My wife is 30

Chapter 368 Description

The headed paparazzi already understood what he meant, and immediately nodded and assured him.

Holding the first-hand information in his hand, he was ready to leave. Just when the person was about to leave, one of them suddenly said

"We received the first news from here, saying that your younger brother is said to have committed suicide in the past two days, but he attempted suicide and has been rescued."

"But this matter is also very serious and has caused a huge impact. I hope you can think about it yourself."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Huaijin was taken aback for a moment, looked up in disbelief, and whispered.

"What, you said my brother actually committed suicide in the military domain name, what are you kidding?"

Before, he was a proud man of heaven. When he was in jail suddenly, he didn't commit suicide. How could he suddenly choose to commit suicide now.

This is a very shocking thing, I don't know how to say it.

The reporter on the side sighed, with regret in his eyes.

He said: "Who knows what he thinks? But the relevant parties have completely blocked this news. After all, this news is not very positive. If you really want to know, you can go over and ask what's going on. After speaking, he turned his head and left, leaving Zhang Huaijin alone. Zhang Huaijin paused and was stunned for a long time in the same place. Only then did he regain his senses. Seeing that she was empty, she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart? I felt like a betrayal from the crowd, and felt that the matter was not that serious, so I sighed softly while thinking.


"Zhang Huaijin, what are you still doing here to see me? Don't you want to see me life and death?"

I heard someone inside say something very awful, which makes it hard to imagine that this is the once aloof noble man who actually spoke in it like this.

It's hard to imagine what he has experienced in the last period of time.

Zhang Huaijin frowned subconsciously and said.

"Didn't you know your news? So I want to see what you are like here? How did you become the way you are now."

Zhang Huaijin looked at the man in front of him while talking. The man looked very embarrassed. If he looked at it carefully, he would find that his condition was particularly poor.

There was a knife mark on his right hand, which made people feel a little uncomfortable at first glance. He was once a youth full of youth.

It is really hard to imagine how it would be like this suddenly.

The man sighed softly when he saw him talking to himself like this.

"I was your brother before, but now I am not. I can't go back to my mother's funeral. What should I say? If it weren't for you, this family would never be broken."

While talking, the man looked at Zhang Huaijin very resentfully. He didn't have time to react at all. He immediately realized that something was wrong.

Zhang Huaijin looked at him with red eyes, as if to cry, and said in surprise.

"What's the matter with you? Clearly, you have already figured out that this matter has nothing to do with me. The way you are now will only make me look down on you even more."

Many things are different from what people think, and this matter has nothing to do with oneself.

Even though they have lived together for such a long time, didn't they still allow him to take advantage of the house in the first half of his life?

He took so much advantage of his family's name, even standing still, his parents spoiled himself and said nothing.

It's just that he himself later wished to kill people, even wanting to kill himself, that things got so bad, after all, it was because of his own problems.

The man looked at Zhang Huaijin in front of him, and he was completely stunned. He seemed to be unable to remember his name.

Once he might have an exclusive name, but now this name is no longer worthy of Taiwan Chung, and later his mother was tested by blood.

It turned out that I was not his child at all, not his father's child at all. This thing was very famous at the time, and he became a joke of many people..

But looking at Zhang Huaijin, now looking high above her, there was nothing in her eyebrows, the original arrogance was even stronger than her, and she was taken aback.

He nodded and said with a smile: "In fact, I want to understand this matter. I just can't help but open my mouth to scold you when I see you."

"Now these things don't matter to me for a long time. What if things are true or false? Is it true or false? It doesn't matter much to me."

After staying in jail for almost a year, he thought clearly about many things, and he took the blame for many things alone.

If not, how could it become like this?After spending the 4 million, I wanted to marry my girlfriend, so I could leave with the money.

But later, he became more and more extreme, and even became a joke among everyone. How can this be said, I can only say that it is good luck.

Zhang Huaiyu sighed softly, but felt that the current situation was too strange. No matter how long it was left, he never expected that things would turn out to be like this.

Now that I think about it, I feel a little bit lamented. Many things are going to the point where they are irreversible. Someone knows to regret, and he is the most typical example.

If you don’t know how you regret it now, you don’t know what will happen, but when you look at it, you know what a good result will not be.

Zhang Huaijin watched him stare at herself for a long time and looked over.

He whispered: "Actually, I used to hate you and hated you deeply. Now I think about it, and there is nothing to say."

"After all, the two of us have not accepted it for such a long time, and there is nothing to complain about, and there is no need to say anything. In the future, we will go our own way and treat them as strangers. How about?"

Even if two people have lived together in the same home for more than ten years, and even have different treatment, now they can't go back to the past.

They can only be treated as strangers here, if not strangers.

He really couldn’t think of any suitable relationship, he didn’t even bother to take a look at it.

Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, and the man nodded immediately.

Said: "I think so too. From now on, the two of us will be pure strangers and we have no relationship."

What is your current status?It is the identity of the prisoner, but he is different. He is the superior group president.

There is a huge power behind him, a person whom countless people look up to and admire.

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