My wife is 30

Chapter 168 Interrogation

I just wanted to quietly let my subordinates throw out all the messy things I found this time, but when Zhang Huaijin here just wanted to order his subordinates, the outside world suddenly spread. After a while, it sounded a little noisy and yelling:

"I have already emphasized it to you. If you don't have an agreement with our president, then you must not go in. Can't you let me in and report it? What is the difference between you guys like this?"

The outside voice sounded like the little secretary's particularly nervous voice, and after hearing this, Zhang Huaijin also stood up directly on the seat. He didn't want to reproduce some extraneous things now.

I thought that as long as I concealed a little bit this time, I could cover up this time secretly, but I never thought that the two people in front of me turned out to be plainclothes law enforcement officers, and the expressions on everyone's face Very serious:

"We were sent from the interrogation room in the city. We heard that there seem to be some things you shouldn't own here. If you take out these things obediently now, then I can still Let you go."

The so-called courtesy first and soldiers second is just a few words like this. After hearing these words, the expression on Zhang Huaijin’s face has already begun to become more and more ugly. It seems that this time things really are no matter what. There is no way to hide it.

I watched as the people in front of me were about to start searching the house next to him forcefully. At the same time, Hasta next to him suddenly took a step back, and then deliberately pretended to be a pair. Very nervous look:

"Didn’t I already tell you? I told you that the law enforcement team is definitely not easy to provoke, since you have already provoke this kind of unclean thing in your hand. Then don't hurry up and hand these things to the law enforcement team members, do you really want to ruin our entire company? Can you think about it for the big guys?"

The expression on the face of the other party when he said these words seemed to have a heart-wrenching feeling. After hearing these words, Zhang Huaijin turned his head in disbelief. He didn't understand the man in front of him. What are you talking about?

"I told you before that you should never touch these taboo things. These things are not something that ordinary people can touch, and these things don’t know how many families have been destroyed. , Why don’t you listen to me? You see, now that people have come directly to arrest you, are you still planning to go against them?"

The distress in the tone of the speech really cannot be described by any one person, and after hearing this, Zhang Huaijin finally understood it. It seems that the man in front of him wanted to slander himself from the beginning. of:

"I wanted to work hard to cover up the mistakes you made. I actually thought you brought these things over because you were accidentally deceived by others. It turned out to be a big liar through and through. I had misunderstood the person before."

If Zhang Huaijin thought at the beginning that the man in front of him was used by others because of his innocence, then she now feels that the talent in front of him is really scary.

There are many people in this world who have ghosts in their hearts, but there are also many people in this world who do things secretly. The latter seems to be a bit more hateful than the former, but this time Hasta turned out to be the most hateful. people.

The law enforcement team around me didn’t know exactly what happened at the beginning, and even at this moment, some law enforcement team members shook their heads boredly, as if watching the two men in front of each other shirk responsibility. It's the same as a joke.

Just when Huai Jin just wanted to go to the computer to check the records from the previous few days, at this moment Hasta suddenly took out a Wang Bo, and then vowed to pat his chest. :

"I saw Zhang Huaijin secretly ordering a group of people to move some things to this boat a few days ago, and at that time he even lied to me and said that it was just to help some people in his family bring some things. It's gadgets. It turns out that the people in your family use these things, no wonder I have never seen them before."

This kind of cheeky spirit of lying is not something anyone can have. At this moment, Zhang Huaijin was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time, and when he just wanted to frown, the law enforcement team around him suddenly Speaking of:

"Since you are no longer involved in this matter, then you should follow us to the interrogation room for a walk. The so-called body is not afraid of shadows, if you really haven't done those bad things. , We will definitely not find any clues when we go there."

Although there is a truth in this world that you are not afraid of shadows, but this time, you have been slandered to such a degree. After thinking of this, Zhang Huaijin suddenly felt a dizzy feeling in his head. .

Before leaving, Zhang Huaijin looked at Hasta with a special anger in his eyes, and even now he feels that he has directly torn Hasta to pieces, but fortunately he still managed to control it slightly in the end. My own kind of psychology.

Time continued to walk down like this for one minute and one second, and finally came to the interrogation room with great difficulty. After that, Zhang Huaijin's grievances in his heart made him have no good face all the way, and the law enforcement who brought her over. The team members smiled:

"I found that you are a bit too stubborn. If you have been so stubborn, then you will definitely suffer a big loss in the future. Why do you think we should take you to interrogation this time? Come in the room? Do you really think we just think you are a ghostly person?"

This sentence sounds like there is a meaning in the words, and after hearing this, Zhang Huaijin couldn't help raising her head. The smile on the face of the law enforcement team in front of him finally gave him a very relieved feeling in his heart. , The originally particularly nervous mood began to become a little relaxed.

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