My wife is 30

Chapter 409: Pretend

Unless someone has done something heinous, he will not borrow money, or pretend not to know.

But such things are often very rare, and my husband has never stopped lending him money.

What is the reason for it now?It would cause this kind of thing to happen.

But now looking at Wu Liang's angry look, he is a little suspicious of the truth of the matter, what is the truth of the matter.

People began to doubt it unconsciously, and while thinking about it, he squinted his eyes and turned his head and looked over, with a bit of gloom on his face.

Many things are different from what people think. Most of them are because they have offended someone. That's why they have this result.

Zhang Huaijin didn't know the news about her wife, but yawned softly there, looking at the lawyer who had just arrived in front of him.

"I know your character is very good, but I don't know why you are willing to help me with this case."

Many things must have a reason. Now this person is willing to help himself, and even willing to cooperate with himself, who knows why.

The lawyer scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "Not many people know what happened this time, and I know what your wife did before, and I also know what your wife is like."

"Now your wife is mostly killed by someone, that's why this kind of thing happened."

Knowing what the situation looks like is shocking to hear.

Zhang Huaijin immediately stepped forward and said, "What the hell is going on? Has my wife been kidnapped now? Can you provide me with some corresponding clues."

This person had learned something from Ji Yu's father for a while, otherwise it would be very embarrassing to think that he would not be so arrogant.

When Zhang Huaijin said this, the person next to her immediately laughed and said.

"This time there is nothing, but it makes people feel very speechless, especially this time there are so few clues that can provide you, which is really embarrassing."

After speaking, I just turned my head and looked at them. I knew what the problem was, but now the problem has reached this result.

It's hard to imagine that there are many things that no one knows for, and what is happening now is amazing.

This kind of thing really makes people feel embarrassed to the extreme, especially when things have reached this point, and people are all speculating about what happened.

Just looking up, one of them said immediately.

"Did your wife provoke your friend? If she was really kidnapped, it's probably your friend."

Zhang Huaijin nodded thoughtfully when he heard what he had said. At the beginning, he felt a little skeptical about these things in his heart.

Now I always have some general results in my heart, and many things are often man-made, if not my wife has offended someone.

That's what I have offended. The more I think about it, the more I feel very sigh. Now it's a legal society, and there are such things happening, which makes people feel it is very exciting.

No one dares to say who did what, but some people have done bad things. This must be well known.

It makes people feel speechless when they think about it, even Zhang Huaijin is still stunned.

Seeing that the lawyer provided a lot of clues to herself, Zhang Huaijin turned her head and glanced at it and said.

"This time with so many clues, I hope you can think about it. After all, it is really different in many cases. You must carefully consider who you have offended."

Zhang Huaijin listened to the suggestions made by others to her, she had better nod her head gently, with a bit of embarrassment in her face, afterwards.

He sighed deeply and said, "Well, this thing is like this, so I won't say much."

With some exclamation in his eyes, but feeling very speechless in his heart, Zhang Huaijin turned to look at the lawyer in front of him.

But things that people didn't expect were done blatantly, because the lawyer in front of him was very tall.

It seems to make people feel very pure. In places that Zhang Huaijin hadn't expected, Ji Yu covered his mouth and looked at the man in front of him.

With some fear in his eyes, he said, "It is because of this unnecessary reason that you want to harm him, right? What are you kidding me? Why are you wanting to harm my friend."

When Ji Yu met the person who died a few days ago, he was shocked at first. He didn't know what happened. After all, his friend died somehow.

Anyone would be surprised, and want to know what is going on.

But what I didn't expect was that my friend died so inexplicably, it was hard to imagine what happened.

Ji Yu looked at the people in front of him with a little bit of fear on his face, but felt that it was out of fear. Wu Liang looked very crazy now.

Who knows exactly what caused it to be like this, anyway, it looks like a lunatic now, and it makes people feel very uncomfortable to think about it.

Wu Liang laughed loudly and said.

"Don't you know what your husband did? On the surface, he seems to be a good person. He did things secretly. Why didn't he give me money when I asked him to borrow money."

He has even begun to remember that he is a little confused. Has he ever borrowed money from Zhang Huaijin?Zhang Huaijin can say no with certainty, she is a very nice person to her friends.

If there is something wrong, he will definitely agree without hesitation. It is impossible for a friend to borrow money by himself but not give it.

Unless he has any abnormal use, so he will refuse.

For example, if someone asks him to borrow money to do something illegal, can he do it?This is absolutely impossible.

The man in front of him shook his head and said.

"I don't care so many things are different from what you think. What I want is your life, why you are so understanding."

"He is so kind to you, and my wife has always been particularly dissatisfied with me."

Who knows what happened, the more I think about it, the more sad I feel, and my heart is a bit dissatisfied.

With a bit of fear in the eyes of Monsoon, he said.

"You can put the knife in your hand to me. Needless to say, don't you just want money? I also have a lot of money in my hand. He won't give it to you. If I have you, you can go and look through my bank card. There is a lot of money in his bank card."

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