My wife is 30

Chapter 188 File

Zhang Huaijin spent the next two days there, looking at this leak of company secrets, but he didn't expect it.

When the next day, a subordinate rushed over and shouted loudly,

"Boss, the big thing is not good, you made the headlines there again!"

Hearing what he said, Zhang Huaijin looked up indifferently: "Why is it making headlines there again? What did I do this time?"

He always made headlines there inexplicably, even Zhang Huaijin felt a little speechless, he didn't know what he had done, and always inexplicably became the place of attention of everyone.

Because of my own life experience, including the attitude of people in my own family, this makes people feel particularly helpless.

What many journalists like most is to watch this event in their own way, and Zhang Huaijin feels very helpless.

I don't know where to say what to say, this group of people is really too much in charge, and they have transferred everything to their own heads.

The subordinate next to him hesitantly took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

Said: "Boss, you can look at their affairs there for yourself, but it's not so easy. It is said that the insider has appeared in the company, and it has caused great harm to our company. Our company will soon go bankrupt. ."

The above gossip reporters don't know where the investment is from. The news has always been said there. It makes people feel really speechless.

Zhang Huaijin looked at the people above who said so many things, and said helplessly.

"What the hell is going on with this kind of person? Is there any way to look up which reporter he is? What he said is not responsible at all, and he said that our company is going to close down. What is the situation of the company? As a boss I don’t know."

Zhang Huaijin felt a little angry when she mentioned it. She didn't know what the group of people wanted to do there. They just made trouble out of nowhere.

Nodded lightly, and said thoughtfully: "It's indeed unlocked. These people are really bullying. What they said on it, there is no evidence that our company is Going bankrupt."

"But they still forcibly listed some unnecessary evidence, saying that our charity conference did not go to this time, indicating that we just have no money to support our consumption."

When Zhang Huaijin heard this, the whole person was stunned. She took out her mobile phone and took a look at it. When she finally saw the things on it.

The whole person was smiling and a little speechless, and the people above could say what they thought or where they were.

Charity conferences are things that wealthy people of them, including those with identities, do there at a fixed time. For example, some people often buy a lot of things at such a loss.

Or other things, they can donate there to show their company's financial resources, including their own charity.

Behaviors like this will also attract a lot of goodwill for their company there and promote consumption in their company there.

But people didn't expect it at all, and then someone said such words there, and people looked at it and felt very speechless.

Zhang Huaijin looked up and said, "I myself didn't go to our charity conference this time, and no one in our company went there. I just don't know why they talked about me there, and why."

Zhang Huaijin felt very speechless when he heard such words. He felt that there was no difference in this matter.

What can I do if I go or not?It’s not all there to say how to do it, it’s also true, and now they can’t do anything about it or not.

Like people with real status, they will never do those bells and whistles, because they all know where to do so much.

Without any appearance, they will do some good things there, and the property in their hands does not need to be proved there.

A truly capable person like this would never pretend to be there and there is nothing to say at all.

However, some people are right there, thinking that this incident can prove financial resources, but they are there deliberately, looking at those people, they feel that they are really speechless.

Zhang Huaijin looked up and said, "What the hell is going on in this matter, please send someone to investigate."

This matter was fermenting more and more on the Internet. Many people thought that their company would soon go bankrupt. Zhang Huaijin smiled silently there.

I didn't see any such news there at all, and the arrogance was true or false, and the people who really had the status would laugh it off.

Because each of them knew exactly what was going on in the real situation.

Zhang Huaijin is very rich. Now it seems that people outside are making trouble there. People who really know Zhang Huaijin’s situation will never believe those words on the Internet.

Zhang Huaijin looked up at the person in front of him, and said hesitantly: "You still want to look at me here, don't hurry up and investigate."

He looked at his subordinates suspiciously.

The man scratched his head and said hesitantly: "In fact, we only came to see this matter through an investigation, but after our investigation, we found that this matter was a bit unusual."

"The real behind-the-scenes ambassador of the matter is like the reporter you are now. We checked the source of a manuscript, which came from them."

Zhang Huaijin didn't think of which reporter he was. He himself was busy with other things. How could he take care of other unnecessary things there? It took several minutes to understand the meaning of what he said.

He looked up and said, "Is that the reporter from that day? That woman came to our company to interview."

All the memories of Zhang Huaijin were withdrawn from the basket instantly, really because of that woman, how could such a thing happen if it weren't for that woman?

Frowning, he said, "This matter is not there at all. They want me to see it. Let's just leave it alone and settle the reporter's matter first."

This woman is really so capable, and she was there to drop the stocks in her company so easily.

The stocks in my company have always been high. It is because of this woman that the stocks have fallen.

If it hadn't been for this woman, things would never have turned out to be like this, making her feel very speechless, and this woman is really disgusting.

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