My wife is 30

Chapter 550 Rules

The captain really did not expect that someone like Zhang Huaijin would think that they would circumvent the country's laws like some other people, and pay less if they can pay less.

In other words, it did everything possible to do something that violated the law, but now it seems that the factory does not do it at all. Anyway, I just find it a little funny.

Someone in his eyes would surely do something against the law secretly, but now it seems that Zhang Huaijin has not done so.

Instead, it has always been there to abide by the laws and disciplines. This is a shocking thing. Some people can say that they are abiding by the laws, but can they do it.

It’s not a matter of observing discipline and law. It's simple to say, but it's really waiting for them to do it.

You will know where the problem is, and Zhang Huaijin feels a little helpless.

He watched Zhang Huaijin give money to people here, and some people directly gave out hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands. Anyway, the money owed was a lot of money.

It’s really shocking. I can’t tell what kind of feeling it is, but the current approach is to win people’s hearts. As long as individuals can realize how powerful they are

Zhang Huaijin paid so much money to each employee, and the amount has never been more or less. To be honest, it makes people feel a little bit of a normal person who can do this.

Although it is said to be fair and honest, some people know the law, but know the law to break the law, but now his situation is very different, and he even really complies with the law.

People feel shocked to the extreme. The more they think about it, the more they feel speechless, and they don't even know how to say it. Some people dare to do this, which means they have enough confidence.

But some people dare to do this, it means that their problem is really huge.

Zhang Huaijin narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately raised his head to look at the person in front of him, and said something silently.

"The current situation is a bit funny, but I don't know what you think, these employees have a lot of money."

Zhang Huaijin looked at the employees next to him while talking. The employees were a little surprised at first, but when Zhang Huaijin really did what they said.

When all the money was handed in, all of them were old now, and they didn't even realize that Zhang Huaijin would actually give them the money.

It’s even a lot of points. Everyone is completely stunned, but at the same time, they feel a little emotional. Some people really do what they say, and they can only say that they are really special. Awesome

The more I thought about it, the more I felt shocked.

Zhang Huaijin frowned slightly, and immediately realized how difficult the problem was, and smiled silently.

She was a little surprised and said, "Okay, I won't say so much..., and it has no effect. As long as you don't have less money, then I'm going to leave."

The person in charge of this subsidiary company, although it is said that he has made an explosive game, it is not a good thing in itself. To be honest, as the person in charge of a head office.

What he did is really disappointing or even unspeakable. Normal people who dare to do this kind of thing make people feel a little speechless to be honest.

I can't even tell what it feels like. If it's normal, no one would dare to do this. But now the problem is very troublesome. I can't tell what the reason is.

But now the person in charge of the company has been taken away, and even the captain on the side is smiling and looking at things that makes people feel helpless.

But at the same time, I think it's very good. Sometimes the methods depend on how people do it. At the same time, the person in charge of this subsidiary usually does too arrogant things.

So I remember it now, and it's quite surprising that I can't tell what it feels like, but if he can be a little reliable there.

In the end, he didn't expect him to owe so much money to the employees. To be honest, it made people feel a little funny, but at the same time he was a bit speechless. He owed so much money to the employees.

I'm so embarrassed to talk in there. If I'm sure I will feel a little embarrassed. I can only say that some people's faces are really good, but some people are really too unreliable, since they dare to offend so. legal.

Then he will be punished accordingly, Zhang Huaijin looked at the captain next to him, and said silently.

"Captain, what kind of punishment do you think he will be punished? He has violated people's bottom line by doing so. It is better to say that you should explain what kind of punishment he will be punished."

The problem was pretty bad at first, so it's better to see what the captain would say. The captain on the side heard him say that.

He immediately paused and said, "Look at his plot. At the moment, the plot is a bit serious. It even allows you to make up for hundreds of thousands of millions of money in one go."

This is already a huge event. To be honest, it makes people feel a little speechless, but if you dare to violate the law so much, you must be psychologically prepared.

Otherwise, everyone is not sure what the final result will be. It is possible to think about it carefully now. What kind of result he will end up, it is very easy to do it for decades.

No matter how simple it is, it will directly cause him to ruin his family, and it is very possible to die in prison, just to see what others think or what the result is.

Otherwise, it is useless to say this simply here, Zhang Huaijin's eyes narrowed slightly.

Immediately he smiled silently, and said, "The situation is so serious. Where is Zhang Liang being held now? In fact, there is no need to ask."

I know that Zhang Liang's plot is too serious. To tell the truth, what he did made people feel a little irritable. He couldn't tell the reason for what, but he dared to make it so disgusting.

And for things that are excessive, you must be psychologically prepared, otherwise, just saying that you are doing things like this is enough to make people feel disgusting to the extreme.

Zhang Liang watched other people discussing his punishment, and he was stunned. He didn't dare to say anything. Now, he and everyone were stunned.

To be honest, he really didn't expect the punishment to be so serious. He originally thought that what he did was not revealed.

Then there is nothing to worry about, but now it seems that I am thinking, some are too naive, let alone the matter is not exposed.

It's hard to survive just now.One thing, if other people are definitely a dead end!

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