of people there. Someone wants to mess with you, and the nasty things you have done. They were all picked up."

There was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes unconsciously, indeed, it was because this person was really too arrogant, and he was in such a state of unscrupulous when doing a lot of things.

This time I don’t know which great god I provoke, and I will be disqualified directly. This is a good thing that everyone did not expect.

Song Renci heard them say this, and now the whole person looked at it in panic.

"President, what is going on in this matter? Why did you just fire me?"

The people around were dumbfounded and didn't know what to say, but Zhang Huaijin was in the hospital ward with a sneer.

Zhang Yu walked out with a smile and said.

"What have you done? Haven't you counted it in your heart? You still embezzled other people's life-saving money there. This time, you made a lot of money. That's 200,000 yuan!"

When the man heard this, he immediately raised his head and looked over, frowned, and said with some impatientness.

"Don't be disgusting in there, okay? If you don't have any evidence for this matter, I can sue you for slandering there, knowing that slandering will lead to jail."

He feels particularly terrified as a person, and he never thought that a young guy would say such things directly.

How could he know that he had already accepted bribes to earn 200,000 yuan last night?How did it come back?This is something that no one expected.

Zhang Huaijin walked out with a particularly disgusting look in her eyes, and said softly when she looked at the person next to her.

"Oh, you are so sensible, so disgusting, I don’t even bother to say anything about you, don’t forget, all the things you do are traceable there, and you received such More bribes are already a death sentence, and you dare to laugh here."

Song Renci suddenly raised his head, frowned and wanted to say something, but saw that the law enforcement team outside had already arrived.

The whole person's face was instantly panic trying to run out of the stairs.

Zhang Huaijin silently blocked the road that must be passed, just to block this person's road to death.

Song Renci saw that he was stuck here, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he brought out a medical kit from his carry-on luggage. There was a sharp scalpel in the medical kit.

Taking out this established scalpel, Zhang Huaijin herself was already prepared for a long time, and flashed to the side at any time to avoid his attack like this. People who worked there for many years.

It must be someone who is no better than normal there. Zhang Huaijin avoided his attack and defense, and forced him to the ground.

Song Renci was pushed to the ground by him there, desperately trying to resist, wanting to get out of his side.

However, Zhang Huaijin frowned tightly, pressed him to the ground abruptly, and whispered angrily.

"You are really shameless, even if you are connected with a sting, you dare to embezzle for any amount of money. You are really brave! Hurry up and honestly explain, how much money have you burned?"

Zhang Huaijin was about to question something when the law enforcement team nearby had already rushed over.

He carefully pulled Zhang Huaijin away, and took the scalpel from his hand, and Song Renci was imprisoned, and a pair of handcuffs were also tested.

He looked up and said softly.

"Thank you very much about this matter. If it weren't for you, we would still be investigating for a long time. By the way, how did you know about the matter last night?"

In the early morning, they received someone there to help, saying that the name in this hospital was Song Renci.

Doctors often accept bribes here, but last night someone obviously didn't need to perform surgery, but they missed the 200,000 operating fee.

They immediately attached great importance to it and set up an investigation team to investigate this incident. They never thought that this incident would be the case. For them,

Such things have always been very rare, and no one would commit crimes under their noses.

In the end, she slapped her face unexpectedly, but it made people feel very speechless. Zhang Huaijin heard them saying this and looked up helplessly.

"One of my cousins ​​was also in this hospital. He clearly didn't suffer multiple injuries, but they asked for a transfer and an operation there. At that time, I was asked to check and found that this person had a problem."

Zhang Huaijin subconsciously wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth. After all, he didn't believe that Zhiren would not know things that he could find out.

Then this person must have what kind of power behind him, a bit of worry, and I don't know whether this person can recur if he steals the land.

He watched there for a while, and the whole person still enjoyed the long-lost silence.

I don't know how this matter should be resolved, because he did not expect in any case that someone would dare to buy a superior there.

The law enforcement team member in front of him glanced at him, nodded, and said that we already knew what was going on.

"As for your words, don't go out there and talk about it. We will investigate this kind of thing there. Thank you for your cooperation. Hurry up and take people away."

While talking, he turned his head to enrich the person next to him, and let people leave here.

When Song Renci was taken away, he was still in a panic and didn't know what to say.

But the only thing that can be certain is that he is completely here this time, and he did not expect that someone would cheat himself here.

Still, I would have been investigated in advance, and I regretted what I wanted to say in my heart.

But looking at the vicious look of the group of people behind the law enforcement team, he closed his mouth and dared not say a word.

She had to look up at Zhang Huaijin next to her, her eyes were vicious.

Zhang Huaijin noticed his gaze sensitively, but Zhang Huaijin smiled faintly.

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