My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 218 Initial D, the speeding car explodes\r

The movie begins with a simple conversation.

Then the camera cuts to Tang Ke driving the AE86, racing with two sports cars on a winding mountain road.

The BGM of "Drift" also sounded, and the singer was Tang Ke himself.

After hundreds of millions of levels of tuning from the origin, it sings in a similar way.

The sound of the engine echoed on the mountain road, and the tires rubbed the ground screechingly.

Tang Ke's speed is getting faster and faster, and the two sports cars behind can't even see his taillights.

He's racing against people and delivering tofu at the same time.

This shot is seamlessly connected to the beginning of the film, and the story unfolds from there.

The sweet daily life of Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan, crazy spread of dog food.

On the mountain road with his friend Chen Beixuan, he was provoked and ridiculed by the driver.

The father played by Feng Zhong personally taught Tang Ke how to traverse the famous autumn mountains.

And Tang Ke, Chen Zimo, Cheng Yongjun, Zhu Bowen four people, the classic scene of the decisive battle in the famous autumn mountains.

Finally, the sweet daily life of Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan once again ended the whole movie.

The moment the film was made, the director was blown away by his work.

Threatened to be his pinnacle!

At the same time, I am very grateful to Tang Ke for giving him such an opportunity.

If it weren't for Tang Ke's excellent script, it would be really difficult to make such an excellent work.

[Long time no see, everyone, in the past two months, I made the first and only movie in my life.

The story is my original creation, and it is also the hero and heroine played by my wife and I.

The reason why this work was created is to leave a classic and let more people know the blood and charm of drifting.

The movie is called "Initial D", and the soundtrack is "Drift"! 】

At the same time as Tang Ke's announcement on Weibo, the director has contacted theaters across the country to arrange the release!

"What the fuck?! Big Boss Tang Ke has been playing for two months, and he actually made a movie?"

"Brilliant, is this a rich man, do whatever he wants!"

"I don't know how good Tang Ke's acting is, but I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm in love, I'm in love, buy a ticket immediately, it seems that there is only a movie about Tang Ke in the cinema, right?"

"Isn't this nonsense, only Tang Ke will go to make movies on a hot day."

Because of the high temperature for more than a year, no new film was made at all.

Therefore, Tang Ke's "Initial D" has become the only new film that has just opened in the theater.

In addition, Tang Ke's reputation is too high, and netizens are frantically snapping up movie tickets.

Seven consecutive days of pre-sale movie tickets were all sold out, and even the worst spots were bought.

With the end of the first day of the film.

"Initial D" is even more popular than before, and all the audiences are unanimously praised!

This result shocked all the melon eaters.

"Nima is so good-looking! Where is Qiu Mingshan? Is it really as sacred as it is said in the movie? I really want to go and see it!"

"Why are the actors in it so strong, all the best actors?"

"Good guy, that BGM is so touching, I checked it and found out that it was sung by Tang Ke!"

"I'm full of dog food tablets. Big Brother Tang Ke and Sister Ya Xuan are so in love. I feel like they usually live like this, and I cry with envy."

"Tang Ke is not only an inventor, a novelist, a famous detective, but also a car god in the folk!" Someone joked on the Internet.

In addition to the two real identities, Tang Ke's famous detective also uses his own name.

Nowadays, I still use my own name to make movies, which is really shameless.

"Tang Ke's driving skills are really good, and I don't know if it's a car driven by artificial intelligence. It's so six."

"He still needs artificial intelligence? What are you kidding? Old Tang has been driving with Ya Xuan for many years, hahaha..."

"That's right, Lao Tang has long been an old driver of Qiu Mingshan!"

Quite cheerful on the Internet, either joking or touting Tang Ke.

Today's Tang Ke is no longer the hot guy.

Long Kingdom's sprayers also turned from black to powder.

After all, Tang Ke's contribution has affected their survival.

The former trolls have slapped themselves a few times, and secretly scolded themselves for being too stupid back then.

What's not good to be, you have to be a gangster and a sprayer?

In the current Internet age, people can no longer gain a sense of existence.

On the contrary, those compliments can arouse more likes from others and gain more presence and attention.

Just like a comment.

The author will never remember what the trolls said, but he will remember the praises of the readers.

"Initial D" swept across the country's major theaters.

Autumn famous mountains and drifting fire all over the country.

People felt like they were back to the pre-drought familiarity of talking about the same thing all over the internet.

The release of this film relieved the nerves of the people of Longguo.

Even knowing that the rainstorm is coming, it is not to be panic or helpless.

Follow the instructions of the state, do a good job of waterproofing, and stock up on food.

People's lives are orderly, without a trace of panic.

The factory is also taking advantage of the fact that the rainstorm has not come, and has stepped up its efforts to produce materials.

The people of Longguo are doing preparations with a peaceful mind to make sure that everything is safe.

Abroad, however, was not so lucky.

They had too many conflicts during the drought and now the temperature has returned to normal.

The rich didn't follow the state's arrangements for the first time, but built safer homes for themselves.

In order to prevent those poor people outside from breaking into their homes again.

Most of the food produced at the same time is purchased by these rich people and stored in their own homes.

The contrast between countries makes the poor people of foreign countries feel chills in their hearts.

Many people plan to go to the Dragon Country to seek refuge.

It's a pity that the current dragon country can only maintain self-sufficiency, and there is no spare energy to help other countries.

For those who want to enter abroad, they are strictly screened.

Unless there are relatives who are from the Dragon Kingdom, they will be driven back to their own country.

Those foreign people who were put into the Dragon Kingdom were very excited.

They feel that the most fortunate thing in their life is to have a relative from the Dragon Kingdom!

Looking at the peaceful dragon country, the foreigners were stunned and exclaimed: Oh Maiga, this is the Pure Land!

The people of the Dragon Kingdom are preparing for the storm.

I thought that the next hot news on the whole network would be a rainstorm or a super typhoon.

As a result, what I never expected was that the news that was popular all over the Internet was actually a video of a smart flying car!

Jin Yumeng and others have traveled on the smart flying car for two months, first traveling all over the country, and then traveling abroad.

In the past, the temperature was too hot, and people around the world could not stay at home.

Therefore, the smart flying cars of Jin Yumeng and others have not been seen.

But it's different now, the temperature is back.

All the people who stayed at home for more than a year ran out.

The smart flying car was quickly photographed by more and more people, until now it has become popular all over the Internet!

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