My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 228 The Mystery of the Missing Ship\r

Tang Ke remembered that he had seen a work in his last life, and it was described in it.

That is, after human beings have space battleships in the future, they are so arrogant that they do not take the Trisolaran in their eyes.

As a result, a droplet detector of Trisolaran easily smashed the human space fleet into complete annihilation!

Tang Ke dare not have any underestimation of alien civilization.

These technologies developed by myself have not even gone out into space.

How can you be proud of this?

In the face of unknown civilization, it is better to be cautious and cautious.

Tang Ke readjusted his mentality and completely extinguished the flame of pride.

When he came back to his senses, Zhang Yaxuan next to him lightly opened his red lips and looked at the holographic projection screen with interest.

"What's wrong, what makes you so curious?" Tang Ke asked.

Zhang Yaxuan smiled and pointed to the holographic projection screen, but did not answer.

Tang Ke looked at the live broadcast, and the survivors were shouting at the camera in the live broadcast room.

Then collectively knelt down and kowtowed, as if worshiping the gods.

Through the translation function, we can see that what they shouted is roughly.

The Neon Kingdom became a land of no-owners, and they were willing to give this land to Tang Ke and named it the land of the gods.

Tang Ke will be the owner of this divine soil from now on.

This decision was an important decision made by Neon people through online voting when Tang Ke watched anime and other origins.

Although the rainstorm hits, the mobile phone is still an item that does not leave the body.

Coupled with the waterproof function of mobile phones now, it still works.

The remaining more than 40 million people realized that at this moment, their country had already existed in name only.

Although it is called the Neon Country, the national personnel have followed the Prime Minister and left together on the ship.

Now the dragons are headless, and only one third of the land remains.

The Neon Kingdom has become a borderless land, and they need a leader to lead them.

So, people with organizational skills came up with an amazing decision.

Bring all the survivors and this land to join Tang Ke!

After a battle between heaven and man, they finally agreed to this plan.

If it wasn't for Tang Ke's shot, they would be dead at this moment.

It was Tang Ke who brought them back to life without being engulfed by the tsunami.

This continent has been preserved, thanks to Tang Ke.

"Good guy, are you so impulsive?" Tang Ke asked stunned.

Not to mention whether these people have the right to send land, their behavior alone is definitely an impulsive behavior.

From being prepared to die, to surviving unexpectedly.

This kind of turbulent mentality of transcending tribulation makes it difficult for them to stabilize their emotions.

But they may have thought more deeply. After all, the high-level officials of the Neon Country have all run away, and the Neon Country has been swallowed up by the tsunami.

The remaining one-third of the neon country has no national protection.

If you don't find someone to protect it, this place will soon become the territory of another country.

Instead of passively waiting for the territory to be occupied, it is better to take the initiative to seek refuge.

At least Tang Ke looks very reliable and is their savior.

"These people are really interesting, do you have any idea, don't come out to express it?" Zhang Yaxuan smiled lightly.

Tang Ke touched his chin, whether to accept the remaining Neon Kingdom territory, he still needs to think carefully.

Otherwise, it will cause a lot of trouble.

"Origin, where is the Prime Minister of Neon now?"

"According to the information, the Prime Minister and high-level officials of the Neon Country left the Neon Country yesterday, but there is no news of any ships arriving from any country." Yuan Yuan replied.

"Didn't arrive in any country? It shouldn't be, I left last night, and I must have gone ashore in one night."

Tang Ke raised his brows, feeling a little strange.

Could it be that the ship overturned in the torrential rain?

"Open the satellite record from last night and show it to me."



Last night's satellite footage showed that from the time the giant ship went out to sea, the satellite passed through the heavy rain, and the camera image followed the giant ship.

More than a dozen giant ships sailed at a constant speed on the sea.

The heavy rain fell heavily on the deck of the giant ship, making a rattling sound.

They swayed forward in the vast sea, surrounded by endless darkness.

The lights on the giant ship are like fireflies, fragile.

The typhoon blew the waves, and from time to time waves rushed onto the giant ship, and the passengers inside were shaking in panic.

Tang Ke frowned, such a storm is not suitable for sailing!

Is it really sinking?

The projection screen played at an accelerated rate until four in the morning, when Yuanyuan suddenly returned the screen to its normal speed.

"Master, I found that the picture starts from here. The picture is blurred by the waves and heavy rain, and many clips are obscured by the waves and heavy rain."

As the sound of origin fell, the rainstorm in the picture got bigger and bigger.

Even the satellite detection was a little difficult to see, and the lights of the giant ship became a little dim, and flickered a few times from time to time.

Tang Ke noticed something was wrong, he turned on the holographic projection directly, and stood over the scene.

In the next second, a wave surged up from both sides of the giant ship.

It seems to have a regular pattern, engulfing more than ten giant ships at the same time!

The satellite was only shot from a bird's-eye view, and Tang Ke could not observe it from other directions.

Can only watch more than a dozen giant ships, covered by the waves.

When the waves sank, more than a dozen ships also disappeared!

This strange scene made Tang Ke frown.

He waved a gesture, paused the screen, and switched to thermal imaging.

His pupils shrank suddenly, playing the backward screen at a slow speed,

Hundreds of thermal imaging figures slowly rise from the depths of the sea...

The screen returns to the normal speed before the giant ship was engulfed.

This time, the thermal imaging picture is presented.

At the moment when the waves engulfed the giant ship again, hundreds of thermal imaging figures were like falling from a building.

At an amazing speed, quickly sink to the bottom of the sea!

This completely subverted Tang Ke's perception of shipwrecks.

Even if the tsunami engulfs the giant ship, it is impossible to sink to the bottom of the sea so quickly, which completely violates the laws of physics.

Water is buoyant, how could it be like falling from a building.

Suddenly fell from the sea to the bottom of the sea, and finally disappeared!

Zhang Yaxuan, who was sitting beside her, also saw this strange scene: "What's the situation? They seem to be pulled into the seabed by something. Could it be swallowed by a whale?"

Tang Ke shook his head: "It's not like, whales don't have such a fast speed, and the satellites did not capture the appearance of whales."

"Should there be any sea beasts?"

"Sea beast... This thing shouldn't exist..."

Tang Ke said with some uncertainty, he was initially negative about sea beasts.

But on second thought, this thing seems to have been unknown all along.

It is true that some unknown marine creatures have appeared all over the world.

However, human beings have too little exploration of the ocean. Maybe there are some large marine creatures that directly swallow or pull down the giant ship?

Tang Ke rewinds the screen again and turns on the night vision function to play the screen again.

This time he focused on the eerie wave because it seemed to be regular.

In other words, like being manipulated!

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