My wife is 30

Chapter 407 Employment

He took a deep look at Zhang Huaijin, with a bit of desert on his face. This person is not related to him, and it doesn't seem to have much to do with him.

However, it is hard to imagine that he has been helping himself non-stop. It is hard to imagine that he has some other needs when he asks for help this time.

Otherwise, it is impossible to look like this, thinking about it makes people feel speechless to the extreme.

Zhang Huaijin glanced upwards and found that someone was secretly patting herself.

He frowned and said, "What are you doing there. Why are you taking pictures of me here."

I don’t know how many people I know. Why are people taking pictures of myself every day.

The reporter didn't expect that he would be exposed so soon, and immediately said with a little embarrassment.

"I came here to take a sneak shot of you this time. It was someone's order, and this time it was deliberate. I hope you can think about your wife's matter. Some people are making ghosts behind them."

So this thing is like this.

As soon as Zhang Huaijin heard what he said, she narrowed her eyes and said.

"What are you talking about about my wife? Is it someone framed or something? Why are you talking like that."

Zhang Huaijin is also hard to believe, why would anyone say that?Few people know what I did wrong.

But it happens that someone knows what happened this time, and now they still know that his wife has been taken away.

What kind of reason is it? The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it feels.

The paparazzi offered something on his own initiative.

Taking a look at it, I immediately realized the problem. It turned out to be a letter. There was a lot of news in this letter.

Especially some of the things that my wife has done, the more I think about it, the more I feel surprised, and it stands to reason that my wife has not done anything.

Why is it so?Someone is deliberately hacking his wife or something, which makes people think something thoughtful.

The most important thing is that people need to be there to consider it carefully, if it is really considered.

Then there is not much difference in the truth of the matter, but it seems that the problem is very big now, I am afraid that someone deliberately wants to find this matter.

But the sudden appearance of this kind of thing with my wife makes people feel very embarrassed, for normal people.

No one wants a big problem with his wife, but it just happened to him, which makes it difficult to speak.

What is the reason? Someone will take the initiative to black out his wife. If you think about this carefully, you will find that someone did it on purpose.

Maybe those corpses at the time were deliberately made, and he immediately glanced aside.

Said: "I probably understand something, maybe someone deliberately troubled my wife."

The reporter in front of me gave myself so many things, I am afraid that from the beginning to the end, I just wanted to say something. My wife must have offended someone.

I just don’t know who can offend in this circle. There is only one result that can cause things. The more I think about it, the more I get angry.

Could it be said that there is no king's law in the current society?

This kind of thing makes people feel more uncomfortable the more they think about it.

Zhang Huaijin didn't know what to say, and sighed deeply.

With a bit of helplessness lying in his eyes, when Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, the little reporter next to him delivered something directly.Said.

"This is a bank card account he gave you. He said that he wants to release your wife, so he must transfer the money to him for a full 10 million, otherwise he will not be able to return."

After speaking, he looked directly at the person, with a bit of anxiety in his eyes.

After all, this time is also a huge news, just don't know what Zhang Huaijin will make.

If you really pay, then it can only show that he has succumbed to reality, but if he does not pay, it can only be said that he does not love his wife enough.

He even took his wife's life improperly. In short, there were so many sources, which made people feel very speechless after thinking about it.

Many things have all kinds of sayings, people don't know how to describe them.

Zhang Huaijin glanced, then smiled immediately and said.

"Did someone think too much about the matter this time? Why don't I know that my wife is a big problem, and my wife has nothing to do."

My own wife just chatted with others innocently, but he didn't expect this to be the reason, and he was embarrassed to the extreme after thinking about it.

My wife hasn't been grateful for anything, but some people do it, and people can't help thinking about what is going on.

Zhang Huaijin glanced to the side and said immediately.

"Don't worry about that much. I don't know what is going on with my wife now, but if I think about it carefully, there should be no big problems with my wife."

Many things are different from what people think. If there really is a problem with the wife, then other people are definitely not good things.

After speaking, he yawned and yawned, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, and there were always people doing some inexplicable things.

It feels embarrassing when people think about it. Who knows what it is because of, this time there are people who come to ask their own troubles.

And it's still this kind of strange reason, which makes people feel very inexplicable when you think about it. This kind of reason is always on your own.

I don't even know what my wife did, but he just came over to make trouble for myself, which is really ridiculous to the extreme.

The reporter didn't expect Zhang Huaijin to be like this, so he said immediately.

"But if you don't give them money, they will feel that you don't love your wife. Will it be possible to put the money on you there, or give them the money to make things easier."

He turned his head to cover Zhang Huaijin, with some anxiety in his eyes.

After listening to Zhang Huaijin for a while, she understood what was going on. Most of this group of people was just a caregiver. There must be some problems when she came to find herself this time.

Zhang Huaijin thought for a while, but took the initiative.

"I'll give my wife a call."

After speaking, I took my mobile phone to make a call to my wife. At first, I couldn't answer the call.

But now the call is always connected quickly, Zhang Huaijin immediately said excitedly: "Wife, where are you now?"

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