My wife is 30

Chapter 369 The difference between cloud and mud

Zhang Huaiyu’s remarks now better explain his current situation. His current situation is different from others.

He is just a criminal in prison, and Zhang Huaijin, the chief executive of the company's boss, his wife and family members, all have countless possessions, so what is he.

Say Gao Pan, and his name is one word difference, because he climbed high.

While thinking, he sighed softly, with a little sadness in his brow, said,

"I'm really sorry, the previous thing was that my family was too much."

After staying in this for so long, I think I can understand some things. In the past, he couldn’t understand this kind of thing. What was it for?

I even feel that Zhang Huaijin has caused great harm to the people in her family. If it weren’t for Zhang Huaijin’s appearance, how could it have become like this?

It can prove to be Zhang Huaijin’s problem, but after this period of reformation, he really realized the truth of the matter.

It turns out that his mother is a junior, and the high-ranking people persecute other people's families, and the guilt of the hardships made him wonder what to do.

My heart is always uncomfortable.

Zhang Huaijin, seeing that he actually said this to himself, glanced at him and chuckled lightly.

Said: "In fact, as long as you reform it well, there is no big problem. Although your mind is not very good, you are not ignorant."

What Zhang Huaijin said was a bit awkward, but anyone who knew it would understand what the problem was.

Most people in his family have some skills. Although he is a rich man, he has all the skills he should have.

Sanguan is not very good, but at a time, he was quite good. A person is much stronger than himself.

Zhang Huaijin saw that he had closed his mouth, with a taciturn attitude, and shrugged a little speechlessly.

After all, things have nothing to do with me, there is nothing to say, think about it, I still took out a bank card from my pocket,

Send it up and say: "All the money above is yours. For the sake of the brothers before, I won't say much."

When I said that, I just turned my head and left. In fact, the hiding person is unwilling to say anything, because in normal times,

When the two people did not have any conflicts, although the stepmother said nothing to herself, her brother,

At least on the surface, Zhang Huaijin didn't bother to say more to others, after all, they all had the same surname.

Zhang Huaijin is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, as long as many things are resolved,

Zhang Huaijin walked out of the prison gate, sighed softly, and walked forward actively, looking at the secretary in front of him.

Said: "Look at when he can come out, and if he comes out in the future, help him."

Turning his head and leaving, the secretary on the side was blindfolded, and soon realized who the inside was.

After spending such a long time in the mall, he also knows what his boss is like. Is it too kind to be a boss?

Even the current people can forgive it. If it is placed on other people, I can't wait to die immediately.

In this way, even willing to help others, which makes people feel surprised, what is the reason?

What can Zhang Huaijin do?After all, wanting to be a good person is difficult.If it is not really capable,

Zhang Huaijin wouldn't be like this either. Although she said she didn't quite understand, she nodded gently.

Zhang Huaijin returned to her home and looked at the house empty. Only then did she remember that her wife was living in a hospital. This kind of mental medicine can cause great harm to the human body.

After the greatest harm has been done to humans, there is no way to turn around, which is a very shocking thing.

I don't know how to describe it. After all, this kind of psychotropic drug is an illegal act, and many people will not touch this edge.

But I didn’t expect them to be so bold that they would even use this human being on their wives.

Zhang Huaijin lowered her head, her face became gloomy visible to the naked eye, and she wanted to say something.

But I felt speechless. After all, things were different from what people thought, and Zhang Huaijin would not put many things in his eyes.

When I just got home, there was no one in the house, and even the few nanny I thought about before disappeared.

I had already fired all those babysitters a long time ago, now I think about a huge house.

To be honest, I feel a little lonely in my heart, and I don't know what to say.

After all, for many people, everything is done by human beings, but Zhang Huaijin is now amazed.

My wife is still in the hospital now, the world is still in the mood to consider other things

While thinking, Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to walk forward, made a few dishes there, and then packed them.

When I entered the hospital, I drove my own car, and I just entered the hospital, and found that the hospital today was not quite right.

I can't tell what it feels like, but I feel that something is not good, so I turned to look.

It’s very surprising to see the large number of people in the hospital. I don’t know what it is like.

Zhang Huaijin was about to walk in, when an uncle on the side immediately stopped him and said.

"Young man, don't go in, don't you know what the situation is now? Someone has already jumped from the building in this hospital, so what are you doing when you go in."

While talking, he pulled back, Zhang Huaijin was stunned in the same place for a slight meal, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

Someone in this hospital jumped off the building again. At first, I felt a little surprised, but now I think about it carefully and I'm used to it.

I don't know what to say.

The people who die every day in the hospital have fulfilled themselves, fulfilled themselves, and nodded to the person in front of them.

Said: "If this is the case, then I understand, that is not much nonsense, I will go in and have a look."

Then don’t delay myself from seeing my wife here. Zhang Huaijin walked directly inside as she said, so she realized that something was wrong.

Because the door to the room in front of me was my wife’s ward, I felt a little surprised and walked over.

He whispered, "Why did you close this room door again? Is there a big problem with the people in this room?"

The little nurse on the side glanced at him, and said with a slightly plain face on his face.

"Isn't it all right? A woman inside suddenly jumped off the building, and we don't know what reason she suddenly jumped off the building."

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