My wife is 30

Chapter 633 - Accidents

"Zhang Huaijin, there is nothing wrong with you, immediately there are a lot of people around even towards Zhang Huaijin rushed over, Zhang Huaijin is a unsteady and fell to the side of the prop.

With a very serious and good face, he said, "It's nothing too big, and the condition of my leg is not too good."

To tell the truth, Zhang Huaijin really felt desperate.

I don't know what kind of people I have offended, and I feel disgusted to the extreme.

Now it's already like this, but still want to make things happen on their own, honestly feel very shocking.

The director on the side went straight away and came over to look at the wound on Zhang Huaijin's body. Zhang Huaijin quietly shook his head.

Having said that it doesn't look like much, I don't have any big wounds on my body right now, to be honest.

Zhang Huaijin's whole person felt a bit unpleasant, don't know what kind of reason, but now to do so, it really makes people feel speechless to the extreme.

I don't know what kind of situation is happening, but now Zhang Huaijin's whole body feels a little shocked, always feel the problem is very troublesome ah What exactly has been done.

Why do people start laughing at their own troubles when they go on set again? Before Zhang Huaijin had a chance to say anything else, he saw a dragon trap begin to take a few steps toward the side.

As if it was hiding something.

Zhang Huaijin immediately became alert and said, "You go check on that dragon trap, I just saw him acting strangely, maybe he touched the prop on purpose."

Zhang Huaijin now dared to say these words without any real evidence, in fact, Zhang Huaijin already had some certainty in his heart.

Because I have offended a lot of people in this show, I don't know when I started to offend such a drag queen again.

I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I don't know where I have offended this actor, but honestly, it's really quite shocking to people.

Is it possible that someone has taken money from this again and then started to deliberately set themselves up?

The director on the side is also anxious, afraid that the culprit can not be found, and then his own crew in this time to take the blame.

I didn't expect Zhang Huaijin to say this, and immediately nodded seriously and said.

"I've given it careful thought, and I'm going to tell you about this staff first," and back then it was like finding a lifeline.

He called the actor directly over.

Seeing Zhang Huaijin stay in here, he immediately panics and subconsciously wants to run away.

And then this is his action, people just feel a little bit ridiculous, this is obviously feel a little bit guilty ah, if not guilty, how can this be like this.

I'm not sure what's wrong with you, but if you don't want to run away when you see me, you're not guilty of anything," she said.

I just fell down from 3 meters above the Weya, and if I hadn't practiced in my last life, I'm afraid this life would have been a complete disaster. I fell away.

To be honest, Zhang Huaijin also felt a little unhappy heart, why someone has to target himself in this face, and the means of targeting himself, but also always the more strange reasons.

It's a shock to the extreme, and the actor didn't want to tell the truth at first, but the security guards around him were already coming over.

I can't help but say: "It's a little star who ordered me, he gave me a lot of money, and then wanted me to do it like this, I can't not do it, he's threatening me here."

This person spoke with a few words in his voice, and with a few humiliations on his face.

There should be no talking in this, Zhang Huaijin thoughtfully touched his bottom, he then said:"

"Can you tell me a little bit about who this actor is."

I don't even have to think about it to know that it was definitely an actor who deliberately set himself up on this side, and indeed the face of the person in front of him instantly changed, some looking at the ghosts in general.

When she saw Zhang Huaijin, she said, "How do you know about the male actors, I haven't said anything yet."

I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do this," she said.

It's also not the same gender, how can you even deliberately find yourself in trouble here, it's mostly some male actors.

I don't know why the actor did it, but after careful consideration, a name came to my mind.

If it wasn't Wutian, then I really can't think of anyone else," he said.

Zhang Huaijin also felt a bit ridiculous to be honest, he has met quite a lot of people, but now the question really makes people feel a bit troubled, who is it?

And Wutian hasn't made any trouble lately, so could it really be Wutian?

Just when Zhang Huaijin was about to think of someone else, he didn't expect the actor in front of him to suddenly brighten his eyes and said.

"Yes, that's him. He's the one who spent money here, and then I was told to get your resources, and then was going to let me frame you, and I didn't hold back I did it."

Zhang Huaijin paused and rolled his eyes at the person in front of him, and to be honest, there are people above the world today who do what they do because of money.

There are so many of them, and Zhang Huaijin has seen a lot of them, people in his family falling out directly over money.

Honestly, there are just too many of these situations, and inside this entertainment world, it's mostly just for the money that there's any kind of camaraderie.

It's all well known, but I didn't expect that when I heard this excuse now, it would still be a bit ridiculous.

I nodded my head gently and said, "Okay, would you like to be a witness for me? Help me to publish this matter to the network, that the people on the network know that I am in trouble in this again, what do you think."

Now the network itself has become a hot stalk of national attention, and a lot of people have begun to pay attention to themselves.

If you say that you directly take the opportunity to publish this news, there will definitely be more people paying attention to yourself, and the director on the side is about to say something.

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