My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 229 Lord of the Divine Land\r

Is there any technology in the world that can control sea water?

Maybe, but the current Tang Ke can't do it.

Two rhythmic waves, maintaining the same frequency, rushed directly towards more than a dozen giant ships.

The passengers in the ship were all terrified, and their expressions were exactly the same as when the Neon people faced the death tsunami just now.

At this moment, Tang Ke suddenly saw that there seemed to be a dark shadow in the waves, passing by in a flash.

Appearance and disappearance of shadows, the time interval is very short.

Tang Ke doubted whether he had read it wrong.

"Origin, play frame by frame!"

Origin heard the words, immediately replayed the picture again, and controlled the playback of the picture frame by frame.

Finally freeze on a key frame.

The moment they saw this scene, not only Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan were stunned, they didn't even think of the origin.

A strange figure appeared in the ocean, as if standing on the steps, holding something.

The shadow was distorted by the rough waves, and the surroundings were too dim.

No matter how the origin was analyzed, it was impossible to parse out what the dark shadow in the waves was.

"What is this? It doesn't look like a fish, and it can't be a human. It seems to be controlling these waters."

Zhang Yaxuan walked around the holographic screen and carefully observed the shadow.

"There were only two frames, it appeared for a moment and then disappeared immediately." Tang Ke touched his chin, lost in thought.

"Could it be just the shadow of the man on the giant ship, the oolong created because of the angle?"

"It shouldn't, this shadow is in the water no matter how you look at it."

"But in the thermal imaging perspective, there is nothing."

Tang Ke's eyes flickered, vaguely grasping some key clues, "There is another possibility that he can survive in the sea, it may be that his body temperature is too low, so he was not detected by thermal imaging!"

Zhang Yaxuan blinked and said uncertainly, "Low body temperature? Even if the fish emits heat, doesn't this thing emit no heat at all?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a new species." Tang Ke chuckled.

This was more of a joke, and he didn't take it seriously.

That trace of clues was completely extinguished by his own joke.

I didn't understand the relationship between the shadow and the waves, and I didn't understand why more than ten giant ships were sinking so fast.

But one thing is certain, all the high-level neon countries have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

The Neon Country has become a subjugated country, and the rest of the land is indeed a no-man's land!

Tang Ke tapped his fingers and obtained all the holographic mobile phones and AR glasses in the old neon country.

Through the simultaneous projection of multiple devices, a huge image is formed and appears in front of the neon people.

"Hello, I'm Tang Ke. I heard that you are going to give me this piece of land and name it Divine Land."

Tang Ke sat on the sofa and said softly, his voice was automatically converted into Japanese by Origin.

Seeing the appearance of the main lord, all the neon people froze and hurriedly straightened their postures.

Many places were submerged by sea water, and they were all standing upstairs, even on the roof.

The more outrageous person is the moment when he sees Tang Ke in a rowing boat.

Some were kneeling, some were lying on the ground, and some were bowing their heads.

Anyway, how low the posture is.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally the plan proposer came out.

"Yes, we are willing to give the divine soil to Mr. Tang Ke!" The neon representative bowed.

His voice was also converted into Chinese and reached Tang Ke's ears.

"If that's the case, then I will be the master of your divine soil from now on. What's your name?"

"My name is Kato Taka!"

"Ah this..."

Tang Ke looked embarrassed, but he didn't expect this person to have the same name as a big guy with the hand of God.

He coughed lightly and said, "Taka Kato, right? I ordered you to be the temporary manager of this time and organize the remaining Neon people to deal with this flood."

"The rainstorm will continue for a while. Your mission is to survive. When I'm free, I'll pick you up."

Tang Ke glanced at the weather forecast, and the rainstorm did not end there.

The dark clouds over the Neon Country are gradually approaching, ready to block the sun again.

The misty drizzle began to fall, gradually turning into light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain...

"Also, don't call yourself Neon people in the future. The giant ship of your Neon Prime Minister was submerged by the sea last night, and Neon Country no longer exists."

"From now on, you will be the people of Divine Land, and I will be your leader."

Tang Ke directly informed the people of the world about the death of the Prime Minister of Neon.

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar again.

These neon people, no, even the gods and natives couldn't help being stunned.

Prime Minister Neon actually died in the sea...

Is this just evil?

To deceive the people, to leave alone, and thus to be accepted by God?

"Deserved! A person like him is not worthy of being the head of a country!"

"God opened his eyes and took this guy away."

"This is the consequence of abandoning the people, karma!"

When the people of the land of God heard this news, not to mention how happy they were.

Don't look at them all staying here calmly, as if accepting death calmly.

But who really wants to die?

If they had a choice, they all wanted to go on living and live a hot life.

They were quite disappointed and chilled at the behavior of Prime Minister Neon.

If you leave with such a prime minister, will there really be a future?

It is because of this emotion that they gave up hope of life.

When I heard that the Prime Minister had an accident, everyone was scolding him right now.

"Okay, let's work hard to live next, learn more Chinese when you have time, I don't want to rely on an interpreter to speak to you."

After speaking, Tang Ke turned off the holographic projection.

He didn't care too much about these neon people who had taken refuge in them.

Why these people choose to rely on him, Tang Ke is very clear in his heart.

In addition to being grateful, it is nothing more than Tang Ke's outstanding ability and can not be controlled by the state.

Taking refuge in Tang Ke is equivalent to not taking refuge in any country.

The most important thing is that Tang Ke has too many black technologies, and his future has infinite possibilities.

But Tang Ke is not stupid, he doesn't really believe them just because they say they want to join forces.

It will not help them wholeheartedly.

Tang Ke will only let these Shentu people find a way to survive, and when they survive, they will conduct follow-up investigations.


After the super tsunami was washed away, the aftermath of the tsunami surged towards the Dragon Kingdom.

The clouds that had been blasted away by the orbital cannons gathered together again, and it was pouring rain.

The previous sunshine was only a brief moment.

The earth fell into darkness again, bathed in torrential rain and enjoying the wind.

There is no means of blasting tsunamis and typhoons on the northern side.

Many buildings were destroyed by the typhoon, and coastal areas were engulfed by the tsunami.

The people were miserable and could only do everything they could to flee inland by car.

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