My wife is 30

Chapter 529: Bad

Just when Zhang Huaijin thought the problem would become very bad, he realized that something was wrong with the problem.

Immediately said directly: "Help me check this person's bank card account number, and see if there has been a large amount of consumption in his bank card recently. If there is a large amount of consumption, it is very likely that he was bought out .

There are often very speechless things in company funds, and it is normal to frame each other in there.

But the problem will always become more troublesome, very bad, and I don't even know how to say it, since the problem is so.

How to fix it will make Zhang Huaijin be puzzled.

The problem really becomes very troublesome, but after all, to solve the problem, it is to investigate this male executive or this woman first.

Are the two of them acting here or are they serious? There is this time, if there is this time.

Then spend money to eliminate the disaster and expel all the employees involved, but if someone is here deliberately framed.

The situation is a bit uncomfortable. If someone is suspected of deliberately framed up here in order to make their company's reputation worse, then the problem can become thought-provoking.

He sighed deeply and clearly realized that there was something wrong.

A few people walked into the company together, just entered the company, and found that the problem was a bit uncomfortable.

There are quite a few people in the company staying here, but these people are staying here. Unconsciously, there are some Lydia, so they look up.

What was the reason this time, and what was going on, I was surprised. At first, the problem was easy.

It feels a bit bad, but now that I think about it carefully, it really feels enough.

If the problem is not right, then you have to look at the cause, but if there is something very special,

Zhang Huaijin actively raised her head and looked over. Just when Zhang Huaijin was thinking deeply, she suddenly realized that the problem was not right.

Because some people did it deliberately, the problem of this time is something not so good about this time, and many people are also at a loss.

Zhang Huaijin carefully considered the reason for being unable to tell, and understood exactly what the situation was.

I immediately took the initiative to step forward and said, "Hey, what's going on? I'm a little curious why you guys are all like this, and if something happened."

While thinking about it, he looked up, and the whole person felt a little at a loss.

Seeing that the problem had become like this, Zhang Huaijin stroked her chin thoughtfully, since the problem was not quite right.

Then we must find a way to solve this matter completely, but if we can't solve it.

This makes people feel very speechless. At first, the situation is not so good. If the problem is not solved quickly, then what will others think.

What do you think of yourself?This is a surprising thing. An employee next to him came over and said in a low voice.

"Boss, there are a lot of reporters outside. Didn't you see it when you came in just now?"

Zhang Huaijin walked through the small door. Naturally, he did not see such a large number of reporters. He had already expected that many reporters would stay there.

He immediately nodded and said, "There are many reporters in there, what's the matter, have they all received any special news?"

These reporters are just like flies, they just ran out to talk when there was news.

People feel very surprised, but I don't know how to say it. Some people are really inexplicable.

No one knows what to say, the problem is very troublesome, and they really know nothing.

Seeing that the problem is already like this, he has forgotten the past without pervert, and the whole person feels a little puzzled.

Just as Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, someone next to him whispered.

"Boss, this is the result of something on the Internet. Now people on the Internet are saying that we are sick, saying that we are deliberately speculating there. Actually, there is nothing we can do.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt so speechless, this time the incident was simply wronged.

Zhang Huaijin could swear that he didn't manipulate this incident at all, but there were people who slandered him in there.

Say that you manipulate these things, besides, do you think there are any special benefits for these people to manipulate this thing?

The more I thought about it, the more I was surprised, I shook my head and said,

"What do those people think, you don't have to worry about them there. There is no big reason with me, but I was a little surprised. What do you think of our company."

If the employees in the company admitted to this incident, it is mostly because the executive is not good at ordinary times, or that he has done some very special things.

If not, then only some other problems can arise, that is, there are some very special situations in leadership, so many.

It's just that my own problem is terrible, and I don't know what to say, can it really be because of my own reasons that this happened?

But at this moment, a person walked over on his own initiative, and his face looked a little ugly.

He whispered: "Boss, most of the things this time are true, but you must solve this matter for you."

Because the executives here are usually lawless in the company, and they often bully some female colleagues here.

Zhang Huaijin nodded thoughtfully. The situation this time made people feel a bit speechless to tell the truth.

I can't tell what it is, but is the question really like this?

Zhang Huaijin's whole person fell into deep contemplation, and the problem was a bit difficult to talk about.

What is the reason?Such an attitude makes people feel amazed.

Since he is usually not a good person, then this time

The matter is a bit cumbersome, and the matter must be resolved this time, otherwise it will be very speechless.

I don’t know how to say it, the more I think about it, the more I am surprised, I just hold my head, the whole person is dumbfounded,

The problem is very troublesome. I can't tell what it is because of what it looks like, but the thing is really bad. I can't tell what it is, but the problem must be solved.

If someone is really here, they can ruin their reputation, and it is still the name of the department store.

Then the matter must be resolved this time. If it cannot be resolved, then the situation is quite troublesome, and it makes people feel speechless. He sighed deeply while thinking.

Quickly resolve this issue. If it cannot be resolved, the company will have to pay for it. The New Year is about to be celebrated, and the critical time to pay wages is about to come.

It is so emotional to be honest.

Once there are scandals about the company on the Internet, the company is likely to work overtime, and their year-end bonuses, including profits, will also be greatly reduced.

They don't want the company to be scandalized now, when their wages will be lowered.

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