My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 205 Technology is a nesting doll\r

Jin Yumeng went out in a Kirin smart car and played a holographic projection game in the car.

Playing and playing, suddenly came the sound of the origin.

Said something was wrong and asked her if she wanted to notify the police.

Jin Yumeng didn't understand what was going on, but she still blurted out and asked Yuanyuan to notify the police immediately.

However, the next second, Yuanyuan told her that the signal was blocked...

This is the pit cute girl!

In fact, it is not surprising that the Kirin smart car is not strong enough.

But technology is always progressing, and there are anti-shielding methods if there are shielding methods.

If there is anti-shielding, someone will develop it: anti-anti-shielding means.

With anti-anti-shielding methods, it is natural to research: anti-anti-anti...

Technology is dolls!

The advent of Tang Ke's black technology has long promoted the technological level of the world.

As one person progresses, global technology will follow suit, rather than standing still.

So Jin Yumeng repeated what happened to Zhang Yaxuan.

Under this new force field shielding method, the Kirin smart car drove and entered the cave.

The illusion of holographic projection dissipated, and Jin Yumeng was too frightened to get out of the car.

Who would have thought that the other party actually took out an electric drill that emits red light.

After drilling through the car window for a long time, she finally broke her car window and pointed a gun at her.

Jin Yumeng obeyed obediently. After getting out of the car, someone covered his mouth and nose with a towel, and immediately passed out.

When I woke up again, it was the scene of Tang Ke kissing Zhang Yaxuan.

"You fainted?! Is your body okay?" Zhang Yaxuan asked eagerly.

With so many men around, being a pretty and cute girl is very dangerous!

Jin Yumeng, this silly girl, just reacted, and she was so frightened that she immediately touched herself.

After not feeling anything unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that these people are all licking blood on the tip of the knife, and they are not very interested in women.

For them, getting things done is the number one priority.

Women or something doesn't affect their speed of drawing guns.

Jin Yumeng, who is like a flower and jade, also escaped the disaster.

If I encounter those ordinary kidnappers, I am afraid that I will be in danger now.

Chen Zimo said that he almost got green.

"It's alright, do you dare to run outside all day, girl?" Zhang Yaxuan pretended to be angry.

There are no people on the city streets now, and the cameras are damaged by the high temperature.

So these people will be so rampant.

Directly use large-scale devices to tamper with the scene of the Kirin smart car, and take people away abruptly.

There are many prerequisites for this hijacking method.

That is, holographic projection and signal shielding devices are installed on the roofs of the four cars.

One of the vehicles approached the target, blocking the other's signal.

Then the second vehicle approaches and gradually forms a holographic projection image for the target vehicle.

Let the origin not be able to perceive the problem at the first time.

In this way, the two cars coming behind will not be seen.

Thus, one after the other, a cross magnetic field is formed.

Turn the Kirin smart car into a mentally retarded car.

The four cars have no problem taking the target car anywhere.

This thing is also a product that Guan Junhao spent a lot of money and bought a number of research inventions, and only made it reluctantly.

Although the prerequisites are difficult to meet, in this era when everyone is not going out.

This method is quite simple and crude.

No one will see it on the street at all, just hit it hard...

As for why Jin Yumeng went out, it is not a coincidence.

It was Guan Junhao who grasped Jin Yumeng's playful personality and knew that she would go to Zhang Yaxuan's house every once in a while.

Guan Junhao sent people to squat near Jin Yumeng's house, and acted as soon as he came out.

It has to be said that his plan was quite meticulous.

Be prepared, and plan for one step at a time.

It's a pity that there are thousands of calculations, but the technology level of Tang Ke is not accurate.

Now Guan Junhao has died in Huangquan, and even his ashes have not been left behind.

"Scared me to death, woohoo!"

Jin Yumeng was crying, hugging her best friend and acting like a spoiled child.

Zhang Yaxuan has long been used to it and comforted her cooperatively.

The three waited here for a while, and the Kirin smart car came.

Chen Zimo also came, and people from the country also came.

Hearing that something happened on Tang Ke's side, they were completely terrified.

This is really breaking the law at the feet of the emperor!

Dozens of cars parked down, looking at the pits and debris in front of them.

Everyone was shocked.

What's going on here?

"Mr. Tang Ke, are you all right?"

The first-level police inspector Yuan Weiye hurried over and was relieved when he saw that the three of them were all right.

"It's okay, you can deal with it here. I have a car still buried in the ground. You can help dig it out."

Tang Ke said indifferently: "Also, let Beiguo give me an explanation!"

He patted Yuan Weiye meaningfully on the shoulder.

"Is Mengmeng all right?"

Chen Zimo nervously ran to Jin Yumeng's side, and saw his girlfriend smiling heartlessly.

He finally felt relieved, turned to Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan, and said, "Thank you Brother Tang, and Sister Yaxuan. If it weren't for you, Mengmeng would be afraid..."

"It's all right, it's easy." Tang Ke nodded with a smile.

In fact, the reason why Jin Yumeng was kidnapped was completely implicated.

Guan Junhao's goal is Tang Ke, not Jin Yumeng.

"Successfully?! I was only rescued by accident. How can I do this, Yaxuan, take care of him!"

As soon as she heard that she was only rescued, Jin Yumeng immediately hugged Zhang Yaxuan's arm and cried.

However, Zhang Yaxuan just smiled softly and said, "It's good to save you, my little Kezi is here to save me."

Jin Yumeng: "..."

Well, even her best friend bullied her.

"Okay, okay, no kidding, go back and rest early. The temperature outside is too high, so it's not advisable to stay for a long time."

Zhang Yaxuan touched Jin Yumeng's hair, feeling very helpless.

Mingming had just been kidnapped, and now he's like a normal person.

It was also when she was kidnapped for the first time. In that case, she was still in the mood to broadcast live on her mobile phone.

This girl is so heartless.

Tang Ke and others smiled, and without stopping, they got into the Kirin smart car.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of police officers, he walked away.

Yuan Weiye took a deep breath and watched Tang Ke and others leave.

Tang Ke's words were plain just now, but he could feel the anger in Tang Ke's heart.

The calmer it is, the more it represents Tang Ke's dissatisfaction with the North Country.

Although the tank did not give details, Yuan Weiye knew.

Tang Ke said to let Beiguo give an explanation, explaining that the person behind this incident was the high-ranking Beiguo!

This is incredible!

Yuan Weiye took a deep breath, saw his subordinates froze in place, and immediately shouted angrily:

"Work, what are you doing?"

Everyone froze, and immediately got busy with the collection work at hand.

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