My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 215 Watch the morning sun with you\r

"No wonder! No wonder this golden-horned beast is so powerful. It turned out to be not for us at all, but for Big Brother Tang Ke to pretend."

The player clapped his palm and suddenly realized.

They all get it!

This is definitely because the boss is trying to pretend, and it is estimated that it will be difficult.

The purpose is to make players unable to beat them, and then come out to kill the strange seconds, so it can be very powerful!

"Uh, I said it was just an accident, the system went wrong, do you believe it?" Tang Ke embarrassedly said to the people who were thinking wildly.

"DDDD! I know everything!"

"Yes, yes, the system is wrong, we understand."

"Yes, yes, fortunately Tang Ke repaired it in time, thank you so much!"

"Mr. Tang Ke is so powerful. With a single blow, the boss will be wiped out."

"Good guy, it's really embarrassing, ah no, it's too powerful."

"You said embarrassment just now, didn't you?"

"No! Absolutely not! How is that possible? You heard wrong."

All the players on the scene are quite interesting.

Since Tang Ke wants to pretend to be forceful, it is naturally impossible to dismantle it.

Who is Tang Ke? He is the hero of the Dragon Kingdom.

What if the hero wants to perform?

Besides, Tang Ke is still the developer of this game, so he should come over and pretend.

Therefore, everyone is cheeky and brainless touts.

Exaggerated acting, the whole Tang Ke is very embarrassed.

I want to explain, but I don't know how to explain it.

Because no one believed it at all, he really wasn't here to pretend!

Although the blowing makes the scalp tingling, I have to say that.

The moment when the golden-horned behemoth suddenly exploded into pieces.

Tang Ke stood alone in the center, with an indifferent expression, especially the taste of a hidden master.

"What about not participating in the game?"

Zhang Yaxuan's voice resounded in Tang Ke's mind.

This is the privilege of the two-person game cabin, which allows two people to hear each other's words without opening their mouths.

"I really didn't hang up, and I didn't even think about participating in the game!"

Tang Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It was the origin that made the big oolong. First, the golden-horned beast was burned to half death, and then it was directly blown into pieces..."

"Good guy, the golden-horned beast will be tortured by you two before it dies." Zhang Yaxuan showed a speechless expression.

The Golden Horned Beast said: Thank you so much!

"Wow, Big Brother Tang is so good, are you out of luck!"

Jin Yumeng stepped on the aircraft to Tang Ke's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"No, no, how could I hang up." Tang Ke immediately shook his head in denial.

"Well, we believe your sophistry... No, it's an explanation." Tang Yunxin said with a smile.

Not only are they surrounded, but many players have also surrounded.

It was full of praise, so embarrassed that Tang Ke could not wait to find a seam to drill.

"Uh, I'm a little tired from playing games, let's get off first, everyone, I wish you a happy game."

Tang Ke laughed, can't he hide if he can't be provoked?

After speaking, he ignored the reactions of the people around him and directly logged out of the virtual game.

He woke up leisurely, and Zhang Yaxuan in his arms also opened his eyes.

The two were lying on the double game bed, hugging each other face to face.

"Being able to watch the morning sun with you is my happiest moment!" Tang Ke said affectionately.

Zhang Yaxuan laughed, and flicked her jade finger on his forehead: "You just woke up like this, why are you so cute~"

The two entered the game at night, and the whole night passed, and it was time for the morning.

It is now more than six o'clock in the morning, and the scorching sun has already illuminated the earth.

In the past, they only got up at eight or nine o'clock.

However, due to Tang Ke's early withdrawal, I got up early today.

"How can you use the word cute to describe your handsome husband?"

"I just like to say that you are cute, cute little Kezi, cute and cute!"

Zhang Yaxuan teased Tang Ke with a laugh, feeling full of fun.

The two went to the washbasin playfully. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Da Bai had already cooked a healthy breakfast.

Ah~ Another simple day!

Jingle Bell……

Suddenly, while eating breakfast, the holographic projection screen showed that someone was calling.

The three big characters "Jin Yumeng" disturbed Tang Ke's Yaxing all day.

Of course he knew what the other party was here for, it was nothing more than borrowing a smart flying car!

"Yaxuan Yaxuan, I'm going to play with you!"

Jin Yumeng appeared in the video screen, jumping excitedly.

If you get a double ponytail, it will be even better.

"Play with me? I think you're here for the smart car?" Zhang Yaxuan teased.

"Oh, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Jin Yumeng said carelessly: "I'll go with the spicy rolls now, remember to leave us a breakfast."

"My good fellow, you have to come to eat, don't you plan to leave after lunch, right?" Tang Ke said abruptly.

"I'm not, I don't, it's the idea of ​​the spicy roll!"

Jin Yumeng hurriedly denied it, and at the same time pulled Tang Yunxin out beside him.

"No no no, I don't have it, I'm not a snack foodie!" Tang Yunxin said with a small mouth and an aggrieved look.

"You two are together early in the morning?" Zhang Yaxuan asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm going to travel, so the spicy rolls came to my house the day before yesterday."

Tang Ke and his wife felt a little speechless. It turns out that Tang Yunxin is even more looking forward to this trip than Jin Yumeng...

After Jin Yumeng finished speaking, he waved to the camera: "Hang up first, we'll talk when we go there."

After she finished speaking, she quickly turned off the video.

Pack up your clothes and take Tang Yunxin to Tang Ke's house.

After a while, the two girls walked into Tang Ke's house with suitcases.

They rushed to the table for the first time and enjoyed the delicious breakfast made by Dabai.

Zhang Yaxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, obviously Spicy Roll is a very well-behaved child, but after playing with Jin Yumeng for a long time, the style of the painting was twisted.

When the two were outside, they were still very gentle and ladylike.

But every time she's in front of Zhang Yaxuan, she's just like a little girl who doesn't grow up, stupid and cute.

"Eat slowly and stop choking." Zhang Yaxuan said angrily.

Tang Ke operated a few times on the holographic projection panel.

There was a slight sound outside, and the green grass suddenly spread.

If you stand here and look down, you will find that the following is Tang Ke's laboratory.

A suspended car quickly rose from the basement, and the moment it reached the first floor, the grass closed again.

There was no gap in sight, as if it had never been unfolded at all.

No one will know that this is actually hollow underneath.

The slight screeching was not noticed by the two snackers.

When they finished eating, they discovered that the smart flying car had been placed in the yard.

Looking at the flying car, Jin Yumeng and Tang Yunxin both exclaimed, like curious babies.

I went up and down the car and found that no matter how much weight was added, the car would not sink in the slightest.

This kind of thing that goes against physics makes the two girls have a lot of fun.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan ignored them, and the two enjoyed the two-person world in the gym.

While exercising, don't forget to flirt.

At lunch time, Zhao Yunqing also took the Kirin smart car to Tang Ke's house.

The three girls had a meal at Tang Ke's house.

It is finally time to set sail and start their global journey.

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