My wife is 30

Chapter 176: Cold

Monsoon's words are very cold and ruthless, but it fell into the ears of Zhang Yu's mother in front of him, which is somewhat different.

His eyes looked contemptuously.

"What can you do if you have money now? You are already married to Zhang Huaijin. After you marry him, all your money belongs to Zhang Huaijin. Don't forget about this!"

She looked at the monsoon in the eyes, unconsciously with contempt for this monsoon, although she said that her former identity was particularly noble.

And there are countless rights behind him, including money, but as long as a woman is married, then it is worthless.

After getting married, all the money went to Zhang Huaijin. As for this woman, it was a decoration there.

It's nothing more than a woman who still doesn't understand her position there, which makes Zhang Yu's mother feel a little disgusted, and her eyes are even more irritable when she looks at Ji Yu.

When Ji Yu heard what she said like this, the whole person was also slightly for a while, and he looked up in disbelief.

He squinted his eyes and said: "What are you kidding about there? The current law has long since been not so stipulated. He and I have already done pre-marital property notarization. If we divorce, Zhang Huaijin will not be able to divide anything."

On the contrary, after the divorce, he would not get a cent from Zhang Huaijin.

Even if it is the so-called joint property of husband and wife, it will not be because they have done property notarization before.

Zhang Yu's mother was shocked and looked up in disbelief.

"You woman really has no sense of shame. You are married to others there, and you still play such tricks. Don't you know what it means to marry a chicken and follow a chicken, or marry a dog as a dog?"

The eyes of Monsoon are full of disgust.

Zhang Yu's mother had seen many women there, but it was really the first time she saw a woman who didn't obey women's way.

Looking at the monsoon, the eyes are getting more and more disgusted.

Ji Yu was almost about to laugh at the woman, and he got up from his bed and put on a pajama with his gloves.

He looked up fiercely and said, "Don't disgust me when you are here. I have already said that you are not welcome in our house. Now you should leave as soon as possible."

This woman is too shameless, she doesn't take herself seriously, and she doesn't allow herself to have any special rights there.

This made her feel really speechless.At first glance, this kind of woman is a remnant of the remnants of society?

She looked up at the woman in front of her here, and she felt very speechless. A woman like this was really cheap.

I don't know if Zhang Yu knows that he would have a mother like this, because a mother like this is a huge disaster for them.

Time slowly passed by, but what everyone did not expect was that

When Monsoon was there, the whole person was still Wei Ran, standing still, without listening to her words, the whole person was very leisurely.

He looked up and said, "This is not your home. What qualifications do you have to take care of me there? You really take care of too much."

Zhang Yu's mother walked around the room while talking. There were indeed many good things in the room.

But with so many good things, none of them belonged to her. They belonged to the monsoon in front of her, which made her feel a little jealous in her heart, and looked up viciously.

"A woman like you, I don't know what kind of talents she has, and she can still live to this day. If it were in our era, someone like you who didn't know how to be honest would definitely be kicked out!"

Since she married her husband, she has always been a husband and a child at home, and has a very good attitude towards the men in her family.

But I didn't expect the world to develop rapidly there, and I didn't expect that the status of such women would be higher.

This is something she hadn't thought of, and women nowadays really don't have a little bit of feminism.

While talking, he looked at the person next to him with disgust, and didn't know what to say.

I just think that this woman is too disgusting at present, making her feel very speechless when she looks at it.

A woman like this is very common there, especially in the rainy season, when she heard what she said, she rolled her eyes silently.

He didn't know what to do, frowned and looked over, the whole person was very serious.

"You continue to pretend to be, or you should drive out from my house, or I will call the security guard and drive you out completely!"

She took out her mobile phone there and said a word or two to the security guard who had been waiting for a long time under the stairs.

A very tall and mighty security guard rushed over and forcibly pulled Zhang Yu's mother out.

The old woman was struggling, and no one knew about the farce at home.

Ji Yu didn't bother to say something to her there, watching the woman being taken away, the whole person felt very speechless.

I want to say something, but I think this woman is a bit too much.

She had seen countless women there, but she looked like this.

It was really the first time she saw that she didn't think of herself as a woman at all. People like this didn't know what it was necessary to do.

Ji Yu looked at his mobile phone there for a while, only then sent a message to Zhang Huaijin over there, completely solving the family affairs.

Then he said very seriously: "Hurry up and take this woman from home, she is so disgusting, I don't like her at all!"

This was the first time she complained to Zhang Huaijin.

This lover had never filed a complaint with himself before, and now it is the first time he has filed a complaint with himself.

Zhang Huaijin was surprised., I just don’t know why my lover is suing there?

A little curious, he said, "Why are you so angry? Did she do something else at home, that's why you are so?"

When Zhang Huaijin said such words, the whole person was very serious.

If it wasn't the woman in the house, what kind of moth came out there.

Zhang Huaijin really couldn't think of what kind of people would be there to make his wife angry.

Because the monsoon is a particularly good temper, no matter what kind of person it is and where it provokes the monsoon, it will never be suddenly angry there.

Zhang Yu's mother must have done something excessive at home, otherwise she would definitely not be so angry, even Zhang Huaijin would be dumbfounded.

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