My wife is 30

Chapter 591 Awkward

Zhang Huaijin was thinking about friendship first and second in the game at first, but now he can't give people face anymore. Now he gives people too much face.

People began to swell up here, and even started to openly discriminate against people from their entire country playing games.

The more people think about it, the more they feel a little speechless. This kind of person is a naked waste. If you cooperate with him, you will definitely not have any good results.

Without saying a word, Zhang Huaijin hid directly next to him and started playing his own game. Several teammates, including Xiaoyue, carefully looked at Zhang Huaijin's face in there.

They all fell silent at the same time. They knew Zhang Huaijin very well. Once Zhang Huaijin was here, they only played games.

But when they didn't speak, they knew Zhang Huaijin must be angry.

Xiaoyue considered it carefully, and after getting off the plane, she directly clicked to follow.

Just said: "What do you want to do, is this a jungler, or should we go straight to the base to proceed? If it is a steel weapon, let us go over."

While thinking about it, he looked up and looked over. The whole person was a little chilly. How should I play this game now?

I still feel a little unsure now, but I still have to listen to Zhang Huaijin after careful consideration.

After all, Zhang Huaijin has a lot of ways to play games, and he has more ghost ideas, who knows what plan he will make.

It really made people feel a little speechless, Zhang Huaijin looked at the person carefully for a while, and said directly.

"I thought about it carefully, and let's go straight to the night's steel weapons. I'll go to the cafeteria to snatch you people who are not very capable of fighting. Let's do it right here."

This is the most important thing to spend the early time first.

Some people's fighting ability is not good, but he still has to be strong here, this is a very bad thing.

But here comes the problem. If the combat ability is not good, what else do you want to do, this is absolutely impossible.

It is necessary to consider the countermeasures as early as possible in this, and Xiaoyue himself called a girl and followed him in the early stage.

It's very likely that I can't protect him from this, since I can't protect him.

Over there, think of other ways, maybe it would be safer to let him fight by himself.

Xiaoyue nodded lightly, and several people got off the base, and Zhang Huaijin started from the container.

There are some scattered small hand weapons around the container. Most of them don't have some good weapons. Zhang Huaijin frowned. Are you kidding me?

Usually, most of it is a m416, and the worst is a 98k weapon.

But now there is nothing empty in it, and it makes people really dazed to be honest.I can't believe why it looks like this.

I also frowned unconsciously. I had miscalculated. I originally thought there would be something else in it, but now it seems that it's empty.

There was nothing, Zhang Huaijin flipped through several containers, all of which were some drinks.

The medical kit even has bandages, but there is no m416, all of which are small hand weapons.

When Zhang Huaijin was a little discouraged, Xiaoyue next to her suddenly said.

"Oh, don't you be too discouraged here. I just looked at the equipment here. I also have an assault weapon in it. Assault weapons are still okay."

While thinking about it, he looked at it. In the past, the whole person laughed. If it was an assault weapon, it was fine.

Ju'an was about to find Xiaoyue to get that assault weapon, when he picked up an AK47, pulled out to get an AK479, and hid beside him.

The pig has heard a lot of voices, but most of them have no good results, making Zhang Huaijin a little chilly unconsciously.

I don't know why these footsteps are more and more away from her menstruation, but Zhang Huaijin is a little chilly unconsciously.

These voices are getting closer and closer to me, but I don't even know where they are. This is the worst situation at present.

I don't even know where my enemy is. To tell the truth, I feel a little unbelievable. This is what I fear most now.

I don't know where my enemy is, this is something that makes people feel a little speechless, but Zhang Huaijin also feels embarrassed.

Xiaoyue looked at him like this, and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry too much. There are not many people worried about him, and it has no effect. You should have discovered it too."

"He is obviously no one here, but you must be careful of Tom. They have already stated here that they are going to target you. You have to think about it..."

Tom actually said that he wanted to target people, so much of it is true, and this nature of life is also quite annoying.

As for the reason for doing this, to be honest, it feels a bit unclear.

But if you think about it, you can know why. He has such an attitude for this person.

Zhang Huaijin looked to the side for a while, and said with a frown.

"Now Tom wants to attack me. This is not a very normal thing. You must quickly avoid it."

Otherwise, this Tom is likely to be lawless, but what Tom does now is a bad enough thing.

The most annoying thing is that Tom is here as a nation. Once the conference does something here, he will be hurt first.

Now this is the worst situation, and the matter must be completely resolved.

Tom thought it over carefully and said directly.

"Don't say anything here, come here first, I also know what your group of people think."

But doing this now is a very wrong thing. He raised his head and looked over as he said it. The attitude of the whole person was strange.

If it were in the past, Zhang Huaijin would definitely not say much, but the current situation is very different.

They have been here for a while.

Zhang Huaijin looked up thoughtfully, and said directly: "Is there anything else looking for me this time? I just think it's a bit ridiculous, why are you?"

Tom has always been here to face his constant ridicule, and her husband has a sense of superiority in his heart.

It is precisely because of his superiority that Zhang Huaijin feels that some things do not know what to say.

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