My wife is 30

Chapter 175: Opposition

Zhang Yu's mother was particularly embarrassed there, feeling that this matter actually had nothing to do with it, but Zhang Huaijin's attitude was really strange.

It stands to reason that this matter should have nothing to do with people.

Zhang Huaijin raised her head and looked over, too lazy to say more to him, and waved at the servants next to her.

The servants by the side brought up the food on their own initiative. The food on the table was all good food, and they were all delicacies from the sea and the mountains.

Whether it’s flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, or walking on the ground, there is everything there is. Only those who have eaten there can know how good the meal is.

Especially the taste of the food in the group is really delicious, after some people ate the food there.

Zhang Huaijin then asked the butler to bring out some other meals, and after preparing the meals, he turned around and left.

Said very seriously: "I have gone up to deliver some food to the rainy season, so please stay here."

Then left here,

Zhang Yu's mother felt a little dissatisfied with what he said.

Said: "Oh, I think he is really kind to his wife. If a woman's salary does not cook for a day, and she doesn't do housework at home, she needs a man to serve her food. It's a society that can't be offended. A strong woman, she deserves to be from the city!"

When the woman said this, the whole person was yin and yang weird, making people feel speechless when looking at the whole person.

Zhang Yu rolled his eyes helplessly, and said very seriously.

"Okay, okay, I don't think there is anything to say about this matter. From now on, people in their house will be less there and say nothing in front of you."

"You should understand that the people in their family are not easy to provoke at all. Why are you doing that? Why are you bullying their family there? No one in their family is easy to provoke. ."

When he said such things there, the whole person was very serious. It was true that no one in his family was there to provoke him.

Especially my mother wants to make some other ideas from them, and it is just there to realize her dream.

Listening to what her son said, the woman agreed on the surface, nodded gently, raised her head and said with a smile..

"I know that this time, you don't need to talk about you there anymore. I know what you mean there, but I think so."

"We shouldn't say anything more there, and we shouldn't care about the affairs of their house."

When he said this, the whole person was doing things very seriously. People who didn't know him thought he was very sincere.

Zhang Huaijin was a little speechless there, rolling her eyes, she didn't even know what they were thinking about there.

He had just brought the meal down when he heard someone muttering his wife behind his back.

After inadvertently glanced at Zhang Yu's mother, after seeing the person there and getting hairy, then he returned his gaze.

Said: "If you have nothing to do, then I will go to work in the company first, pay attention, Zhang Yu, you can just walk around here with others."

As soon as he finished saying this, Zhang Yu's mother immediately stood up and pulled her son.

I was very happy and said: "Well, since I said I was going out there, Ken must have spent a lot of money. I didn't bring much money when I came."

"My son is still young, otherwise you can show us some, and we will return it to you when we look back."

Zhang Huaijin frowned slightly and sneered. This man, he really wanted to see money in his hand, and shook his head calmly.

Said: "This matter has nothing to do with me. Besides, spending money in the city is not as expensive as you think, so how can you not be able to afford it."

While talking, he packed up his things and went straight upstairs, without putting this person in his eyes at all.

Zhang Yu saw him leaving here, but the whole person was cold.

Feeling embarrassed and said: "I don't know why you are so in love, but in front of my cousin, can you restrain yourself? They are not some idiots, of course they know what you think there."

He looked at his mother there.The whole person felt very speechless, and he really felt that his mother was too disgusting.

This kind of mother can be said to be unique in the entire world, and such a mother is really too useless, even Zhang Huaijin doesn't know where to say something.

Zhang Yu looked up, feeling very helpless, and looked up at the person next to him.

If he looked at his mother for a while, he felt speechless. He felt that his mother was too snobbish.

People of this kind are rare there.

Seeing that things were already like this, Zhang Huaijin didn't say anything, but turned to go out to work.

When Zhang Huaijin first went out to work, something he didn't expect came.

When Ji Yu woke up, Zhang Yu's mother made a noise there.

Even more disgusting people said some ugly things, this season rain, the whole person was completely shocked, and looked at it with some puzzlement.

Said: "All the money in our family is from me, and even the money for his company to start the company is invested there by me."

"Why in your mouth, I just became a soft food."

Looking at the woman in front of me, the whole person is particularly disgusted.

Ji Yu still has an impression of the woman in front of him. This woman has appeared once at his original wedding.

But at that time, he didn't take a cent of the money, and tried every means to get tens of thousands of dollars from the hands of his family.

But you can't forget the matter this time, but now this person is doing things again.

This time I came to my home, and I would be driven out there. Such an excessive thing.

She was still saying some yin and yang weird and disgusting things to herself there, which made her feel even more disgusted.

This woman is so disgusting that she dare to be so arrogant in her own home, as if she is not an outsider, but is pointing fingers at herself as a mistress.

"This is my home. Can you leave my home? You are not qualified to point fingers at me. Please leave my home immediately."

Jiyu is not polite anymore. When the woman said this, she arrogantly thought she was someone capable.

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