My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 213 The behemoth of the starry sky, was eaten while watching the play\r

Who is there who knows the golden-horned beast better than Tang Ke?

This thing was created by him, there must be a solution... right?

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Tang Ke was expressionless, as if everything was under control.

In fact, he didn't know what to do at the moment.

The only way he can think of is that he hangs it up and kills the golden-horned beast.

But will this disrupt the balance of the game?

It was at this moment that Tang Ke began to think about whether it would destroy the balance of the game if he hung it up by himself...

"If it goes on like this, the earth will probably be destroyed by the giant golden-horned beast, Xiao Kezi, what can you do?" Zhang Yaxuan asked.

The energy outside fluctuated endlessly, and everyone's aircraft vibrated violently.

Several guild forces are working together to attack the golden-horned beast, and the number of casualties continues to increase.

More and more players choose to evacuate the scene, leaving space for the top ten guilds.

They have realized that this is not their battlefield.

Wanting to take down the head of the golden horned beast has nothing to do with them.

Instead of wasting time here, go to the shore to clean up monsters and get more quest points.

Tang Ke replied blankly: "There is no way, only strength!"

There is no opportunistic way to face bulldozers like the star behemoth.

You can only stop it from advancing if you are stronger than it.

Zhang Yaxuan and others were quite troubled by this, so they contacted people from other guilds to hold discussions.

Now, the only way is to let go of past grievances and discuss coping strategies with each other.

After a few brief conversations, the ten presidents of the ten guilds arranged the order of each guild's attack.


The aircraft of Tang Ke and others vibrated violently in vain, and a red alarm flashed inside.

Zhang Yaxuan grabbed Tang Ke and flew out for the first time.

The roaring noise was deafening.

The roar of the golden-horned beast erupted with vast power, and the battleships in the sky and sea were blasted by this shock wave one after another.

NPCs and players died in batches, and the whole sea was stained with blood, which was bloody.

Eight of the ten presidents of the ten guilds rushed up, and the tactics of wind, rain, thunder and lightning were vented.

For a time, this invincible golden-horned beast was temporarily suppressed.

"Go up and fight, don't worry about me."

Tang Ke smiled lightly and turned on the cheating function again.

A protective shield was put on his body, and then he just stood in mid-air, staring at the tragic battlefield.

Zhang Yaxuan blinked her beautiful eyes and ignored Tang Ke.

Wearing armor and carrying a spear, he rushed straight to the golden-horned beast.


Thunder and flames bloomed from her body, spears shot out like dragons, and rolled up the phantom of a giant dragon intertwined with thunder and fire.

The eight presidents who suppressed the golden-horned beast in front dodged in an instant.

The thunder and fire giant dragon shot by Zhang Yaxuan slammed into the golden-horned giant beast head-on, and the entire sea was turbulent in an instant.

The violent roar set off a tsunami, and the golden-horned beast was drowned by the thunder and fire dragon, and its body was making a screeching sound.

"good chance!"

Mo Li, the president of the sake guild, let out a loud roar, and with a battle axe in hand, he fell from the sky, and golden light erupted all over his body.

It was cut down with an axe, as if opening up the sky and cutting through the void.

The moment Zhang Yaxuan dodged, an axe slashed at the golden-horned beast.

At this moment, several cracks appeared in the golden carapace.

Zhao Yunqing held a huge cannon in his hand and fired at the golden-horned beast.

boom -

The vast power can disperse the clouds in the sky, and the sea is evaporated into a channel by this energy.

The purple-red energy impact bombarded the golden-horned giant beast, and the cracked carapace instantly shattered.

The harsh screams resounded through the sky, and the players showed joy.

This wave of joint attacks by the ten major guild presidents has worked!

"Mengmeng, spicy rolls!" Zhang Yaxuan snorted softly.

Jin Yumeng and Tang Yunxin were manipulating two large instruments that looked like drill bits.

Seeing this, Tang Ke's first reaction was, why does it look like my collider...

His thoughts flashed by.

I saw two girls, one in front of the golden-horned behemoth, and the other behind.


The two drills collided with the golden-horned giant beast one after the other, and a thunderous light of alternating black and white erupted.

The shattered carapace of the golden-horned giant beast fell off layer by layer at this moment, turning into fragments in the sky, and sprinkled into the rough sea.

The harsh screams sounded again, and its body slowly sank into the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

"Great! Looks like we won!"

"As expected of the top ten guilds, they are all big shots, especially the Empress Guild. Although they are all women, their strength is unbelievably powerful."

"No, there is no notification of mission completion."

The players exclaimed, sighing at the power of the ten major guilds.

But before I could be happy, an irresistible suction came from the inside of the sea.

Whether it is the scattered debris, the ocean, or the remaining energy.

They were all sucked into a black hole, and the terrifying breath swept the audience again.

And the energy fluctuation is more terrifying than the previous one!

The expressions of the players present changed, and some of them failed to react and were sucked into the black hole on the spot.

The so-called black hole is actually the pouring mouth of the golden-horned beast!

The ability of the golden-horned behemoth is to clone and devour. It has just been born and has not yet cloned.

But swallowing is also an extremely terrifying ability.

The entire cosmic starry sky can be swallowed!

The protagonist in the novel is the giant beast who seizes the golden horns, opening the invincible road of devouring.

The devouring power of the golden-horned giant beast is activated, absorbing all the objects around it, and constantly repairing its own wounds.

The energy in its body is also rising, which makes all players disgusted.

Go on like this, you're still playing a ghost, huh?

Such energy fluctuations have surpassed the level of all players.

Forget about unloading the game directly, play a fart.

I have never seen such a difficult task before, how do I fight it?

The people on the top ten guilds lost half, and the guild leaders also consumed a lot of energy with their full cooperation just now.

They have no ability to do it again.


The golden-horned behemoth rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and its devouring power increased dozens of times.

It swallowed several ten major guild presidents in one bite, and launched a fierce attack on the others.

The vast power shook the world, and the shock wave shook the human beings into blood on the spot.

The player team collapsed directly under this wave of offensive, and was unilaterally crushed by the golden-horned behemoth.

The people on the Empress Guild's side were also so frightened that they immediately retreated, and their beautiful eyes were full of solemn expressions.

At this moment, Zhang Yaxuan suddenly realized that her husband was still standing in his original position and never left from the beginning to the end.

She just wanted to call Tang Ke over, but unexpectedly, the eyes of the golden-horned beast were already locked on Tang Ke.

With a radius of 1,000 meters, only Tang Ke stood there, watching with interest the golden-horned beast raging below.

Suddenly he didn't realize the danger was coming.

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