My wife is 30

Chapter 260 Couples' costumes

At this moment, everyone had their eyes on the little secretary beside him, and the little secretary didn't feel more panicked after hearing this:

"If the boss is really worried about this kind of problem, then I have another suggestion. I think maybe we can transform our peach grove into an ancient style base and invite those great gods in the ancient style circle to come."

This incident may have touched the blind spot of everyone present. After hearing this, a few people didn't understand what it meant, so the little secretary could only explain with great effort:

"The current ancient style circle is completely different from the ancient style circle you imagine. They are not the kind of people who can go to the streets in casual clothes. They also have their own complete aesthetics, and there are also There are some great gods, and the characters dressed up are particularly beautiful."

After some explanations, it was obvious that several people sitting here already agreed with this view.

At this moment, Zhang Huaijin was finally persuaded, anyway, there is no other idea in the current Peach Forest, it is better to try the method of building an ancient base.

Seeing that it’s almost time to eat lunch now, Zhang Huaijin immediately decided this matter:

"I also think this thing is indeed feasible. If so, just follow this method."

At this moment, everyone is full of fighting spirit, and when he returned to the office, Ji Yu was still excited there, and kept praising the little secretary beside him:

"I think you are usually taciturn, and you can't think of it being so useful at the critical moment. Your idea is really great, right?"

After saying this, Ji Yu also imagined the scene of the ancient wind exhibition day. Right now, he couldn't help holding his fist there, and said with some hope:

"If we can really find the great gods in the ancient wind circle, then I believe that our peach forest will be overcrowded by then, but we must also pay attention to environmental hygiene, but we must not let them The crowd destroyed our peach forest."

The business of building an ancient style base is in full swing. In the past few days, Zhang Huaijin will often go to the peach grove to take a look. Now it is the season when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, and everything looks as beautiful.

Walking in the peach forest, the mood of the monsoon at this moment is particularly comfortable. After taking a breath of the faint fragrance of flowers, he turned his head and said with a smile:

"This kind of antiquity exhibition hasn't been held for a long time. Why don't we participate in it? I saw some particularly beautiful costumes a few days ago. I think you must be very handsome after wearing it."

As the saying goes, the faces of the peach blossoms are red, and the face of the current monsoon is even more dazzling under the reflection of the peach blossoms.

Looking at the face of Ji Yu in front of him, Zhang Huaijin suddenly lost consciousness at this moment. After finally lowering his head, he replied in a flustered manner:

"What you said is right. I think you seem to be particularly interested in this ancient style exhibition. If you really want to participate, then you can bring the suit you mentioned."

The faces of the two people are quite red, watching the sun in the sky outside have risen to the center, at this moment the two talents reluctantly return to the company.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it is the day of Gufeng Exhibition, and this day is indeed a lot of great gods.

The appeal of the great gods in the age of traffic cannot be underestimated. Although only a small part of the great gods were invited, this part of the people still brought many tourists over.

In the usually quiet peach grove, now it is as if the nest has been exploded, and there are countless people chatting and discussing there:

"It turns out that there is such a beautiful place in our city. Why didn't I find such a beautiful place in the past? I knew I should have brought a photographer here to take pictures."

Most of the people who came here were little girls, and every little girl wore very exquisite clothes. The patterns on the service showed that the service was expensive.

Seeing that every little girl in front of me had her hair carefully braided, and she had the corresponding accessories in her hand, the current season rain couldn't help but laughed straight out:

"In the past, I never thought that one day I would be in such a place. It seems that it was really thanks to your little secretary at the beginning."

At this moment, everyone really seems to be back in ancient times, back to the days of reinforced concrete far away from modern times, back to the days of peace and quiet.

After hearing this, Zhang Huaijin stepped forward. There was a great god who had just put on his clothes beside him, and his costume was really eye-catching.

Looking at the season rain around him, the man in costume was a little lost. Zhang Huaijin was jealous and touched the other's elbow:

"I've been dressed in couples' costumes, but others are pretending to be in my eyes. It seems that you women are the most bothersome."

Right now, everyone around him was wearing ancient costumes, and after hearing this, Ji Yu laughed out again. This was the happiest day he had felt in a long time.

As time passed by, the most exciting part of the whole venue has also arrived.

I think Zhang Huaijin could have imagined the grand scene of the day when he arranged the ancient style performance, but when he really saw the crazy eyes of the young girls in front of him, he couldn't help feeling there:

"The little girls nowadays are really amazing. Look at these one by one, they are about to wear my eardrums. I knew I should bring an earplug first when I came here. "

The voices of the little girls around were really harsh, and seeing that it was almost time for the show now, I felt nervous in the current monsoon:

"It's really the first time for me to participate in such an event. I'm really nervous. What if the little girls I talked about then picked out something wrong with my clothes?"

As Ji Yu said, he carefully looked at himself in the mirror next to him. Right now he was wearing a pink suit, and Zhang Huaijin's sky blue clothes complemented each other.

It was really the first time that two of them wore couple outfits so openly, and they blushed secretly after thinking of this.

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