My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 227 The Floating Building Project, the Origin of Shen\r

The female reporter stood on the spot with her mobile phone in her hand, wondering what she was thinking, and was dazed.

"It was Tang Ke... who saved us..."

She murmured softly, but it was heard by many neon people around her.

They walked up to the reporter and watched the barrage across the live broadcast equipment.

For a while, they were also stunned in place.

Last night their prime minister asked Tang Ke for help and got no response.

In desperation, the Prime Minister chose to abandon the people and leave by boat.

From that moment on, Neon Country is no longer a country, but a land without owners.

The people here have no choice but to bathe in the torrential rain and wait for death to come.

However, what I never expected was that it was at the juncture of life and death.

A blue light broke through the sky, slicing the sky and the sea in half, and easily dispelled the tsunami.

Let the remaining 40 million people survive!

Although houses collapsed, land was flooded.

But the moment the sun shines, they seem to be reborn.

"Tang Ke...he is the god who saved me!"

"Is it really Tang Ke? Even the Prime Minister abandoned us, but he didn't. He is obviously not related to us."

"It's actually him! Have we all misunderstood him? It turns out that he did not despise life, but was doing preparations, but we mistakenly thought he hated us."

"That Dragon Country genius! He actually chose to help us..."

The Neon people were shocked, Tang Ke put down the national hatred and saved them selflessly.


Is this the demeanor of a great country, even if their Neon ancestors made mistakes.

In the face of life, Tang Ke still chooses to help.

The Neon people were extremely ashamed of their previous misunderstanding.

At this moment, they feel like they are healed.

They got it!

In front of a real big country, their behavior and attitude are so petty.

For a time, all the survivors turned to Tang Ke's direction, bowed and saluted, and kept shouting words of thanks.

Tang Ke, who was watching the live broadcast, wanted to say: "No, saving you all is just incidental, don't think too much."

The typhoon and tsunami just entered the shooting range, so Tang Ke let ten railguns fire together.

As long as the typhoon and tsunami enter the shooting range, even if it is not in the Neon country, he will still fire.

After all, it's about whether Tang Ke's house will be flooded.

"It seems that the house on the ground is unreliable. Why don't you get a sky fortress?"

Tang Ke touched his chin and suddenly had a bold idea.

Now that he has an anti-gravity device, he can not only get skateboards and cars up.

And let the house fly!

Just need to find the fulcrum that supports the house to fly, and then push it with Ke energy, the huge house can be lifted into the air.

As for the hidden basement...

So far, is there any need to hide it?

Tang Ke already has railguns, although they can't pose a threat to any location in the world.

But his technology level is enough to protect himself and lead the world.

After a while, after his space-based weapon is created, he will stand on the top of the world!

The more Tang Ke thought about it, the more feasible it was: "Origin, list the overall model of the house, and calculate the plan to make the house fly."

"Okay, data processing is in progress."

"Let the house fly?" Zhang Yaxuan, who was sitting next to her, looked stunned.

How can I watch a live broadcast and still watch it, thinking of making the house fly?

This brain circuit is really new.

The eyes she looked at Tang Ke were full of love.

Every time Tang Ke's sudden actions, not only will not make Zhang Yaxuan feel strange, but find it very interesting.

"Oh, I just don't feel safe on the ground, either an earthquake or a tsunami, or even a volcanic eruption or something, so I want to move the house into the air."

Tang Ke chuckled: "You think, if the house flies into the air, it doesn't need to be too high, it can remove a lot of trouble, or in other words, there is no trouble at all!"

If his house was floating from the beginning, there would be no such thing as Dong Kaile's intrusion, let alone earthquakes and tsunamis.

As for the mode of travel, there is no inconvenience problem with smart flying cars.

In the future, the development direction of the house may be facing the sky, or even space!

The space in the sky is too vast, and human beings have not yet mastered the ability to develop the resources of the sky.

If Tang Ke is born, the sky house will once again promote the development of science and technology on the earth.

A model of Tang Ke's house appeared on the holographic projection screen. The most astonishing thing was the basement of his house.

If it is turned upside down, it can become a 100-meter-high super building.

This is only the height, if the width is included, the floor area exceeds his super ecological building.

No one would have thought that a house with only more than 1,000 square meters.

To have such a huge underground laboratory!

A large amount of data flickers and changes on the projection screen.

Origins simulates Ke Energy's connection to anti-gravity devices, and installs anti-gravity devices on each fulcrum.

It only took one episode of anime, and Origin listed the requirements for the construction of the floating building one by one.

Floating success rate is 100%!

Now the origin has reached level 2.7, which is not far from the origin of the third level.

But the further back you go, the more difficult it is to upgrade the origin.

If the origin reaches the third level, it will have all the emotions of human beings.

The behavior will also be more human-oriented, such as letting her enter the simulated robot body.

Humans will not be able to distinguish whether they are human or robot.

Tang Ke took a look at the floating building designed by Yuanyuan.

It has anti-gravity devices installed in many places to ensure that the house can be lifted 100% smoothly.

Centering on the Ke Energy Reactor, transmits energy to each anti-gravity device.

The reason for having multiple antigravity devices is to prevent damage to one or two of them.

There are multiple anti-gravity devices that can handle a variety of emergencies.

Origin is even behind each anti-gravity device, with backup anti-gravity devices in place.

Even the Ke Energy Reactor, Origin recommends making two more.

In addition to providing energy to force field shields, rail guns, etc., it is also to prevent accidents.

"Good guy, as expected of the origin of my creation, he is even more stubborn than me... ah no, he is more cautious than me, thinking about things so thoughtfully, admire! Admire!"

The origin of Shen is well deserved!

Tang Ke felt that he was cautious, just like a pediatrician.

He did not expect so many things, after all, there is no existence on earth that can threaten his existence.

The force field shield is something that can block even a nuclear bomb.

But the way of thinking about Origin is different. She only thinks about how to be foolproof, and she will not take it lightly.

Origin's behavior also awakened Tang Ke.

Recently, due to the strength of his own technology, he gradually began to despise Earth technology.

This kind of mentality is unacceptable, but it is fortunate that I reflect on it in time.

Otherwise, it will definitely overturn one day.

And in addition to earth technology, there is also alien technology!

In this vast universe, it is absolutely impossible that there is only life on the earth.

Tang Ke had no idea what the level of alien technology had reached.

If you dare to be proud of this little success, you will definitely be taught a painful lesson by alien civilizations.

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