My wife is 30

Chapter 632 Students

At least among a bunch of schoolchildren, the flowers of the future, now that you've made a name for yourself, what will you look like in the future**.

Most likely it will also be himself or someone who is trying to hack himself or have some fun.

It will come over to give himself a **, for himself is only good without any disadvantages.

As long as you can lead properly in this, you can be sure that no problems of any kind will occur in a short time.

It is also suggested to use it as a stalk in this, what to say in front of the public ah, also make people feel very speechless.

If it were anyone else, they would not be able to avoid it, but I didn't think it would be like this!

The more someone thought about it, the more incredulous he felt, and the director next to him was also considered far-sighted, and immediately knew what kind of idea Zhang Huaijin had.

He directly nodded his head and said: "Your idea is very correct, and I didn't expect you to think so far-sightedly, it really surprised me," he said.

As he thought about it, he looked up voluntarily.

The director also felt a little confused at first, thinking that the company behind Herbwood didn't care about him anymore.

But now it seems that those on top of the network who led the trend, all good trends, should be the people inside Zhang Huaijin's company to appear.

It's only said that the whole thing has been secretly guided, so that Zhang Huaijin's fans at least know the concept of some things.

And at least now things are not causing bad things, but also a very good result, which is also the effect of Zhang Huaijin's company's action to lead properly.

The director was silent for a moment here, and then said.

"Okay, that's the way things are now, and I wouldn't want it any other way, so as long as you're in control of yourself, I'm not going to worry about it,"

Because the situation is somewhat extraordinary, it is likely that Zhang Huaijin will encounter some other situations here as well if he does not know about them, but for now.

The more I thought about it, the more I was shocked.

The more I thought about it, the more shocked I felt, and even the crowd didn't think that Zhang Huaijin would be so powerful.

When the director looked at him, he said.

"Now let's have a formal shooting here, and I'll see what kind of acting skills you have first."

Because through the recent long period of cooperation, we found out that Zhang Huaijin's acting skills are quite powerful, but it makes people unconsciously a little doubtful.

Zhang Huaijin is a person who has reached the pinnacle of his acting skills, or has he already reached the pinnacle, but it's not a good situation anyway.

They all want to find out what it's all about, and for some people, it's possible to understand meeting something else.

Seeing that the problem had become this way, Zhang Huaijin looked up.

The situation was very different, and the crowd must make a good choice here in time, but Zhang Huaijin's strength now really made people feel very powerful.

I didn't expect that he would be just an ordinary person, but he had already done it all by himself, which was honestly shocking.

I didn't expect that he would become so powerful on his own. One felt quite shocked, not thinking why he had become so powerful.

Seeing that the problem has become like this, Zhang Huaijin is not bothered to talk nonsense with people here.

Sometimes it is useless to talk so much nonsense to people, and everyone knows that the shooting has started now.

Zhang Huaijin is also here to officially shoot, but Zhang Huaijin is unconsciously a little anxious today, always thinking that something is going to happen today.

And inwardly also feel a little nervous, do not know what kind of reason just at this time, next to the director.

The first thing that was said was: "The crew first hurry up and come over to me, today only proved to be to hang all the people of Weah, to give me a good check here,".

It is important to get a clear understanding of the props in this, absolutely can not appear some other things understand ah.

The initiative to look up to look, learning face very serious look around all the staff, the staff nodded.

Before Zhang Huaijin went to other places to carry out the work, more or less is also aware of the problem, and Zhang Huaijin has a physique.

There are some peculiarities, and for some reason, he has encountered some rather strange things several times, which really makes people feel strange.

And when he encounters these strange things, the end result is often very unlucky, and the last time just a while ago, he was cut throat.

It was a bit unbelievable, but I didn't think it would turn out this way.

But now that Zhang Huaijin has come to his own organization, he must ensure the safety of Zhang Huaijin here, just in case Zhang Huaijin also encounters any kind of security problems here.

When the time comes, you may not be able to say anything, because Zhang Huaijin's safety is the most important point before.

A few times three times have encountered some problems, do not know what kind of people Zhang Huaijin is provoked ah? Why is it so much worse in here, one feels shocked to the core.

When I saw that the problem was already like this, Zhang Huaijin, who was next to me, looked up and smiled thoughtfully.

He said, "Is there anything else you would like to say now? If there's nothing else I want to say, I'm just going to shoot it."

Maybe you're thinking too much about this, but can't you just happen to have something happen every time? Zhang Huaijin didn't believe in it at all, and was ready to go up and start the shoot all over again.

Only after Zhang Huaijin had taken a few steps, he realized that something was very wrong, and as expected, the situation changed and something unexpected suddenly happened.

This time the hanging Weah even began to sway, Zhang Huaijin's face was instantly white.

He said, "Director are you this Weah unstable?"

The director was watching the scene this time, and then he heard Zhang Huaijin say that, and immediately sucked in a mouthful of cold air.

"The props teacher didn't understand what was going on at first, but when she heard the director say that, she had to put him down.

But when the director said so, he had no choice but to put Weiya down, but in the process of putting him down, the rope suddenly worked out.

The rope suddenly on the exercise, a distance of two or three meters high, Zhang Huaijin directly fell down.

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