My wife is 30

Chapter 652 - Come Here

Just then, Ji Yu slowly walked over from the side and said in a low voice.

"What do you guys want to do this time? Something doesn't seem right to me, plus what's the reason you're doing this?"

"Besides, you weird ones are always trying to usurp power, right?"

While saying that, he looked towards the crowd, very speechless, they do not know how the situation is, they have always been in this strange.

One feels also a little speechless, but there is nothing to be done, after all, the problem is obvious in here? Sometimes thinking about it too much only makes it more ridiculous.

Why don't we think of other ways to figure out what they are trying to do, and always target ourselves here several times, which is shocking in itself.

As soon as Zhang Huaijin saw Ji Yu take the initiative to come over, he immediately took the initiative to step forward.

Zhang Huaijin said, "Is there anything else you want to do now? If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. You people are really strange, and I don't want to say anything more to you."

I don't want to say anything to you guys." Zhang Huaijin looked over at the people as he said this, and rolled his eyes in silence.

I think too much, and there is no way to do anything about it, but it's better to think about it carefully here.

Maybe the problem will change in some way, there are people out there who are always particularly over the top here, it will only make people feel more shocked.

Ji Yu watched Zhang Huaijin dawdle non-stop with a group of old men in here.

As she thought about it, she looked up voluntarily, looked over and said.

"I don't want to say anything about the other things, but now you're doing this really makes me feel quite ridiculous, what exactly do you want to do?"

While thinking about it, he looked over at the person, the whole attitude of the person is extremely cold, if placed in ordinary times perhaps no one will say anything more.

But now a glance can know how the matter ah, simply make people feel speechless to the extreme.

It is clear that the situation has been like this, but Zhang Huaijin is silent, I do not know the bottom line of some people so arrogant.

And where is it, besides, said they have always been so arrogant, people feel very disgusting.

One of the company's patriarchs didn't think Zhang Huaijin would even be this kind of attitude.

Without saying a word, he directly looked up and looked over.

says, "What are you doing? You're talking arrogantly now, why do you say that, and besides, what do you do with the bottom line of talking like that?"

Although Zhang Huaijin is the owner of the company, but he is doing this really makes people feel quite pitiful.

Who knows what he is thinking, but he still has the strength to talk to himself like this, and besides, he has no relationship with him at all.

But he has always been this arrogant attitude, to be honest, people feel a little puzzled.

But Zhang Huaijin felt a little speechless, not knowing why they had to do this, and also felt a little helpless.

If it had been put in a normal situation, Zhang Huaijin would never have said anything, but now he could see why they had to do it, and the people themselves could perceive the problem.

But I did not expect that the problem would be so bad, and now that the company's elders are pushing themselves to do so, how should they decide?

I'm afraid there's no way to decide, they thought as they actively looked up and over.

To be honest, I felt a little angry and didn't even know what to say about it.

Seeing that things were at a standstill here, Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to look up, but the person next to him turned his head and quietly looked down at Zhang Huaijin.

Then he said, "What's the matter with you? What do you want? Why don't you just say it clearly, I always feel that your situation is a little special, what do you want."

Zhang Huaijin said, "I don't want to say anything, but you don't want to be in trouble here," he said.

Immediately frowned and said, "I don't want to say anything, but you guys don't want to bother me here, okay? Do you and I have a grudge against each other?"

Now all the people in the company are coming to force themselves.

It is because I have not been in the company at all this time, but have gone to the showbiz to develop.

But the result is that I've gotten a lot of money.

This pile of money has also met some people, which is honestly very good for you.

But I didn't expect that some people are now looking at themselves in such a way, as if they have done something that they shouldn't have done to make people feel a little ridiculous.

Before Zhang Huaijin had time to say anything more, a person next to him took the initiative to come forward and said.

"Boss, they are now this is obvious bullying ah, let me say or not to cooperate with them micro number, why do we have to cooperate with them, right?"

"Find a way to get all the shares, then he has no reason to ask you for them."

As he said that, he looked up.

Zhang Huaijin, on the other hand, nodded his head thoughtfully, which is actually true, because the issue of shares is really sensitive.

If it were other people, they might not dare to say anything, but now for themselves.

The issue of these shares really makes people feel quite sensitive, if it was put in other people's hands, other people may not have the attitude.

But now the company is your own, and you can't afford not to take a stand in any way.

looked up slightly in the past attitude and said, somewhat coldly.

"I don't know what they're trying to do, but it really makes people feel quite special."

As she thought about it, she actively looked up and over, her entire body falling into deep contemplation. Normally, Zhang Huaijin would have felt a little strange.

I'm afraid that some of them might have recognized their identity early on.

But the company's patriarch wanted to do so, and to be honest, this Zhang Huaijin felt a little puzzled.

The reason is that the company's senior members are not the only ones who are interested in the solution.

A person next to him took the initiative to come over and looked down at Zhang Huaijin and thought carefully for a while.

He said, "You'd better take back all your shares first, or else they'll always be so arrogant, and this won't do any good."

As he said that, he scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed throughout.

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