My wife is 30

Chapter 167 Illegal

Zhang Huaijin had never done anything illegal or disciplinary in the past. Now that I heard that this time, things have become so serious, I can’t help feeling some special worry in my heart. stand up.

If you really find some messy things in the pile of goods you accept, then these things are likely to be buried in your happy life in the next life, or it may cause the hostess and others to be all Into the endless black abyss.

Zhang Huaijin, who was already upset, felt even more irritable after thinking about this. Finally, he finally arrived at the harbor the next day. When he saw the person in charge in front of him, The expression on the other side's face indeed looked very unoptimistic:

"We had already carefully checked the things we intercepted a few days ago last night, and I didn't find that those things really seemed to be entrained in the pair of goods we had originally, but no one thought of it. There are these things in there?"

The mood in my heart had already reached the bottom. After hearing this, Zhang Huaijin came to the warehouse without saying a word. The person in front of him still looked particularly frightened:

"When we first came here, we had already carefully inspected this batch of goods, but we found that there seemed to be no problems with this batch of goods at all, and we didn't know which part of it was being manipulated. Then, there will be all this mess in it."

The messy powder in front of me is nothing more than a bunch of shit, but this bunch of things really doesn't know how many families' happy lives have been destroyed.

The atmosphere in the air became extremely embarrassed in an instant. After hearing this, Zhang Huaijin immediately recovered her composure after one incident. It is now when everyone feels particularly flustered, of course she It can't be messed up.

"If these things were really not done by us, then I believe the team members in the interrogation room will also know that this matter is because we were framed by others."

Although I can’t help but feel worried about the things I just discovered in my heart, Zhang Huaijin at this moment still dials Hasta’s phone, because the cargo transportation this time is more or less the same. The other party can't get out of the relationship.

The phone was finally picked up after the beep, and the other party’s voice seemed to make people feel lazy. The situation has become so urgent now that the other party is still in the mood. Travelers:

"Do you know how big a mistake you have made this time? If it weren't for my people to find out in time that you still have something that shouldn’t be in this batch of goods, I’m afraid you would have already gone for interrogation. Tea in the room."

The mood in his heart became particularly irritable in an instant, and when the opposite Hasta heard such words, he immediately came to the harbor in a panic.

The weather in these two days is not very cool, and everyone in these two days always feels a little upset in their hearts, and finally waited for the person to come to this harbour. Zhang Huaijin at this moment Looking at each other seriously in the office:

"Didn't I have told you many times before? People like us should abide by the law. If you don't even abide by the most basic laws, how can you continue to exploit the loopholes in the future? How will you be able to grow your company in the future?"

Looking at the expression on the face of the person in front of him at first, he still didn't care. Zhang Huaijin felt that the man in front of him didn't care about poison at all:

"I brought you here today. I didn’t want to ask you directly. I just really felt that I couldn’t figure it out. Why did I find these things in this batch of goods? If these things are shaken by others If it comes out, do you know that our entire company will pay a heavy price for these things?"

The cold wind outside just blew in. After hearing this, the man in front of him suddenly changed a particularly grateful look, and he was almost holding tens of millions of cash. Come here to give gifts:

"Neither did I think, why are these messy things mixed in my goods? But I am sure that I have never done anything messing with the law, and it was absolutely impossible for me before. Will do something like this, so I hope you can believe me."

I already felt a little skeptical about this matter, so after hearing this, Zhang Huaijin couldn't help but frowned her brow tightly. Sometimes she didn't know if she should believe in front of her. What this man said.

"I will definitely investigate this matter, but I really don't know what happened this time, and I had already made up my mind before, and I will never do anything violating the law. ."

The tone of the speech sounded particularly sincere. After hearing this, Zhang Huaijin couldn't help but believe the man in front of him. Maybe it really wasn't from his heart:

"I also know that you are definitely not deliberately going to transport these things, but sometimes you have to be more careful, and if these things are really exposed by others, then I think our entire company must be because of this. One incident was greatly implicated."

Zhang Huaijin, between doubt and trust, finally chose trust. Seeing that the man in front of him was so cheating, Hasta couldn't help but smile directly at the corner of his mouth. For a moment.

Before, she never knew how capable he was, but now when he saw that the man in front of him turned out to be such a cheat, he felt a vague sense of pride in his heart.

All the changes in his heart were naturally something Zhang Huaijin hadn't imagined, and even now he really thought that the man in front of him was accidentally framed by others to entrain this kind of mess.

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