My wife is 30

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Seven

Sure enough, the reporter next to him immediately opened his eyes.

Hurriedly said: "Yes, I think it's right. I'm going to talk to you about other things right now. You should understand that we are here to find some outstanding news there. Let’s add a bit of a hot spot."

"The best situation right now is that we are there to see how things can be resolved and whether we can create a huge news."

Zhang Huaijin, I heard his ambitious words.

I felt a little helpless and smiled and said: "There is no such simple thing. What I want to tell you there is that our current best situation is not the same. It's better to think about other things there. Right."

In his heart, he was a person who was forced to accept interviews there. He would not say something that would make a sensation in the audience, making him feel very speechless.

The reporter looked at him and felt a little helpless now. He quickly came over and quickly looked up.

He said very seriously: "Okay, I see, how is the relationship between you and your wife now? I heard from the outside world that you and your wife will get married again soon there. "

"People outside of us feel a little curious and don't know if this matter is true or false."

If they can really get married there, from a certain aspect, they will definitely be treated well there.

The relationship between the two people is definitely deeper.I just don’t know why they have to do it there. When they get married again, this makes people feel a little curious. It will cost a lot of money to get married again.

Even if they were really rich, they couldn't be so, it made people particularly curious to learn there.

Hearing where he was, Zhang Huaijin asked himself about the topic, and looked up in surprise.

"Why, you also know the news that I am going to get married there. Do you mean that everyone now knows where I am going to get married?"

His whole face was blank, and he didn't even know what was going on.

He just said something casually there, but he didn't expect them to know what he said, but he felt a little speechless, and didn't know where to go.

He didn't speak casually for the outside at all, and he could be very sure there was no nonsense at all.

But why do all the people outside think that they are there?It's about to get married. Could it be that there are some people out there to reveal such things?

Zhang Huaijin fell into suspicion there for a while.

Seeing him like this, the woman looked up and smiled lightly.

Said: "Well, in fact, you don't need to be like this. The news about your marriage, in fact, almost everyone outside has already known this news."

"We are very optimistic about you two who are going to get married again there, but we just don't know why you are still getting married?"

He kept guessing in his heart. Could it be that these two people are really like what the outside world said?Have a very deep feeling there.

Whether this matter is true or not, they don’t know the world at all, and it makes people feel very speechless. Is it possible for these two people to get married there?

Could it be said that the two of them really had feelings there, and if they had them there, then this matter is considered a particularly good thing.

It can be said that he is very clear about where he thinks, and he has always thought clearly about many things.

Seeing what happened now, Zhang Huaijin yawned and looked at the reporter in front of him.

Some happily said, "I want to ask you about it. What is going on in this matter? I only told one or two people about this matter. How did you know about this matter? Up?"

Zhang Huaijin looked over curiously, but what he didn't expect was that a person next to him looked up and said suddenly.

"Boss, do you remember someone who came to our company before? After he came to our company, the news spread quickly."

"Including that many documents in our company were lost there. Where is it that the relationship between the two of you is not good? Do you still remember this incident?"

Zhang Huaijin was stunned when he heard what he said.

When has this situation occurred in your company?Because of Zhang Huaijin, the whole person was suspicious.

I don't know what he said there, I don't know where he is and how to do it. I just feel that the current incident is really helpless, and I don't know where and how to do it.

Does anyone come and lurking in your company again?What kind of jokes are there.

What kind of function does it have? People feel a bit speechless.Zhang Huaijin heard him say something like this there and looked up.

Speaking very seriously: "Tell me what this matter is about. I tell you that this matter must never be left there. Someone maliciously gets the files in our company."

"This matter itself is an illegal matter. Let's quickly resolve this matter in the company."

While talking, he said sorry to the reporter next to him.

Then I asked the people around here to let the reporter take it out.

The reporter saw that he started to solve the company's affairs there, and he didn't say what it looked like at all, but felt that the current situation was really surprising.

The people in Zhang Huaijin’s company would encounter such a situation there. This must be the biggest headline news.

While thinking about this idea, so I stayed away from the current practice there, the whole person seemed to be very serious.

I left here in a hurry, and then I started writing the current news there, about the current news and so on, and I knew a lot of things clearly there.

Zhang Huaijin didn't even know that the reporter would write this in the news.

Because it seems that many things are private there, and can only be reported there with my consent.

This kind of behavior by reporters is extremely disgusting.

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