My wife is 30

Chapter 408 Phone

My wife has already answered the call, so the problem is definitely not too big.

But it's hard to describe things like this, who knows what they are doing

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, the person next to him whispered.

"This is definitely not your wife. You can tell by listening to the phone. We really didn't lie to you."

"If you tell other people about this matter, the problem will be very big. I hope you can take the test yourself.

Zhang Huaijin rolled his eyes at the person, and was about to listen to what his wife was saying, but he didn't expect a man's voice over there.

The man’s voice was very rough, and he immediately said, “Don’t worry about that too much about this time. Please call me the money. If the money doesn’t come, what will happen to your wife? Say a lot."

After the man said he laughed out loud, and then hung up the phone.

Zhang Huaijin's face changed in an instant. He understood that it turned out that someone wanted to engage in kidnapping, so he nodded and said immediately.

"Now you have become the kidnapping of my wife, then I will fulfill you, you have already talked so much money, then I won't say anything."

Zhang Huaijin watched the video as soon as he hung up the phone, and called another person, but didn’t know what was going on.

Why is my wife like this?Thinking about it now, the whole person was stunned, his eyes squinted slightly to say something.

But I fell silent again. Many things were different from what people imagined, but why did things look like this?

Zhang Huaijin glanced at the person next to her.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said, "You can find someone for me first. My wife has a big problem now. I'm going to see what's going on."

He sighed directly and relaxedly, with a bit of helplessness on his face, it was all artificial.

Things also make people feel speechless. When the wife disappeared, she didn't know anything about it. It made people feel ridiculous to think about it.

!I don’t even know when my wife disappeared, so I still have the face to talk to others

Wu Liang looked at the unconscious woman in front of him with hesitation on his face.

"This woman has fallen into a coma now. We are sure to kill him. Killing is illegal. Don't joke with me, can't you?"

His face was obviously nervous, and he didn't want to do that.

Wu Liang's wife said engravedly.

"He doesn't treat you as a friend at all, and he doesn't even give you two documents when he asks you for some money. How can you be your friend? Start doing your own thing honestly."

"Don't worry about him. I really want to tear up his wife. I don't believe he won't give you the money."

When the wife spoke, she was so vicious that people couldn't imagine that he was something that a woman could say. People always felt even more frightened.

A few days ago, when there was a problem with the company documents, Zhang Huaijin didn’t think about her friend, but he didn’t expect that the reason would be this kind of reason, which made people stunned.

Zhang Huaijin glanced up and said immediately: "The problem now has become bigger. I hope you don't think about it so much, and the problem now is too big to imagine.

It was really indescribable, and I didn't know how to say it, the whole person sighed deeply, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

In many cases, Zhang Huaijin might not say anything more, because the matter is not serious enough, but when the matter is serious enough, Zhang Huaijin doesn’t want to say anything.

Ji Yu just opened his eyes and found that the surrounding area was empty, pessimistically in a very small black room.

Immediately he started to panic and shouted, "Hey, is there anyone."

All of him is covered with bandages. It looks like a 10-point embarrassment does not look like a normal person's dress. Now his condition is really bad.

It seems that there is blood loss in his body, not only that, the blood in the body has been lost to a certain extent, the color is already extremely pale.

Looking at the old circle to the side, there was no one around, and no one knew what was going on.

But now the problem just happened like this, it’s hard to imagine

Ji Yu felt deeply frightened, and kept shouting loudly beside him. He was heartbreaking and didn't even know what to say.

But it happened that this has happened to me, which makes it hard to imagine that it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do such nasty things.

Ji Yu called a large circle nearby, and no one responded. It made people feel uncomfortable to think about it. Ji Yu was a woman who was afraid of the dark for 10 minutes. However, it turned out that it was now empty and there was nothing around. Anyone's things make people feel uncomfortable to look at.

Just when the monsoon rain was almost desperate, a little visit suddenly appeared in front of him, and one of the men looked very familiar.

He immediately froze for a while, looked aside, and said with some surprise.

"What's the matter? Are you not Wu Liang? What did you want to do when you brought me to this place."

Now his whole talent is stunned, his eyes are a little surprised, how could his friend ask to stay here inexplicably.

Even with the appearance of laughing wildly in the clothes here, Ji Yu, as a strong woman, immediately thought of the problem.

Mostly it was because he had offended someone, or that his man had offended someone, that's why he fell to this point.

Sure enough, Wu Liang gritted his teeth and said, "I asked your husband to borrow money, but your husband didn't lend it to me at all, and I don't know why."

"It may be because your husband doesn't like you enough at all, so he will refuse your payment."

…After speaking, I turned my head and looked around, the whole person’s face was 10 points ugly,

As soon as Ji Yu heard him for such an unnecessary reason, he immediately laughed and said.

"What? When did my husband ask you to borrow money? How come I don't know anything."

"Why is he unwilling to give you money? Isn't it? What have you done, that's why he doesn't want to lend you money."

My husband is very rich. Generally, if someone borrows money here, he will give it to him without saying a word.

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