My wife is 30

Chapter 530 Seriously

The employees nearby knew that the boss was a serious and responsible person, and the boss immediately nodded gently.

Said: "It turns out that it was for this reason. I was a little surprised. What is going on? It's just that the high-level staff really has a bad reputation."

Zhang Huaijin was a little skeptical for the first time. After all, there were many things, and he didn't know the problem.

And I have never worked in it, and I don't know what the people in Jiyu's company are like.

But Ji Yu said that this high-level male is very good, so this high-level male must have no major character problems.

If there are any problems with his private life, there may be other special reasons.

Just when Zhang Huaijin was thinking deeply about it, there was a voice next to Zhang Huaijin and immediately looked up.

I only saw a large area of ​​Wuyangyang from reporters, and rushed towards me directly, but there was a man at the front.

The man wears glasses on his eyes and looks very gentle.

The man's name is Li Fei, and he is a senior in his company. I don't know the reason for this appearance.

Why is this attitude this time?To be honest, I feel a little surprised, I don't know what the result looks like.

Zhang Huaijin stroked his chin thoughtfully, and directly looked up at it, just when he felt that the problem was a little troublesome.

Unexpected things happened suddenly, Li Fei rushed over directly, and as soon as he saw Zhang Huaijin, he could immediately see the savior.

Said loudly: "Boss, you finally figured out. I have something to come to see you this time."

Hearing that he said he was the boss so familiarly, he snapped his brows unconsciously, and didn't know him much.

Now he will be asked to call himself the boss, isn't it a bit bad?And telling the truth so much in my heart makes people feel a bit speechless.

I don’t have any kind of friendship between myself and others. Isn’t it something wrong now that I’m so dry?

Zhang Huaijin said immediately.

"Who are you who are looking for me this time? Is there anything wrong with you? If you say something, you might as well just talk about it, why come here this time.

I was shocked while thinking, and the whole person felt a little puzzled.

Li Fei sighed deeply and said directly.

"Boss, you don't know that I was deliberately framed by that woman this time. In fact, this woman has been chasing me for a long time."

"But I don't agree with his pursuit of me at all. I don't like him. Why should I agree to his pursuit? But he doesn't know what he thinks."

"It was here that deliberately troubled me, this time it was like this. I really have no choice but to ask the boss to help me solve this problem completely."

Li Fei is not a fool, knowing that this matter cannot be solved by himself alone.

If you say that you can show strong evidence, or say that you are monitoring and recording the above living conditions every day.

Otherwise, those netizens on the Internet will not believe him at all, and some even say that they are inverting and speculating in this, which is true and false.

I am also at a loss. Anyway, others don’t believe my words at all. To be honest, I feel embarrassed. The problem is really bad.

But it has to be solved completely, what will it look like if it is not solved, and I don't know how to fix it.

Anyway, I’m just an ordinary person. I can help others if I can’t solve things myself. Maybe others can really help me.

If someone else as a big boss can't help you solve it, then just give up on solving this matter.

In fact, the problem is really troublesome. If you don't learn well, it's really easy to directly die socially in it.

What is the concept of social death? Everyone knows that this is a thing, so all the reasons.

He knew that this time, he would immediately start looking for trouble, no matter what the reason might be in the future.

So when there are some other problems, other people will not believe in themselves at all. To be honest, people feel quite speechless.

At the same time, I also feel that there are some things that I don't know, but the situation makes people feel a little troublesome and emotional.

He sighed deeply, he was aware of the problem, he was really speechless, he was aware of the problem, where did the problem occur?

Surely someone deliberately copied it here?If it weren't for someone deliberately making trouble for themselves, why would they be so miserable?

It's even like this. It feels helpless to say this, but I don't have any way to do it, and I must solve the matter completely.

Otherwise, it is easy to involve the entire company. Once this incident involves the entire company, then things are a bit troublesome.

It is very likely that people in the entire company will laugh at themselves, and the final reasons will be terrible. It is very likely that everyone in the company will look down upon themselves.

Seeing the situation is already like this, Zhang Huaijin looked thoughtfully at the crowds of reporters outside.

Just said directly: "You reporters, come here first, let me clarify this matter to you face to face."

The situation is already so bad, if you don't clarify, then how should the employees clarify the problem.

It's troublesome at first, and to be honest, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that the problem was already at this point, Zhang Huaijin looked up thoughtfully.

Said: "If there is no special reason, remember to leave. If there is nothing else, don't come here to find me."

I don’t have much to do with this man, so why do I have to face myself like this?

There is even an attitude of treating oneself as a life-saving straw, which makes people feel very emotional to be honest.

He is not his life-saving straw, nor is it the reason for his wrongdoing here.

"Li Fei, this matter is your own. Don't ask me here. I can't control it. You can do whatever you want. Don't find me."

He and Li Fei don't know each other very well, and now it's ridiculous to let myself help.

Li Fei didn't expect that the big boss would not help him, so he said anxiously.

"Boss, their purpose is to harm the company of your husband and wife."

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