My wife is 30

Chapter 259 Transformation

The tourism industry has been in a stage of vigorous development in recent years.

But because everyone has seen the dividends of tourism development, more and more people have begun to turn their investment attention to tourism.

For this reason, Zhang Huaijin couldn't help feeling a little headache at this moment.

Before embarking on the construction of this tourist attraction, Zhang Huaijin had only one thing in his mind, that is, what kind of beauty can convince those audience friends?

Although it is said that I have found a peach forest like a fairyland, if I can't grasp it a little, it may completely ruin the place.

In order to brainstorm ideas, Zhang Huaijin also specially held a meeting in the company. During the meeting, Ji Yu sat quietly beside her, and she was also thinking about how to make the most of this peach forest.

Looking at the serious expressions on the faces of everyone in front of me, Zhang Huaijin at this moment also deliberately coughed, and then went on to say:

"The peach forest we found this time is a place that has not undergone any development at all, and it is also a completely natural place. If we are not careful, it is very likely that the beauty that nature rewards us will be ruined. ."

Everyone who has seen the peach grove feels awe-inspiring for the beauty, and such beauty must not be destroyed, so they must be more careful.

The people in the conference room at this moment are particularly silent. Everyone knows that this is a particularly difficult thing?And everyone has no idea of ​​reforming at all.

Seeing the embarrassed look of the group of people in front of him, Zhang Huaijin couldn't help but sighed slightly:

"I also know that you haven't prepared for this, so I asked you to come to the meeting together. I just want everyone to think about ways to be together? See if there are any innovative ideas?"

After hearing this, the employees look at me and I will see that there is still silence in your entire office. This lifelessness makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

Just when Ji Yu wanted to say something, the little secretary beside Zhang Huaijin suddenly stood up and said timidly:

"I have a bold idea. If the boss wants you, can I describe my idea?"

The voice of the little secretary sounded timid, but Zhang Huaijin naturally nodded in panic after hearing this.

The silence in the entire office just now was like a cemetery, he naturally wanted to quickly find out who could speak.

Seeing this little secretary starting to volunteer, Zhang Huaijin naturally felt very happy in her heart:

"Today our meeting originally hoped that everyone could put forward their own opinions. If you have any suggestions, you can say them as much as possible. No matter whether it is feasible or not, at least you must have an idea first!"

At this moment, the little secretary finally felt relieved, but after the other party raised his head, he still said cautiously:

"I also went to the peach grove to take a look. I found that the scenery in the grove is particularly beautiful, and it is not an exaggeration to say that such a scenery is a fairyland on earth, so I was thinking, if we take this piece of The combination of peach trees and ancient style elements might have unexpected effects."

This little secretary usually likes chasing dramas. He just chased a costume drama a few days ago, and is still immersed in the poignant love of the male Ji Yujiao inside.

When the little secretary saw the peach grove for the first time, it was as if he had seen the scene in that costume drama, so the mind came up with such a bold idea.

There was a brief silence in the ear, probably because everyone was immersed in work all day, so few people really knew the ancient circle.

Only after hearing this, Ji Yu suddenly patted his thigh, stood up ecstatically, and said:

"This is also a good idea. If we really combine the peach forest with the ancient style elements, I believe there will be a very large number of people who will see it by then. You don't know. The ancient style is now It's completely on fire."

The concept of the tone of speech is the joy that can't be concealed. The current monsoon patted the shoulder of the little secretary next to him with interest:

"Why didn't I think of such an interesting idea? You are really too good, right? Now the circle of ancient styles has begun to gradually expand, and some ancient style elements have gradually been integrated into our daily lives."

Today's society has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. In the past, ancient costumes that looked like unconventional clothes are now one of people's favorite hobbies.

Sometimes you can see young ladies in ancient style everywhere on the street, and the feeling of the peach forest and the ancient style are really a perfect fusion.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this idea is almost perfect. The current monsoon rains have basically jumped to Zhang Huaijin's side, and they are very excited to analyze there:

"This idea is really a great idea. I used to think about finding a place to hold an ancient style exhibition. Now it seems that this peach forest is really suitable."

After hearing this, Zhang Huaijin naturally felt a little moved, but he himself didn't know much about the elements of ancient style, and always felt a little bit worse:

"Although the ancient style has gradually begun to be popular again, if we can't grasp the strength a little, it is very likely that we will be looked down on by then."

There is a certain risk in doing everything. Zhang Huaijin is naturally aware of this matter in his heart, and he doesn't know whether Gufeng Element can succeed.

I thought about it in my own heart. Although the monsoon around me has always been enthusiastic, Zhang Huaijin believes that he must be a little more cautious:

"I know you may think that ancient style elements can be loved by some small people, but have you ever thought that these people should already have their own circles? What methods and publicity methods should we use to be able to Let them come to Taolin willingly?"

This problem is indeed a very serious problem, and it is also a problem that must be resolved.

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