My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 206 Northland actually admits to cowardice?\r

Early the next morning.

After Long Guo collected sufficient evidence, he issued a notice to the Northern Kingdom.

The Northland researchers and special forces kidnapped the family of Tang Ke, the genius inventor of the Dragon Kingdom.

A complete account must be given within one day!

This time the Dragon Kingdom's announcement was quite strong, it was announced to the world, and all the evidence was handed over to the United Nations.

It can be said that this time the Dragon Kingdom is giving orders to the North Kingdom!

If you don't give a satisfactory answer today, the consequences will be something that no one wants to see...

When the people of the Dragon Kingdom saw this news, the entire Internet was boiling.

"Good guy, Big Brother Tang Ke was kidnapped again in China?"

"Is this too crazy?"

"I heard that it's the Tang Ke family, which means that Sister Yaxuan was kidnapped?"

"The last group that kidnapped Sister Yaxuan has all gone bankrupt. This time, it's Beiguo's turn."

"It's so daring. The North Country's hand actually stretched out into our Dragon Country's territory. This matter must not stop there."

"Yes, support Tang Ke, support the Dragon Kingdom! Those who violate our Dragon Kingdom will be punished even if they are far away!"

Tang Ke's current reputation in the dragon country is booming.

Providing ecological building technology free of charge is responsible for every citizen.

Hearing that Tang Ke was offended by foreigners, all netizens felt an unprecedented anger.

This cannot be tolerated!

Countries are also feeling the seriousness of the situation.

Long Guo, who has always been relatively peaceful and friendly, surprised everyone this time with a tough attitude.

They all felt Tang Ke's status in the Dragon Kingdom, quite big!

But to the surprise of all countries around the world.

Beiguo, who has always been tough, actually confessed this time!

In less than half a day, Beiguo responded to this incident.

[The people of Beiguo express our sincere apologies for what happened to Mr. Tang Ke's family.

The researchers and special forces who attacked Mr. Tang Ke this time were all beguiled and bribed and became traitors.

This matter was not done by the top officials of the North Country, but the North Country was still willing to take on it.

I would like to sincerely apologize for this matter and compensate Mr. Tang Ke with hundreds of billions of dollars! 】

The response of the Northern Kingdom shocked the people of all countries.

Even the people and senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom never thought of it.

This event was so unexpected...

With such a hand of cards from Beiguo, the people of Longguo can't be beaten.

The powerful Beiguo not only responded, but also took the initiative to apologize, and even spent hundreds of billions of dollars!

In all respects, this apology from Beiguo is full of sincerity.

Although I put myself out of this incident.

But it also shows the attitude of Beiguo, they do not want to offend Longguo, nor do they want to offend Tang Ke.

Seeing Beiguo's response, Longguo also contacted Tang Ke and asked him what he thought.

Tang Ke at home sneered.

Beiguo seems to be sincere, but the high-level officials have completely dismissed this incident.

How could he let them go so easily?

"Let Beiguo don't pretend to be confused with me. Everyone knows whether they are involved in this matter! Let Beiguo hand over Scott, otherwise I don't mind blowing their white palace to the ground!"

Asking the Northland to hand over Scott was already merciful.

Although the evidence of the origin is collected, it all points to a high-ranking Northland personnel named Scott.

But saying that there is no Northland President in it, Tang Ke will not believe it.

If railguns had been built by now, he wouldn't be talking nonsense to Northland.

One cannonball went over, no matter who was in the white palace.

Immediately wipe them all out!

With a railgun in hand, who would dare to challenge him?

It's a pity that the rail gun is not finished yet.

But it doesn't matter, it won't be long before Tang Ke's technology will completely crush the world.

Let them be proud for a while.

After the railgun and the Koneng cannon are built, I will find the North Country to settle the old account.

Hearing Tang Ke's strong words, the chief also raised his brows.

There are only two possibilities for Tang Ke to dare to say this.

One is exaggeration, just to express inner anger and dissatisfaction.

The other is that Tang Ke has mastered the black technology weapon that crushed the northern country.

The chief speculated that, according to Tang Ke's character, if he really mastered this kind of black technology weapon.

It should be the first time to shoot at the North Country, rather than let the North Country explain it here.

But Tang Ke isn't the type to exaggerate.

Therefore, the chief believes that Tang Ke should be the prototype of the black technology weapon.

I'm afraid it won't be long before this black technology weapon will come out!

"Tang Ke's abilities are more and more beyond our imagination!" The chief sighed.

The people around him hesitated, but in the end they chose to keep their mouths shut.

They all wanted to say that Tang Ke's abilities were too strong and needed to be regulated.

But if he really manages Tang Ke, who has this ability?

Who can bear the consequences?

"I know what you are thinking, Tang Ke has contributed so much technology to our country, it is enough to prove patriotism."

The chief said indifferently: "Let him develop, Tang Ke is a person who likes freedom, as long as we don't care about him, he will never become an enemy, only an ally!"

"Send Tang Ke's original words to Beiguo, and the news will not be released to the world."

Beiguo also wants to save face. Tang Ke's words are too strong, so it is enough to inform Beiguo privately.

According to the current trend, as long as they don't let them be too embarrassed, there is a 90% chance of compromise.

After Long Guo conveyed Tang Ke's words to Bei Guo intact, he quickly got a response.

Northland really handed Scott over.

But everyone understands that this guy is the one who proposed the plan, but he is also a scapegoat.

No matter how many plans Scott proposed, they would not be implemented without the consent of the president of the Northland.

"I wonder if little friend Tang Ke is still satisfied with Beiguo's explanation?"

The head of Long Guo talked with Tang Ke through the holographic projection video.

Tang Ke smiled slightly and took a sip of tea: "I can't tell, I don't know either."

His words were intriguing.

Even the chiefs who read countless people couldn't understand what Tang Ke meant.

Could it be true that he was going to crawl for a while, and then he would settle accounts with the North Country?

Good guy, if that's the case, he's definitely a good guy on the spot!

"Okay, the hundreds of billions of dollars will be remitted to Xiaoyou's account in a few days, so don't bother!" The chief smiled helplessly.

"Goodbye Chief."

Tang Ke nodded with a light smile, and the holographic projection screen suddenly disappeared.

His smile also subsided, thinking about this kidnapping incident.

The most important thing is the shielding method of the other party.

In other words, the base station's signal is too weak.

No matter how strong the signal reception ability of Tang Ke's unicorn car is, it will still be blocked by some means.

"It's time to build your own satellite!"

The technology tree in this world is growing rapidly, and the technology that used to be is gradually becoming inferior.

In the future, in all aspects of technological products, only using your own is the safest.

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