My wife is 30

Chapter 594 Superiority

But his sense of superiority is weird, and Zhang Huaijin also feels a little disgusted.

His inexplicable sense of superiority alone can make Zhang Huaijin disgust him very much, but the problem is that it must be solved completely.

I don't know why Tom dare to mock himself so much here.

Tom paused, then said mockingly.

"You play games and think you are pretty good, but you forgot that one of the most important things is to keep your heart. You are very easy to get angry when you play games now."

While talking, he picked up a weapon in his hand, and directly carried out a sneak attack on the person. Zhang Huaijin and the others stayed beside him, said.

When Zhang Huaijin stayed next to her, she never thought that she would encounter anything, but now she really felt very speechless.

I don't know how to say it at all, what I want to do now.

Just when Zhang Huaijin was about to talk to others, the teammate next to him walked over.

Said: "Don't fight him here. I tell you something is not quite right now. Did you meet a black explode just now?"

"Now I don't even know where this explosive head is, I should just be hiding by the side."

When he spoke, his voice was particularly calm, but Zhang Huaijin was stunned for a while, what, there was an explosion in it.

I searched in it just now, and I can guarantee that there are no explosive heads, but what does it mean now?

Zhang Huaijin thought about it for a while, and said seriously: "I don't know where the afro is, but I believe that the afro should be hiding around."

The situation is very wrong. If I think too much and there is no good result, it is better to say through other things.

Maybe you can find an Afro, Zhang Huaijin nodded as soon as he thought about it, and felt right.

Said: "Don't worry, I don't know where the afro is, but don't guess, don't worry too much, the afro must be around."

Zhang Huaijin looked at the person as he spoke, feeling a bit at a loss as a whole, since now he doesn't know where the person is.

Then we have to give the hand from other aspects. The more Cao Ming thinks about it, the more he feels that he is a little angry. Now he can't find an explosive head. This is a very important reason.

Most of the Afro is hidden nearby, and I am not sure who the Afro is. It is probably Tom's teammate here, but he didn't find it.

Zhang Huaijin thought about it carefully, and said directly.

"Don't worry about so much for now, where is this afro? We don't know, but thinking about it has no effect."

You have to figure out by yourself where the Afro heads are, otherwise the problem will only get worse.

What I fear most now is this situation, and I don't even know where the explosive heads are.

They have even been in a state of ignorance all the time. To be honest, it makes people feel a little strange, where are the other people's faces now.

I am also in an attitude of ignorance and at a loss, but because of this, telling the truth does not benefit me in any way.

Sometimes the situation is not right, and we must find a way to solve it, otherwise it will be what will happen in the end.

It is almost self-evident that none of the people is a fool, but at the same time they are all aware of the problem, something is wrong, and the matter must be completely resolved.

It is inevitable that the problem has become worse. He wasn't there, but just looked at it at random for a while, and suddenly realized that the problem was not quite right.

I always feel that people around me are staring at me, but I don't know where they are.

This is the worst situation that makes people feel that it’s the worst situation. I don’t even know who is staying here.

Just when the scene wanted to say something more, someone next to him suddenly took the initiative to walk out. This person was like a human machine.

Unable to mention what kind of thought, he went straight up and gave him a weapon, and then hid next to him.

The sound of footsteps around became closer and closer.

Zhang Huaijin was stunned. The whole person felt a little unhappy in his heart. I didn't know the appearance of these people now made people feel more and more unruly.

Including Tom, what they want to do here now makes people feel a little confused and speechless.

After watching this for a while, the woman on the side whispered.

"Zhang Huaijin, don't worry too much about what happened this time now. I tell you there is no use to worry. Could it be that you didn't find it."

"The current situation is very wrong. There must be someone who confuses the audiovisual in this. It is estimated that we are going to catch the power. They have already run away."

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Tom just now, and he has the confidence to talk leisurely with himself in it.

At the beginning, we felt something was wrong, but now we have been reminded.

I realized that I didn't know when I had entered a misunderstanding, and I knew nothing about it.

I froze in place for an instant, nodded softly, nodded and said, "If that's the case, don't think about it so much. I'll see what they want to do."

After speaking, he turned his head and left. The attitude of the whole person was extremely cold, sometimes the situation was very different.

If I say too much, it will only make the situation a little worse, but now it is better to think about it carefully, there may be some special situations.

Zhang Huaijin and his teammates started to reunite with their weapons, and walked out directly after reuniting.

Several people took their weapons and searched the surrounding area, and then they cleared all the people around, and then they reached the next point.

He turned his head and looked at the poison behind him, and found that the poison circle behind him was particularly tight, but because of this, the distance between the poison circle was a little close.

Zhang Huaijin's taste is now reading the whole drama a little closer to him, to be honest, it makes people feel a bit bad.

Zhang Huaijin thought for a moment.

There is no need to think about it so much, it is useless to think so much, it's just a little curious, and while thinking about it, he looks up at the person in front of him, and the whole person feels a little confused.

A 98k looked at Zhang Huaijin again. The owner of bar k was exactly what Tom Tom saw when Zhang Huaijin was chirping here.

I thought it was a little funny, and then he smiled coldly and said, "I thought he was so good, but he played like this."

While talking, he turned his head to look at Zhang Huaijin, with a bit of coldness in his eyes, and to be honest, it felt a little unbelievable.

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