My wife is 30

Chapter 551: Acknowledgement

"Boss, you must help me. Please help me anyway. I really don't want to go to jail. The boss sent me to beg you."

Zhang Liang suddenly thumped and knelt on the ground, constantly kowtow, his head was especially like a head covered with blood, and his voice was quite loud, but Zhang Huaijin was a little speechless.

I can't tell what it feels like. Now I know that I have admitted my mistake, and I even kowtow on the ground. But what is the use?

To be honest, it makes people feel like there are some people. It really makes people feel funny.

When doing things, they don’t pay attention to the consequences, but they can only explain one point if they dare to do so.

That being the case, why did he have to do such an excessive thing in the first place?Now that something has happened, I know I regret it, but it’s not enough to just say a lesson

Seeing this person's attitude, the captain looked at him speechlessly and said,

"You don't have an attitude like this here. There is no use for anything. I tell you that the problem is very troublesome. You should think it through yourself. You must solve the problem completely for me."

In the end, why do some people have special circumstances?It can only explain that some people are gifted with foreign spirits, or that there are some special reasons.

But all kinds of reasons cannot conceal a reality. Sometimes some people are really too much, but this is not the reason for everyone to act recklessly here.

It is also clear what the end will be. Some people don’t understand the seriousness of the problem.

That’s why it’s like talking nonsense, but now the problem is different. What will happen in the end? It’s all on the people themselves to say in this, otherwise why some people are so unlucky

But now that they have violated the law, it is useless to say so much.

If they violate the law, they will be punished accordingly, but since they are all psychologically prepared, it is useless to say so much.

While thinking about it, he yawned softly. It was considered that something was wrong with the problem. Some people were really weird.

When doing some things, I think I'm pretty good, but in fact I don't have anything. It is precisely because of the existence of such people that it makes the current social atmosphere very bad.

Zhang Huaijin said helplessly as he watched the captain here and stared at him with a smile without saying a word.

"Captain, is there anything else to say now? If there is nothing to say, I am going to leave."

In fact, Zhang Huaijin feels a bit annoying now. There are so many things in the company that he has done his best to solve it by himself. To be honest, the problem is a bit troublesome.

I couldn't even tell what the reason was, but it was surprising enough to explain the problem. I sighed deeply while thinking about it.

After looking at it, he said silently: "You tell me: "How can I solve it?I'm just a little speechless.

The captain on the side suddenly heard him asking himself so much and immediately said,

"I don't know how to solve it, but the problem is to see how you do it at a time. In that case, it is better to let you see the causes and results of what it looks like, otherwise the problem will only become more It's bad."

Anyway, the position is the real big boss in the company, and Zhang Huaijin owns so many companies, what should I do in the end.

Zhang Huaijin knew it all by himself, except that Zhang Huaijin wanted to do it, or what he thought, here is a very good reason.

If this is the case, it would be better to use some other means, maybe there are some special reasons.

It’s just that the problem is terrible, and sometimes it’s useless to say so much.

And Zhang Huaijin’s identity is different from that of other people. Zhang Huaijin’s identity is clearly displayed here. Sometimes he talks too much, I'm afraid Zhang Huaijin will be angry.

Whether it is in the game circle or even in the business circle, they all have a light-hearted position. They all know Zhang Huaijin's greatness, and even understand where Zhang Huaijin is.

But some people just refuse to admit defeat in there. To be honest, it makes people speechless, and at the same time, it feels a bit ridiculous. In that case, it is better to solve the matter completely.

Many people hold some weird ideas, but what they think has nothing to do with them.

He frowned silently and glanced at the person next to him. The employees in the company are now almost gone.

They took the money and then went to the bank to deposit it. Some of them went back home directly with their money bags. To be honest, it seemed a bit ridiculous, but they felt a little silent.

"Okay, I will solve the problem for you anyway, I will go home first, and now I go home, and then talk to the family members about this time."

In fact, at the beginning, I was prepared not to tell Monsoon about this time, but the problem was so big that I suddenly spent so much money.

I am afraid that the monsoon rain is also a little unhappy, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

He looked up, smiled lightly, and said.

"Captain, why don't you come home with me? We have known each other for such a long time. To be honest, I have something to find you, but I don't know what you think."

While thinking about it, he frowned and looked over. Now if he and the captain get closer, there will only be endless benefits for him.

I just don't know what the captain will think in the end, it's pretty good for myself.

Sometimes the captain did everything pretty reliable, and the frog was much better than his current self. Zhang Huaijin frowned and looked over and smiled silently.

When the captain heard what he said, he suddenly smiled and said.

"Ah, it turned out to be the reason for this, I just felt a little surprised simply, not to mention that much."

"I just want to call you over. Why don't you go to our place with me first, and explain to me what this is like."

I also know that the current situation is very different.

Sometimes the situation must be solved by someone here, but what will happen if the situation cannot be solved?

It is almost self-evident. Everyone knows that the problem is troublesome and even the awfulness of the problem, but few people will solve other problems in it.

I have to say that this is a very important one.At the same time, Zhang Huaijin squinted her eyes and looked over.

I quickly realized that the problem was a bit bad, and said with a smile.

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