My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 223 Neon country's request for help, the prime minister who abandoned the people\r

The sound of the phone dialing came out, and the whole Neon Country was quiet.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when Tang Ke connects, which is about the survival of their country.



Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, the Prime Minister's face suddenly became excited.


Tang Ke answered his call!

As the Prime Minister of the Neon Kingdom, at this moment, he would be so excited because an ordinary person answered his call.

The fate of their country is already in each other's hands.

The first two words are so familiar.

Although the Prime Minister does not understand Chinese characters.

But I definitely understand the three common expressions 'hello', 'thank you' and 'goodbye'.

The Prime Minister was so excited that he didn't know how to speak, and his emotions were still brewing.

However, the voice from behind the other party made the people of the Neon Kingdom fall into an ice cave!

"Hello! I am the origin of artificial intelligence. The master is busy. If you have anything, you can leave me a message."

The voice of the origin was instantly switched from Chinese to Japanese, and the fluent Japanese made the Prime Minister of Neon Country stunned.


It was not Tang Ke who answered the phone, but the origin of artificial intelligence!

The Prime Minister's heart was half cold, but he was still a dead horse and a living horse doctor. He hurriedly said: "I am the Prime Minister of the Neon Kingdom. Please help to tell Tang Ke that we need his help. Can you put him on the phone!"

"Okay~ After the master is busy, I will pass it on. Is there anything else?"

What else is going on?

The Prime Minister didn't know how to answer this.

Is there anything more urgent than this?

Origin's understated response, as if talking about what time to eat tonight.

This is the catastrophe of the country!

"Please inform Tang Ke immediately, please, our country is in crisis now! His help is urgently needed, please! Please!"

The prime minister, who was holding the phone, knelt on the ground on the spot.

Even if you know that Tang Ke can't see it, the origin can't be seen.

But he still knelt humbly on the ground, as if it was an innate habit.

"Okay, I'll tell you, there's nothing wrong, I'll hang up! Dududu~"

On the other end of the phone, Yuan Yuan appeared beside Tang Ke and said, "Master, the Prime Minister of Neon is calling."

"Huh? Prime Minister of Neon Country? I don't know, so I don't answer."

Tang Ke yawned and responded casually.

Continue to watch the holographic movie - "Initial D" with relish.

Lamenting that Origin is really a movie artifact, if Origin is applied to the film and television industry.

Then the old drama bones will be beaten to pieces by the little fresh meat!

The reason why the old drama bones are popular is because their acting skills are in place, and they hang all the embarrassing little fresh meat.

But if Origin joins, the film industry will no longer need acting skills, and only people with good looks can participate.

Then the old drama bones will completely withdraw from the stage!

Tang Ke still feels that the job of an actor is acting, not absolute appearance.

Therefore, he will never let Yuanyuan help the film and television industry to repair facial expressions.

Of course, "Initial D" doesn't count here.

This is a work that Tang Ke used to play, and it can't be regarded as a movie, it's more like a special effects film for entertainment.

Except for the powerful faction Fengzhong, no one else plans to enter the film and television industry.

They will only do this once in their lives.

Tang Ke felt like he was thinking too much!

"Huh? What did the origin say to me just now?"

He suddenly remembered what the previous source seemed to have said to him.

But he was fascinated by the movie, and answered a sentence casually.

It doesn't seem to be anything.

Forget it, don't care~

If it's something important, you can definitely remember it.

Tang Ke smiled happily, and took another look at his "Initial D".

On the Neon Country side, people all over the country are waiting.

But after two hours of waiting, there was no response.

The atmosphere at the scene was deadly, and everyone looked desperate.

Some people have fallen to the ground, their eyes lost color.

Tang Ke ignored their life and death, Neon Country... It's over!

"Tang Ke didn't call us back... Damn people from Longguo, how can we fix it!" A senior executive of the Neon Kingdom collapsed and scolded on the spot.

The tense nerves of the others were also broken at this moment.

"He must have blamed us because of our country's past aggression, and was unwilling to save us!"

"That's what our ancestors did, what does it have to do with us?"

"It's so hateful, Tang Ke is so desperate for us, I'm going to curse him on the Internet!"

"It's all my fault that we didn't face up to history, or even tampered with history. The mistakes we made will be repaid today..."

"God, save us!"

"It's over, our country is completely over, Lord Prime Minister, take us out of the Neon Country!"

Someone rushed to the press conference with a crying voice, hugging the Prime Minister's thigh and crying.

The Prime Minister of Neon Country looked very ugly, but this man's words also woke him up.

If you can't save the country, why don't you just run away?

Although it is impossible to leave by plane on such a rainy day, the ship can!

Before the typhoon officially arrives, the ship still has a chance to survive!

Thinking of this, the Prime Minister of Neon Kingdom forcibly calmed down.

He said to everyone in the audience and the people watching the live broadcast: "Everyone, please don't panic, since Tang Ke is not willing to help us, then we will save ourselves!"

"I will let people arrange ships, so that every citizen of the Neon Kingdom will leave the Neon Kingdom alive and retreat before the typhoon arrives!"

Retreat shit!

Although he said so on his lips, he was ready in his heart and only took his family to leave.

As for the people of the Neon Kingdom, it depends on their respective reaction speeds.

The lucky ones can squeeze into the ship, the unfortunate ones can only accompany this homeland and disappear together!

Where are there so many ships in the country?

Although the population of Neon Country is not large, the number of ships is not enough to accommodate everyone.

He will say such a sentence here, just to wake up some smart people.

As long as you have a good mind, you will know that you should go to the ship immediately at this time, instead of watching the live news at home.

After the Prime Minister finished speaking, he stepped down in a hurry.

Ready to take the family on board and leave.

As for where to go?

Of course, it is the Asian continent, no matter what country it is, as long as it is connected to the inland, it is a safe place.

No country will limit him to the sea and not allow him to go ashore.

Especially the Dragon Kingdom, a country with love.

As long as he can land on the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, the head of the Dragon Kingdom will definitely give him a chance to live!

Super typhoons not only landed in Neon Country, but there are also super typhoons on the other side of the earth.

The landing site is the Northland!

They encountered not only typhoons and tsunamis, but also tornadoes that appeared directly on the road!

The sea water was swept into the sky by more than a dozen tornadoes, as if a giant dragon was sucking the sea water in the clouds.

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