My wife is 30

Chapter 651 - Wandering

"What do you guys want? Why are you always hanging around my company,"

Zhang Huaijin looked toward the people in front of him as he thought about it, with a bit of disdain in his past eyes.

I don't know what they are trying to do, but they are always here, and the situation is so-so.

Who knows what's going on here, one always feels something special, and at the same time, one can't tell what it's all about.

But the more you think about it, the more ridiculous it makes you feel, sometimes the problem is such that you have to figure it out, otherwise it's really not clear what some people are trying to do.

But the situation makes people feel a little worse, sometimes the problem really can not be easily solved by one person.

Zhang Huaijin felt a little speechless, what do they want to do all the time to stay here.

To be honest, it was a little hard to believe, I'm afraid that their purpose for staying here is not very pure, as for what they want to do.

Zhang Huaijin has almost always been able to guess that it is nothing more than for the shares inside their own company, and that this group of them would do nothing more than for the shares inside the company.

The most important thing in the eyes of these people is the shares in the company.

If it wasn't for the shares in the company, I'm afraid these company elders would never have taken the initiative to appear.

One felt a little puzzled, and indeed, the faces of the people in front of them instantly turned very cold and said.

"I'm sure you'll be able to tell me what's going on inside the company.

"I hope you can realize some of the shares of the company by yourself, if you can hand them over quickly, otherwise who can guarantee what will happen next."

The more Zhang Huaijin listened, the more ridiculous she felt, and immediately raised her head to look over at the person.

He said, "What do you mean by that? It makes me feel very funny. And then there's the fact that you're doing this to me."

To be honest, Zhang Huaijin really felt quite shocked, and wondered what the reason was for some people to do this.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as what I think now, but as to why, what's going on, it must be clearly understood.

And the patriarch of the company, although it is known that the recent period of time into the entertainment industry, but not because they entered the entertainment circle.

So it's really surprising that they're about to do something here, just because they're in the entertainment industry.

This reason is just unbelievable, how can there be this kind of unnecessary reason, it's just not possible.

They just want to find a reason to find their own trouble, and now the more Zhang Huaijin thinks about it, the more speechless he feels.

They didn't understand what they were trying to do, and to be honest, they found it ridiculous that they didn't even realize why they had to do it.

The more you think about it, the more speechless you feel, not even thinking about why this happened, including Shen and his group's reasons for doing it.

Zhang Huaijin carefully thought about it for a while, but he didn't get a clear picture of it, except to say that the current situation was a bit troublesome.

After careful thought, he actively looked up at the people, and felt a little ridiculous, but it was because this time things were exactly what Zhang Huaijin noticed.

I'm afraid there is something not quite right about the problem.

Is this what they do because they are recently out of the entertainment business? It's shocking in the extreme.

Why do they have to do this?

It was really shocking to the extreme, and the more I thought about it, the more ridiculous I felt, and Zhang Huaijin went straight to looking up without saying a word, the whole person was very attentive.

If it is placed on the usual Zhang Huaijin may not be so sad, but now there are people really here young people too few, since so what else can be said.

I'm afraid the problem is only going to get worse, as to why they have to do this.

Seeing that the situation has become so troublesome, Zhang Huaijin's eyes slightly changed, and looked towards the surrounding people, and suddenly realized that something was not quite right.

These elders had never taken the initiative, but now the supply of goods were all letting themselves come over.

And for what reason exactly? It was that Zhang Huaijin felt a little puzzled.

He turned his head to look at the company elders next to him, and sure enough, one of them revealed his true face, and then said

"We've done a lot of work in the time you've been away from the company, and a lot of it has been solved by us here personally, so let me think about it carefully, or you can think of something else to do."

Why would you want to do that? I'm afraid it really doesn't make sense, but his implication is that Zhang Huaijin has been out of the picture for a long time.

And then a lot of things were chosen on them, the company's patriarchs, so that they felt a little unhappy.

The more Zhang Huaijin listened, the more he felt a little ridiculous, wondering why they had to do that. I'm afraid it's a bit unjustifiable.

And he spoke with such an arrogant attitude that Zhang Huaijin felt a little puzzled.

"But don't forget that I'm the owner of this company, and you're talking to me right now with this attitude, who taught you this?"

As he thought about it, he looked up and looked over, and his entire attitude was extremely cold, if it had been in the past.

If it was in the past, Zhang Huaijin might not say anything more, but now some people are obviously looking for trouble.

I can't say for what reason, but it's just ridiculous, and I think there is a special reason for them to do so.

Zhang Huaijin looked toward the crowd as he thought about it, and narrowed his eyes slightly in the past.

It would be better to find out exactly what they want to do with these people, though.

It would be better to take advantage of this time to see everything clearly, otherwise the reason why they are doing this is what they are doing.

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