My wife is 30

Chapter 172 Intervention

He said: "Only the subordinates know what the current company looks like. The most stable state now is to stay in place and not move."

He is not a fool, and he will not expand blindly there, but listening to what a woman says, he seems to be a fool.

Not knowing where to expand his company, made him feel a little unhappy.

When I looked up, I was a bit unceremonious when speaking.

"Our company's current plan is also the best. Of course, it may not be as good as you think, but it is currently the best development."

The woman nodded in embarrassment, as if she was cursing him secretly in her heart, a little bit unsure.

There was a grin on his face.

Said: "Oh, it's okay, you kids, you just like to open a company there. Now what is going on with your company, you are the only one."

"Look at Auntie, I'm already this old, and I've been an executive in a certain company for such a long time. Why don't you let me come to your company and give me a small position? What do you think? ?"

A small post?

Zhang Huaijin almost put this sentence in double quotes.

This person has an inextricable relationship with him, and he wants to come to his company and do what kind of work.

Is this so easy?Zhang Huaijin smiled softly when he looked at him with such an attitude.

"Auntie, what you said was wrong. In our company, it's not up to me to manage it at all, and I don't have any ability to manage it."

"The main ability is the few confidants under me. I can't manage anything there. Even if An Ren enters, it won't be my turn."

What he said is correct. The company is to prevent such things from happening, so strict regulations are set up there.

And Zhang Huaijin set up such a mechanism with a special mechanism at the beginning, which can ensure that no one can enter his company.

Especially when relatives like this entered their company, it was a complete disaster.

Talking nonsense there, wanting to get more money out of him, made Zhang Huaijin feel very speechless when he looked at it.

Such people actually didn't exist at all, and they couldn't stay by their side if necessary. Zhang Huaijin knew all about this.

When the woman heard what he said, the whole person felt a little embarrassed, and a little embarrassed to save her face and said: ".

"Is it a joke? Why do you take it seriously? Besides, the situation in your company is not very good now. I don't know what's going on. I still don't want to be there. Intervene, I'll talk about it in a few days."

While talking, he entered Zhang Huaijin's Maybach.

Seeing this luxury car right under his body, his whole person was a little excited.

Using my mobile phone to take pictures continuously on it, the desire to show off in my heart is simply beyond control.

This is a Maybach, there are not many in the whole country!

But this man built a Maybach there at a young age!

Zhang Yu's mother's little abacus began to keep planning there. Zhang Huaijin cast a glance and recorded all his thoughts in his mind.

Such a person is definitely not a person who is dealing with, Zhang Huaijin knows it well there.

But if the person who is allowed to come to his side, then it is a pure evil.

Never let this person enter the company, Zhang Huaijin gave a cold smile, hiding all the thoughts in her heart.

Then he looked up and said with a smile: "Auntie, we are already at home, should we go to my home to see what's going on?"

While talking while coming down, the woman next to her was there as if Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, where she was very curious.

After watching there for a while, the whole person was very surprised.

"Oh my god, the environment inside you is really good. It's really the first time I have seen such a good family."

"I think there should be a lot of people cleaning it every day."

Talking while watching and touching there, it didn't seem like what he said, that is, as a big executive.

Zhang Huaijin heard what he said, and fortunately said gently.

He said, "I leave here to clean it. My spouse has something to do here, and I will clean it if there is nothing to do. In fact, there is no more workload. Our house is very clean."

Human consciousness has a lot of thoughts. What is in front of the pig is a woman's thoughts.

Zhang Huaijin felt very speechless when he looked there. This person has too many thoughts. When speaking here, he also has a somewhat inexplicable attitude.

Sure enough, when Zhang Huaijin said this, the woman next to her instantly looked up.

He smiled and said: "I think, where do you care about other things first? Your wife stays at home and works every day. It's not a good thing."

Feeling a pity while talking, looked over.

Said: "Your wife is a career-oriented strong woman, how can she do housework every day at home."

While talking, Zhang Huaijin's comments were left there.

Zhang Huaijin, with a slight brow, didn't put what he said in his ears at all.

This person is also a bit too slow, and he has delayed the matter. Whatever he says there, he thinks others want to listen to his words.

It was a bit naive, shrugging his shoulders helplessly, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

He turned his head and glanced at the person next to him doing it, then said thoughtfully.

"My spouse does not need to change what kind of work at home every day, so you don't need to worry about it here."

I have to say that this woman is too much in charge. Even Zhang Huaijin feels speechless when she looks at it.

If a woman came to her own company, that would be awesome.

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