My wife is 30

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six

When Zhang Huaijin heard him rejecting herself there, her whole body calmed down, not knowing where to say what to persuade people to agree.

I just felt that this matter was not as I thought it was, so it was easy for him to look very upset.

He frowned and looked over, and continued to insist.

"Otherwise, you will have another wedding there with me. You should understand that the things that have happened from now on are my faults, but now I want to make up for it. I hope you can give me a chance."

Both of them were dissatisfied with their wedding, but it made him feel irritable.

I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do.

Things are like this now, Zhang Huaijin looked up at the person curiously, to see what kind of explanation he could give himself.

But what he didn't expect was that Song Lin suddenly appeared, and the man glanced at him there, then he smiled and said.

"Well, I won't be there anymore to make jokes with you, just say, let's see what to do with the wedding, I think you are really worried too much."

Song Lin next to him didn't know when he left, and he looked at them when he came back. Zhang Huaijin frowned and looked over.

Some were unhappy and said, "What did you come to my house for?"

I just didn't have much time at home, but he didn't even expect him to come.I want to roll my eyes there without knowing what to say.

When Zhang Huaijin wanted to say something, only the man next to her looked up.

He smiled and said, "You actually want to have the latest wedding with him, then you can have a wedding with Ann."

They say that getting married there is also a good thing, but why are these two people so silent there?

It really made him feel that he didn't quite understand even as an outsider, and I don't know what they are doing.

Especially with the seasonal rain next to him, Zhang Huaijin, who now looks very speechless, feels very speechless when he said this.

He looked up and said with a smile: "Don't make any jokes with me there. My wife doesn't want to hold a wedding with me now, what can I do? You can help me to persuade Monsoon there, you You should understand how much I like him."

Although I said that there is a certain age gap between the two people and Ji Yu, but that there is no such thing, this kind of Zhang Huaijin feels a little speechless.

Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, but what people did not expect was that Ji Yu walked to his side.

He glanced at him and said seriously: "If you really want to marry us there, then we can get married there."

Seeing him grind over there, the whole person felt very speechless, not knowing what to say, but felt very helpless.

After all, things are not as simple as they thought. Someone Zhang Huaijin insisted on insisting there, saying that he was remarrying with himself.

Or just follow what he said, what about getting married again?

To him, getting married is a 4000 that feels a bit embarrassing, but he only tried to think about it there.

After all, the relationship between the two people was not so sincere. Now Zhang Huaijin insists on getting married there.

Might as well try there like him and see if you can get real things there.

Zhang Huaijin squinted his eyes and looked over and smiled.

Lightly patted his shoulder and said: "Okay, since you are willing to marry me there, then I won't say much nonsense. I will let people prepare now. What do you think?"

Since it is about getting married, then all actions must be done there as soon as possible. Zhang Huaijin is not a fool.

Use the test to increase the interpersonal relationship, it will make people's feelings always better.

Having a not-perfect marriage, especially a not-so-good wedding scene, is something that no one wants to have.

However, Zhang Huaijin has said so, so I definitely want to make up for this regret!

Zhang Huaijin frowned and looked at it. She didn't understand what he should say there, so she looked at it and said with a smile.

"Since you think you still marry me there, can I think of other ways?"

As he spoke, he stood up and stretched slowly, making the whole person feel a little sleepy.

I looked at the man in front of me there,

Some helplessly said: "Can you stop staying in my house? Because staying in my house is actually useless. You should go to the company to watch it first. Hasta's attitude is really letting People find it too inexplicable."

Especially when Song Lin has been in his own home for such a long time, it makes people feel very speechless and doesn't know what to say.

After all, this person's attitude is really surprising. There were really very few people like this last time.

Song Lin watched that he had rushed to him several times and nodded advanced.

Said: "Well, since it looks like this, then I won't talk any more nonsense there, the two of us should leave there first."

After speaking, he walked out directly, smiling and looking over there, the whole person felt a little speechless.

"Let me tell you, you are really speechless. You suddenly came to my house. What do you want to do? When you came to my house, you just wanted to chat with me. is it?"

This incident suddenly appeared in her home, something that Zhang Huaijin never thought of.

After all, this person's attitude is really inexplicable, making him wonder what to say.

When Zhang Huaijin said something important, the man's face changed instantly, and he glanced at him.

He smiled weirdly and said: "By the way, I have something to tell you. The previous person named Hasta, talked to you about the business."

"We have all taken it down now and transferred it to another group. Soon the people from the law enforcement team will begin to supervise it."

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