My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 214 Accidentally put the strange second\r

Such a small creature dares to stand above it and look down on it.

The golden-horned beast expressed his anger. As a family of star beasts, it is one of the twelve gods in the universe.

The creatures of this planet dare to despise it so much, they are courting death!

The golden-horned behemoth did not release to swallow, but vacated directly from the sea.

Tang Ke froze in place, obviously not expecting that the golden-horned beast would suddenly attack him.

The pouring mouth seemed to open and close the world, and Tang Ke was swallowed into the stomach in an instant...

Zhang Yaxuan screamed subconsciously and rushed up immediately.

She completely forgot that this was just a game, and that even if she died, she would be resurrected.

At this moment, her heart has been messed up!

However, after the golden horned beast devoured Tang Ke.

Its huge body did not fall into the sea again, but was suspended in mid-air.

In other words, as if it was hit by something and couldn't get down...


The golden-horned giant beast struggled desperately in the air, and the monstrous energy swept out, accompanied by a scream.

Tang Ke, who was swallowed alive, was neither eaten nor digested.

He was in a dark space, and he couldn't see his fingers.

But he has a shield around him, which helps him offset all the damage from the outside world.

It is the plug-in function that he opened.

As a game developer, any privileged ability you want can be given directly by the origin.

Tang Ke was fixed in mid-air and did not move, so the eaten Tang Ke was in the belly of the golden-horned beast, holding its body.

As long as the Golden Horned Beast doesn't spit him out, he can only be stuck in the air.

This funny scene made the players outside stunned.

"What's the situation? I'm just watching the show. Why was I attacked? What are you doing at the origin?"

Tang Ke was speechless, and the golden-horned behemoth was just a bunch of data.

It stands to reason that the origin should control everything, how can he swallow him.

"Ah! I'm so sorry, master, I gave random behaviors to the monsters in the game." Origin's voice was a little embarrassed.

Origins control the entire game world, but some things are still common code programs used.

Just like the attack behavior of monsters, the default is to go up when you see people.

"Uh, it's okay, help me illuminate the surroundings, it's too dark here." Tang Ke sighed helplessly.

"Good host~"


A golden flame lit before him.

Just at this moment, the golden-horned giant beast struggled with its body and accidentally touched the flame in its body.

The monstrous flame ignited in its body instantly, and the originally dark space turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

The scorching heat was frantically burning, and the stinging pain inside made the floating golden-horned behemoth scream in pain.

Zhang Yaxuan, who flew towards it, was shocked by the scream.

The golden-horned behemoth opened its mouth, and flames burst out from it.

It constantly devoured the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fill itself, and vortices appeared in the sky and sea.

But the flame of origin is the most advanced flame, which is equivalent to a destruction program.

At the moment when it is ignited in the golden horned beast, there is no possibility of stopping...

No matter how much it devours, it cannot extinguish the flames burning in it.

"Ah... I seem to have accidentally set the golden-horned beast on fire."

Yuan Yuan accidentally made a mistake, and she hurriedly extinguished the flame inside the behemoth.

But it was too late.

By the time it extinguished the flames, the golden-horned behemoth was already dying and seriously injured.

Tang Ke was even more speechless, although the ignition method of Origin was a bit strange.

But wasn't the command he just gave more bizarre?

It's fine to let Yuanyuan send him out, why not let Yuanyuan light the lamp...

Maybe this is because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

What kind of master will make what kind of artificial intelligence.

"Master, do I want to fix the golden-horned beast?" Origin asked softly, like a little girl who made a mistake.

"No need, no one can beat it if it's repaired. It doesn't matter what it looks like, I'm going out."

Now the giant golden-horned beast is just right, allowing players to have a game experience with a little challenge at the same time.

The rest is left to the player.

"Okay~" Yuan Yuan replied obediently.

In the next second, the body of the golden-horned behemoth began to vibrate violently.

Players outside noticed that something was wrong with the golden horned behemoth, and it opened its mouth wide, which seemed to be quite painful.

The huge body trembled in the air, and the energy shock began to bloom disorderly.


In vain, the loud noise scared all the players, and the lingering body of the golden-horned beast burst in vain!

The blood is like a torrential rain pouring down, and the flesh and blood splashes in the air!

Tang Ke was alone, standing in this bloody midair.

The indifferent expression seems to be ignoring the flying flesh and blood, and a casual clothes are dancing in the wind, like a generation of peerless masters!

The players stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at everything in front of them, and their heads were blank.

Tang Ke was stunned in the air, and the dim surroundings were suddenly bright.

Seeing the rain of blood around him and the sluggish crowd, he couldn't help but close his eyes and hold his forehead.

I feel like I have an artificial mental retardation...

Seeing the master's unhappy appearance, Yuan Yuan realized that he had done something wrong again.

"I asked you to get me out, but I didn't let you blow up the golden-horned behemoth..."

Tang Ke's mouth twitched slightly, although blowing up the golden-horned beast was one of the ways to get him out.

But who would normally do this...

Shouldn't he be teleported directly, how did he blow up the golden-horned beast?

The world created by yourself, so do whatever you want?

"I'm sorry, master~" Yuan Yuan said pitifully.

"Forget it, don't be so stupid next time." Tang Ke said helplessly.

He stood alone in the air, and the corpse of the golden-horned giant beast fell into the sea like a goddess scattered flowers.

Tang Ke's forehead gesture seems to be the loneliness issued by the strong.

Even Zhang Yaxuan and others were taken aback by this sudden situation.

The invincible starry beast struggled a few times in the air and made a scream.

And then it just exploded...

what the hell? !

All players were stunned.

I was still thinking and worrying just now, how to solve this star behemoth.

Before I could retreat, this star beast was blown up by Tang Ke...

Was the weakness of the Golden Horned Beast inside, or did Tang Ke use some kind of large bomb?

"Fuck, what the hell, is Old Tang hanging up?"

"Good guy, he's only created the account for a few days, so he must have hung up."

"What about not participating in the game? It's too good to pretend just now."

"But if he doesn't come out to deal with the golden-horned beast, the earth will be gone."

"It turns out that the solution to the golden horned beast is to let Big Brother Tang Ke come over and blow it up directly?"

"Isn't this pre-arranged?"


This statement has been unanimously recognized by the players.

Otherwise, why did Tang Ke enter the game time.

It just happened to be the time when the big BOSS appeared, and he personally shot the BOSS in seconds?

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