
Blue-purple lightning flashed through the dark clouds.

Dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

As if from day to night.

Only a faint light shone through the gaps in the dark clouds.

The wind swept through, making the branches sway.

Some items on the high-rise building were blown and knocked downstairs, and the sound of shattering echoed in the strong wind.

No matter how good the measures are, there will always be missing items, or tiles, etc., falling from tall buildings.

Therefore, when the super typhoon strikes, every household hides at home, and the doors and windows are reinforced.

Prevent window glass from being shattered by typhoons and rainwater seeping into your home.



The pouring rain fell like a waterfall, hitting the ground and doors and windows, making a pleasant sound.

After more than a year, the earth finally ushered in the first rain, and it was a heavy rain!

The sound of the rain outside the window is noisy, but it gives a particularly peaceful feeling.

On the holographic projection screen at home, teaching knowledge about waterproofing, as well as the temperature and rainfall in the next few days, are played.

Tang Ke was lying on the soft sofa, eating potato chips and drinking Coke, very comfortable.

It is easy to be lazy on rainy days and like to lie on the sofa and watch videos.

Listening to the sound of the rain outside, enjoying the warmth of the house, it is very comfortable.

"It's so windy outside, will it blow our tree off?"

Looking at the beach scene broadcast on the news, Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, the wind was blowing violently by the sea, like a huge palm uprooting the trees by the sea.

Those who stand here and shoot are definitely war correspondents.

"Who knows, maybe it will."

Tang Ke yawned, "Origin, let Dabai strengthen it."

With that, he opened the weather panel.

This is the weather data predicted by Origin through satellite detection for the next few days.

Sure enough, it was all thunderstorms.

This torrential rain will last for a long time.

However, Longguo has done protection work, and there is a high probability that there will be no problems in drainage.


The super typhoon will land in Neon Country tomorrow, and according to predictions, a super tsunami will be set off.

Then pass through the Neon Country, and then come to the Magic City!

Tang Ke's mouth twitched slightly, feeling a bit pitted.

If it really submerged his home, it would be difficult.

It's a pity that he can't control the wind direction, let alone control the weather changes.

Just be prepared for the tsunami.

"Master, someone is visiting from outside, from the country's side."

Yuanyuan suddenly pulled out the camera screen and informed Tang Ke.

There were several men in suits outside the door, and there were a few drops of water on their neat clothes.

"Mr. Tang Ke, we're here to pick you up and your wife to take refuge in the inland together."

State personnel had also come before, and asked Tang Ke to leave this place with them.

But was rejected by Tang Ke.

Today, through weather forecasts, the tsunami may be more terrifying than imagined.

Long Guo was worried that Tang Ke would also be submerged here, so he had to come again.

The door of the house opened automatically, Tang Ke was too lazy to get up to greet him, and waited for the other party to walk in front of him.

He just smiled politely: "There is Coke, how many of you drink it?"

"No, thank Mr. Tang Ke for his kindness, we want to take you out of here."

The national officer said with a serious face: "According to the meteorological speculation, the tsunami caused by this super typhoon may be submerged together with you, and there is a high probability that the magic city will become an underwater city!"

The geographical location of the magic capital is too low, and it is not alarmist to become an underwater city.

There have been data projections for a long time, and the water level rise caused by the melting of the glaciers.

The first city that will be submerged is the Dragon Kingdom Magic Capital!

"Sorry, I don't plan to leave, and I have a way to deal with it. Before the typhoon has fully arrived, you should leave quickly."

Tang Ke smiled and waved his hand, refused on the spot and saw off the guest.

"Mr. Tang Ke, this time the matter is quite serious..."

"Okay, I have the technology to deal with the tsunami, so you don't need to worry, and I also have a smart flying car. It's not easy to go?"

Tang Ke immediately interrupted the other party's words.

Several big white robots came at the same time and made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing Tang Ke's lack of oil and salt, several state personnel were very helpless.

They couldn't force Tang Ke, so they called their superiors to report the situation.

Long Guo learned that Tang Ke was unwilling to leave, and after a few brief discussions, he finally decided to agree with Tang Ke's choice.

Since Tang Ke said there is technology to deal with, let him go.

Maybe there is some black technology in hand.

Several state personnel saluted Tang Ke and drove away.

"Aren't the spicy rolls back yet?"

The door closed, Tang Ke couldn't help asking.

"They said that they are about to reach the Dragon Country, and they will go directly to the inland." Zhang Yaxuan responded.

"Yeah, that's fine!"

If you don't come back, you can't really come back.


The torrential rain got heavier and heavier, and the typhoon whistled, making the doors and windows crack.

At this moment, the people of Neon Kingdom are in unprecedented panic.

The high-level officials of the Neon Kingdom did not dare to announce the news of the super typhoon. The people themselves read the information on the Internet.

A super typhoon is about to destroy Neon Country!

Even if there is no Neon country destroyed by the typhoon, it will be engulfed by the rolling tsunami!

"How can it be repaired, is my Neon Kingdom going to end?"

"Is there any way for the Prime Minister to deal with this, I don't want to be so easily cool."

"Damn, this tsunami will directly engulf our entire country. Even the power of nature cannot resist it, right?"

"God? I remembered that Tang Ke of the Dragon Kingdom might be able to save us!"

"Quick, the Prime Minister, go and ask Tang Ke for help, save us!"

The people of Neon Country are quite panic, this tsunami is the end of the world for their country.

Now that the typhoon has not completely landed, the turbulent waves have engulfed hundreds of meters of beaches.

If it goes on like this, the Neon Country is really over!

"I understand, please don't panic, I will contact Long Guo Tang Ke and ask him for help."

The Prime Minister of the Neon Kingdom was very anxious at the press conference, and the handkerchief kept wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

Just one line away, he will be crushed by the pressure.

The Prime Minister picked up the holographic mobile phone tremblingly and dialed Tang Ke's number.

He had looked for Longguo before, and wanted Longguo to ask Tang Ke for help.

Today, only the most talented inventors in the world can create technologies to deal with tsunamis.

However, the head of Long Guo said that he did not have the ability to command Tang Ke.

So let the Neon Kingdom find Tang Ke by himself. Whether or not he can invite Tang Ke depends on the chips they give.

So, Tang Ke's contact number came to the Prime Minister of Neon.

beep~ beep~

The phone rang, and the Prime Minister couldn't help holding his breath.

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