My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 217 Heavy rain and super typhoons\r

Tang Ke greatly revised the script with his novel ability.

It is a magical revision of "Initial D", but it is even more beautiful and sweet.

In particular, the relationship between the male and female protagonists has become more pure love.

In the name, only Feng Zhong did not use his original name, but was called Tang Long. People in the racing world called him Brother Long.

As for other aspects, Tang Ke has been kept intact.

The location of the battle is still Qiu Mingshan, and there are Qiu Mingshan in this world, but not many people know about it.

Only those who play racing cars and motorcycles know the place of Qiu Mingshan.

However, Tang Ke believes that as long as the movie is broadcast, Qiu Mingshan will definitely become a household name.

After all, who doesn't like to drive, except for serious authors?

"Huh? Do you break the agreement between us by doing this?"

Looking at Tang Ke who was typing on the keyboard, Zhang Yaxuan asked suspiciously.

"Of course not!"

Tang Ke immediately retorted: "I am writing a movie script, not writing a novel, nor researching technology, but playing!"

If you can't type on the keyboard, you're just at work, right?

If typing on the keyboard is work, isn't it all work when playing games?


Zhang Yaxuan also felt that it was true, she sat beside Tang Ke.

Looking at the text on the screen, a youthful and passionate story begins!

Among the lists that Tang Ke invited, all came.

At the same time, there were also well-known directors invited by Feng Zhong for help.

Hearing that Tang Ke was going to invest in making a movie, the director still came, no matter if he was playing or not.

As long as Tang Ke provides the script, he has the ability to shoot the story perfectly!

Chen Zimo and others were a little surprised. They finally believed it when they saw that Tang Ke and the director were in place.

He really intends to make a movie!

Tang Ke even prepared the BGM of the movie, and the song title is "Drift".


The occurrence of hot and high temperature began to decrease continuously.

While the world is in ecstasy, experts are getting worried.

Clouds around the world began to rotate and converge, and there was a tendency to form heavy rains and typhoons.

"The global high temperature has melted the glaciers in the Antarctic and South Pole, but the global water level rise is not as serious as imagined, because the sea water is transpired by the high temperature!"

"The evaporating seawater will not disappear out of thin air. They have all gathered in the sky. Now that the temperature is returning to normal, these evaporating seawater will soon pour down!"

"According to satellite display, a global torrential rain, or even a tornado typhoon is about to hit!"

The researcher of the Longguo Meteorological Bureau frowned and reported his information to the senior management.

The previous professor Liang, who was on the extreme cold theory, was also in the conference room and said: "This rainstorm is the foreplay of the extreme cold. After the rainstorm, it will definitely be extremely cold, and maybe even during the rainstorm, the global temperature will start to increase rapidly. decline!"

The person on the other side also added: "It's not just the problem of heavy rain and extreme cold, but typhoons and tornadoes are also the focus of our prevention."

"According to this trend, the rolling of typhoons may lead to unprecedented tsunamis, and we must strengthen the protection of coastal areas!"

Extreme cold, heavy rain, typhoon, tsunami!

One question after another, not only the dragon country has a headache, but all countries around the world feel a great headache.

Especially a certain island country, if a tsunami hits, their country will definitely be submerged by this unprecedented tsunami!

No one expected that a drought would cause so many problems.

Not that the rainstorm was not expected, but that the drought would last so long.

Melting glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic did not raise sea levels, which is not a happy event.

Nature is secretly accumulating power, ready to give the world a big move!

"Let major cities strengthen waterproofing work, block coastal areas, and prohibit people from approaching the sea during this time."

The chief ordered in a deep voice, thinking about whether to ask Tang Ke for help...

Now when things are undecided, the concept of looking for Tang Ke has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It seems that Tang Ke has the power of creation and can save the common people.

The chief immediately denied the idea in his heart.

He is the head of a country, how can he let Tang Ke help in any matter.

Even if the rain problem can't be solved, then Tang Ke's position as the chief should simply be seated.

The Dragon Kingdom cannot rely on Tang Ke to solve everything, they must also show their due strength in order to make the people trust and rest assured.

Countries around the world are preparing to deal with heavy rains and typhoons, and the high temperature is gradually returning to normal.

Feeling the recovery of the temperature, the people almost burst into tears.

This familiar temperature is finally back!

Although it is still about 38 degrees at the moment, it belongs to the high temperature range.

But compared to the previous fifty degrees, it was really much cooler!

"Ah~ This familiar temperature is really cool~"

"That's right, the drought has finally passed, and we can finally go out for shopping!"

"My house is driving me crazy, so please hurry up to open the mall, I want to spend!"

"Even if the mall wants to open, there is no goods to sell."

The goods in the shopping mall are all made by the factory. Now the factory has just resumed work, and there is not that much supply of goods at all.

Nowadays, people have a huge demand for snacks, and factories have begun to recruit a large number of workers, working overtime day and night.

To make more food is to make millions more.

"I read the news that although the temperature has returned, there will be heavy rains and even extreme cold. Let's prepare in advance!"

"I feel that the possibility is very high. The drought has come for more than a year, and another torrential rain is not too much. This ghost weather is too strange."

"If you want a constant supply of goods, come and work in the factory with me!"

"Good guy, here we come!"

The recovery of the temperature has led to a wave of working frenzy.

People have been mad at home for a long time. After working for so many years, it is the first time that they feel that working is such a joy.

Even just doing assembly line work in a factory is a lot of fun.

while the temperature gradually recovers.

Tang Ke's movie is also officially finished!

Yes, in two months, the filming of "Initial D" is over!

As long as the actors don't laugh, they just say their lines with a little emotion.

The rest is handed over to Yuanyuan, and a movie with all the best actors can be made.

Origins constantly corrects the expressions of the actors and also corrects the intonation of their voices.

Even the editing, soundtrack, tone, etc., are all under her control.

Every shot is switched, the soundtrack is played at every location, the tone is adjusted, and more, just right!

It can be said that this "Initial D" is far superior to the movie that Tang Ke saw in the previous life.

Also added many different story shots, one of which is the dialogue shot at the beginning of the song "Drift".

"Is this car handsome? It's this car."

"Super bite!"

Two men turned their car keys and walked down the street.

"Hey...hey?" One of them suddenly patted his companion beside him.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

The companion was puzzled and looked at a man in front who was wiping the car with a rag.

"What kind of car is that next to it? Tang Family Tofu... Why is that car so polished?"

"Hahahaha! I'll ask him."

The companion looked at the guy cleaning the car with a mocking expression, and asked, "lady, what kind of car is yours?"

"AE86, what's wrong?"

The guy cleaning the car raised his head, revealing his handsome face.

"AE86? Float a little!"


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