My wife is 30

Chapter 171 Mother

Said: "This matter has nothing to do with you. It's just his mother. I don't think it looks like a good thing at all. Let's beware."

Zhang Yu's mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp at all, so she should beware.a bit.

Zhang Huaijin looked up there and looked over. The whole person was very serious. It's not that he was there to treat this person badly. He was discriminatory.

Seeing that things were like this, Zhang Huaijin looked at the person next to him, and she felt a little worried.

I said something, but I don't know what to do. I just feel that the current situation is a little different from what I thought.

After all, Zhang Yu's mother's attitude is very inexplicable, even Zhang Huaijin doesn't know where he is talking.

As soon as Zhang Yu over there heard the sound of monsoon rain, he was instantly excited.

He said quickly: "Sister-in-law, you are back! The relationship between the two of you is really good, I feel that you two have always been inseparable."

He said careless words there, which made people feel very speechless when they heard it. They didn't bother to say something there. They nodded, said a sentence or two, and then hung up the phone.

After Zhang Yu over there hung up the phone, he looked up and glanced at his mother.

Some helplessly said: "I have told him now, you can put down the knife in your hand, why bother against me here, you will only harm yourself like this."

Zhang Yu's mother nodded in satisfaction, looked up, and smiled softly.

"As expected to be my good son, he really listened to my mother's words in particular, that is, you didn't know who you learned badly from, so you dare to violate my words there."

He looked at his son there, eyes full of pity, Zhang Huaijin didn't even know what happened here.

The two people are very affectionate with the monsoon over there, and the monsoon is there to prepare dinner for him.

The two of them didn't even know what happened in Zhang Yu's house. Only Zhang Huaijin was thinking about why his attitude had become like this.

If a person's attitude suddenly changes there, then there must be some other problems, not disguise there.

So it's a person who corrects evil there, but he feels that Zhang Yu's mother will be able to use the land to summon her son, it will definitely not be so easy to provoke.

Zhang Huaijin hesitated for a long time there, not knowing where he was talking, frowned and looked for a long time before putting down the phone in her hand.

Turned his head and glanced at the lover next to him.

Said: "I told you two days ago that Zhang Yu and his mother will come to us. Do you have anything to say? If you have anything to say, you can just say it.

Looking up, the whole person is very serious.Ji Yu looked up hesitantly.

Frowning and whispering: "I don't have anything to say, but I think the attitude of Zhang Yu's mother is really inexplicable. It is better for us to be of the opposite sex there. I always feel that there seems to be a problem. "

When he said such things here, the whole person was a little surprised. After all, things are not good now, so what more should be said there.

Especially Zhang Huaijin, who has always been like that now, on the contrary, makes people feel a little speechless and don't even know what is going on.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Huaijin said: "Okay, I won't make any jokes with you here. Let me go home and pack up things first. We haven't been home for several days. Let me go home first. Look inside."

While talking, he packed his own things.

On the other side, Zhang Yu looked at his mother worriedly. The person in front of him was his mother, threatening his own son with his life.

Just to let his son go there to pit others' money, how can such a mother make him willing?

He looked up at his mother there, with a particularly cold attitude.

The woman next to him didn't care about his attitude at all. She was so indifferent. Instead, she said with a smile, "I can get the money in their hands. You will be a rich kid from now on."

"You don't need to pretend to me here. When you have money, you will know how much rich people will enjoy their lives. The happiness of rich people is not what we imagined."

Zhang Yu was very irritable listening to what he said there, frowned and looked at it, and said viciously.

"Don't tell me here. I tell you nothing like this. He will definitely not give you money at that time. Even if you pretend to be pitiful, he will never give you a penny! "

He already has a certain understanding of Zhang Huaijin.

Zhang Huaijin is not a fool, nor a person who can be controlled by others.

Although Zhang Yu's mother still looks quite abnormal, but what happened in the later stage, then it has nothing to do with them.

Zhang Huaijin didn't even know everything that happened, but started to prepare things there.

Two days later, Zhang Yu's mother came here. This woman looked really good, she looked like a noble lady, but vaguely felt that this person was not easy to provoke.

What kind of things are being done there, it seems that the desire to control is particularly powerful, and it makes people feel a little scared to look at it.

Zhang Huaijin forcibly suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and stepped forward to the person.

Said: "This is your mother, your mother looks really young."

Like a noble lady, but I have to say, it seems a little uncomfortable, he has met many people there.

But people like this are really rare.

The woman in front of me scratched her head in embarrassment when she heard him ask.

Said: "Yes, I am his mother. I came here to see what your company has developed into now."

"I think your company should be able to grow bigger! Why are you stagnating now and don't know where to expand?"

Zhang Huaijin, when he heard what he said, he was slightly shocked, smiling and looking up.

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