My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 219 air traffic control network\r

"My God, it's a flying car!"

"Who is sitting in the car, I really want to meet them."

"Did this kind of flying car appear so soon? It's too subversive."

"Is this video real or fake?"

"It's true, I just saw it, it's like magic!"

Foreign netizens exclaimed that many foreigners observe the sky from time to time.

With the announcement of the news, more and more people have seen the existence of smart flying cars.

Jin Yumeng and others knew that the temperature had recovered now, and people ran out of their houses one after another.

They didn't dare to get out of the car at will, and they didn't even dare to lower the flying height, for fear of being robbed or attacked.

"My God, how did this happen, is it a black technology product in our country?"

"It must be a new product of our Empire on the Sun, and its first place of appearance is my Empire on the Sun!"

"Don't make me laugh, at first glance, it's something that Tang Ke from the Dragon Kingdom made. What's the matter with your empire on which the sun never sets?"

Seeing the words of foreign netizens, the people of Longguo couldn't help laughing.

Foreigners don't know it, but the people of Longguo know it very well.

Tang Ke has made a flying skateboard before, and it is not surprising that he has made a flying car now.

And among inventors around the world.

Only Tang Ke can invent such a black technology product!

Seeing the word 'Tang Ke', foreign countries started talking again.

"Tang Ke? I heard that it was just a fictional character, and even the face was made up."

"Does the Dragon Kingdom really have Tang Ke, who creates so many technological products that surpass the times?"

"I can't believe this is true. The presidents of our country have said that Tang Ke is just a lie fabricated by Long Guo, and many people on the Internet think so."

"Can anyone tell us whether Tang Ke exists or not?"

Foreign netizens raised their doubts.

Tang Ke has never been abroad. As long as he has never been to the Dragon Country, they all question the existence of Tang Ke.

This is due to foreign remarks, and Tang Ke's ability is too miraculous.

"Whether Tang Ke exists, it's up to you to think, hahaha!"

"That's right, you guys want to go. Anyway, Big Brother Tang Ke is like our Dragon Kingdom's patron saint. I'm sorry you are still questioning."

"Let's stop discussing this stupid topic. Are you saying that smart flying cars are about to be sold?"

It doesn't matter whether foreign countries believe Tang Ke exists.

Believe it or not, foreigners cannot change the fact that foreign countries are suffering.

On the contrary, it is more interesting whether the smart flying car is about to face the world.

Especially the people of Longguo, they have been looking forward to flying cars since they saw Tang Ke driving a flying skateboard.

Now that we finally see the appearance of flying cars, does it mean that flying cars are about to be released?

Countless people poured into Weibo, leaving messages and private messages under Tang Ke Weibo.

At this moment, the client, Tang Ke, is seriously studying his railgun at home.

The two-month vacation is over, and it's time to get down to business.

Only those who are self-disciplined can become the strongest in this world.

Tang Ke imported the railgun drawings he designed into the computer.

Let the robot build and assemble.

The construction of the railgun is not based on system capabilities, but is designed with Tang Ke's own knowledge.

There are not only one drawing imported into the computer, but many.

Each railgun has a different appearance and a different internal structure.

Tang Ke has a lot of electromagnetism in his mind, and getting the railgun to fire is not a problem at all.

But which railgun is more powerful, has longer range, and has a wider range of damage.

Need to be tested to know.

All kinds of robots in the basement are busy, and electromagnetic and mechanical sounds are heard from time to time.

Next is the working time of the robot, which has nothing to do with Tang Ke.

He walked out of the underground laboratory with a relaxed expression.

Instead of painting in the studio, my wife was lying on the sofa shopping.

Her graceful body was wearing a light blue long dress, and she was lying lazily on the sofa.

The Longguo factory is up and running again, many items are back on the shelves, and many people are shopping at home.

Zhang Yaxuan bought Tang Ke some nice winter clothes, as well as many snacks and drinks.

Seeing Tang Ke walk out, she smiled lightly: "It's done so quickly this time?"

"It's just a drawing. I don't need to come to build, assemble, and test."

Tang Ke shrugged and sat down beside his wife with a relaxed face, placing her beautiful legs on his thighs.

Weapons are not commercial products, the two are not the same.

Commercial products are provided to users, and Tang Ke needs to experience them personally and feel the advantages and disadvantages.

Then several optimizations are carried out to the final product.

And what about weapons?

It only needs to be able to run stably, and the second is to let the origin test the data.

In particular, the railgun is a weapon that is placed on the ground and does not need to be held in person.

Therefore, there is no need for Tang Ke to experience it personally, as long as the power is sufficient, it is a finished product!

Without the steps of Tang Ke's personal testing, it is naturally much easier.

Machines are always faster than humans, which is why machines can replace humans.

"Just don't get tired. By the way, there are many people leaving comments on your Weibo account. The smart flying car has been exposed abroad. Now it is popular all over the world. People in China are asking when you will release the flying car."

Zhang Yaxuan swiped and pushed a projection window in front of Tang Ke.

It's all private messages and comments on Weibo, all questions.

"When will Tang Ke release the smart flying car?"

"Big guy, get off the train!"

"What about foreigners who doubt your existence? Why don't you come out and express yourself?"

"Are you the boss who uses the smart speeder in a foreign country? Many countries say that it is their product, and ask the boss to come out and slap foreigners in the face."

Seeing this, Tang Ke couldn't help laughing.

He responded: "A lot of preparations still need to be made regarding the release of smart flying cars, such as the air control network, the production of smart flying cars, etc.

Especially with regard to air control, I need to report to the state, and after the bills and plans are listed, I can start mass production of flying cars.

At that time, the Heike Group will make a clear announcement, and everyone will be able to see it in their lifetime.

And what we should pay more attention to now is to be prepared for the coming of the flood, so don’t be washed away by the flood~”

After Tang Ke released the news, he immediately contacted the country side.

If you want to let the flying car be released, you must use the power of the state and let them formulate air management laws.

If there is no air control law, it will cause great chaos, just like cars can drive freely.

Don't think that the sky is wide enough that you can fly indiscriminately.

Planes don't dare to fly around, let alone the dense number of smart flying cars.

In the case of random flight, even if you drive carefully, there is a risk of being hit.

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